Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

120725 0403 sometimes

The "myth" of Sisyphus
At times I'm the rock
other times I'm the sand
in my mouth as the rock rolls over me
again & again it's play for me to be played with

Beware of me I am devious and love being so
Since in time my best teacher the torturer dear old Mom
I could beguile and confuse her smirking inside as I say of others so I was and still am Mr. Gloat & Smirk the jerk!

Why 'Jerk'? Well what I can I say of or about myself? 1st is the simple fact that I adore my perceptions of people places and things . . . He was from Arkansas looked like the Sling Blade victim and would say to me "I can strip you and dick you so fast you'll never know it happened" It was a mantra of his said at lightening speed and I was then at eighteen modestly or moderately offended not knowing why? But at that I've been hit on by more men then women a lamentable circumstance though out my "life?" And now that it draws nigh this death of mine I have no fear since it is not theory but experience that the Author of me is greater than anything I describe and at that I still at night walk amongst the stars kicking solar systems with my bare toes 2nd I am of course completely insane like Jonathan Winters our subtle kindness making people laugh at me he or themselves is our game 3rd The devil's got nothing on me not even god my playmates in the sandbox of eternity 4th I love a woman so hard that I might eat her alive and then she'd be no more a nothing but a previous dream of ecstasy 5th I misapprehend even the simplest of parables seeing things never intended but discovered and digested as something else . . . perhaps I'm the swine eating myself? 6th I would contend with God for my child's lives even the one gone despising me but perhaps maybe not I aggrandize myself since I'll never know loving my ignorance 7th I am swifter than the particle accelerator but it is impossible to take a self portrait of me zooming so I traffic in the faces of others those I know better as scribbled upon by Father/Mother God and I without boast can enter the soul of you pull your spine pick my teeth and put it all back together and you won't know what happened unit the images spit out of the slot as you part the black curtains of Granny Smith's nickel masturbator of Tom Swift, Dad and me laughing in the mercantile penny arcade the cancer of consumption we've become the Hardy Boys, Inc. selling death wholesale who cares? 8th my favorite scenario The Gong Show the guy with the plate glass his lips pressed against the megaphone making farting noises like all politicians like my baby half-brother Commander Stephen Norman Spratt whom I early on simply out of intuition and sensing and feeling began  thinking of him spontaneously as The Great Commander Chuck E. Cheese the wolverine of greed who can survive on the toe cheese in your eyes 9th Station when I receive you in Hades I'll give you very special assignments a tuition for which though you stole mine, my son's, my daughter's you will never end the payments for 10th station a sophist am I trained by mom's random attacks you never knew her did you? I'm worse. No geek am I biting the heads of chickens but something else biting your head off and putting it back so fast you'll think of Woodstock an epic of child's play or merely you da mouse & I da cat why because I like being the mouse and you da cat.

No more stations of the cross you crossed me and I adore fucking with you have a nice eternity OFU! well maybe it should be OGFU? In closing I remember calling Randy 'you little fart' to which he eventually said "what say Big Fart!?" You my little shit Commander Stephen Norman Spratt the minutia of mouse shit do not deserve to live. . . .at the very least you should change your name to Mr. Me a Putz

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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