Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, July 21, 2012

120721 16:07 Naomi Judd

Grace has touched me in many ways and the humiliating part is that instead of desiring their company, once or many times, 'in bed or congress', the women I've known know me better for my interest in their minds and souls. That is if they remember me at all – not desired; a near terminal desire to be forgotten.

I remain in awe of the fluid nature of women versus the rigidity of men and by this not woman’s lubricity and man’s erections but their ability to beguile in costume or the absence of grooming.

A brief aside regarding the best friend of my life unrecognized until his absence my biological father who said; “imagine her taking a shit.” Regarding my waxing poetic about one or more or many towards whom I referred not in lust be merely admiration for their beauty for which obviously I have a fatal attraction.

That said, as a reviewer of books, mostly photographic, Jacques Henri Lartigue remains one of my (ATF) All Time Favorites since he photographed mostly his family intimately. She was I believe one of his cousins who ginning joyously enthroned upon porcelain her ball gown raised above knees clutched decorously celebrating his attention exactly as dad had proposed/suggested.

I have yet to understand my vision of people. At times, as with Randy, my intuition of his death, he asleep in his mothers arms, pieta like, what I once saw in a dream floating in the void of blackest space. And not he, Randy & Mother, alone but several or many times less memorable and/or terrifying in others. I am accustomed to seeing the child in the crone and visaversa I can hardly be accused of child molestation or even imagining such a thing yet I sense that a growing number of people would like me dead. If so I can assure them that I am legion merely a graduate from being beaten nearly so.

Exactly how or why I sat having lunch with Naomi Judd escapes me now. The conversation, most memorable in detail and intimacy, never. Not simply for her astonishing beauty but her kindness and grace as I told her of my heritage—not the abuse but our common experience of poverty in Kentucky where mom & my daughter Jahna are buried; each of us have part of our hearts there.

Of Ashley, another beauty I admire for her grit, acting and friendship with Morgan Freeman who I have for long remembered as a cast member I photographed at Brown University in a play regarding the Revolutionary War. Never contacted him to affirm or deny. Astonished am I the wonderful people I've been exposed to. Neither Ashley or Morgan only by their acting known.

Am I name dropping?


I am attempting to illustrate the depths possible in all of us who seek the soul of a person and not their celebrity which like beauty passes with time but the soul remains ever glorious those who give I admire and those who take I ignore.

Photography drew me away from the isolation of painting, sculpture and music socializing me to an extraordinary extent. I am more blest than I can remember at times.

In closing just noticed Mr. Freeman gave $1 million to pro-Obama Super PAC. I was once a constituent of the president in Illinois and sent him $50.00 which I could then ill afford and now lacking anything more than pinto beans to donate; I will mention that I have a friend who knew him in Chicago during his neighborhood organization days – he can have my life if he needs it otherwise I'll ignore Milt Romney as the fraud he is. . . . tithe to Mormon's while raping the rest of us.

I know the heart of darkness when I see it.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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