Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, July 28, 2012

120728 03:37 greed
What we need is more obscene greed right here in America --xoj

this date & day 10:35 attending to a week's worth of dishes, the months old laundry can wait -- I listened to NPR my broadcast news resource while washing and drying. I sense there is hope, controlling only myself, I sense in times of despair -- seldom -- that we must stand up and demand accountability. Have the Congressional record on the Web, who voted for what and then recall them by popular vote every time they fuck the pooch; BATTA BING! No more health care they deny us, jail terms for those who lied, confiscation of all property automatic homelessness. Recall all politicians with over $750,00o in current income. Take back America for, by, of, the People . . . too many new millionaires in the congress of baboons where did it come from?

“A man may fulfill the object of his existence by asking a question he cannot answer, and attempting a task he cannot achieve.” --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Wish I could relax and read a book every time i do my mind fragments into stars the first few words
My paean to women of color not exactly inspired by the dream preceding it but at the moment of writing I began to sense what I'm about. What's happening to me is both expansive and extruding removing my ego since I think we're about to lose the world as we know it and the entire species we call human. Oh GOD! Hope I'm wrong don't want to wear the blood of innocents killed before their life or living hung on The Supreme Court Doors with their teddy bears stuffing falling out.

However you slice and dice the human condition as we know it now: 4 ways Meyer's-Brigs/C. G. Jung or 9 ways The Enneagram once you know your "Type" you can begin to balance it into equality.

My point being that while I've owned German Cars I still consider them wrapped in the flesh of Jews. At the moment I'm thinking they're wonderful thinkers plus a few like Goethe & J. S. Bach romantics but mostly excellent at building death machines like concentration camps and crematoria; not evil as such but merely imbalanced between all the functions possible to them and I've not invoked the four letter word so obscene NAZI 

Yet we of USa did the same thing with the native Americans from whom we stole their land, religion, food and are currently keeping them in concentration camps just like the NAZIs depriving them of education food water arable land enslaved by discrimination perpetually. It all stared with lunatic Puritans who hated Habeas Corpus just like the pervious Republican Administration . . . you know the guys who want your face to examine on Facebook or anywhere they can steal & use it in front of Focus Groups. So when ever I see an American anything I remember it best as covered in the flesh of African-Americans & Red Men who built this place along side Chinese immigrants think cars wrapped in black flesh and buildings with Indians Red in their bones and how many buried in the Hoover Dam.

I know this because I'm curious and nosy about everything WTF I'm a journalist unlike the propagandist FOX TV and anything Rupert Murdock touches Mr. Snark, Gloat and Smirk while he listens into the grief of mothers and fathers mourning a daughter raped, cut up in little pieces and buried somewhere unknowable.

Leadership is not do what I say, not what I do, it feeds the troops first and if nothing's left goes hungry. Leading by example -- Harry Truman comes to mind; "The Buck stops here." Dwight D. said to avoid what you are yet there you are with you pants at you ankles receiving what you need to get reelected; addicted to power indeed and practice.

I am nothing but a registered voter intending to return to no party affiliation since I know both sides of the isle complicit in economic terrorism.

My point is: Inspiration, what breaths me, is not poetry, quotes, novels or The Bible, but just listening to what people honestly say; laugh at and about. Coupled with what & why they are willing to die for. 

A report from Munchkin Land we're just Poor Fucking Civilians; your bosses' and were going to eat you for lunch . . . sometimes at role-play I'm Judas or Job just for fun.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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