Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, July 21, 2012

120721 10:39 accelerator

The Creator of Everything most often spoken of as “God”, 2nd title or honorific, “Father”, really never worked for me. The deeper I plunge into the fetid and sometimes glorious waters of my psyche I discovered that I never really had a Father/Dad but a friend who I presume by myth and experience and imagining I choose to be my dad. There are various 'myths' about what happens when die and the greatest of them regards Jesus = The Resurrection. The second 'myth' is reincarnation about which I sense both are not only possible but doable by “God” of course. Jesus was destroyed, at least his body then, by the ruling authorities – I don't want to break this stream of thought so won't to give verifiable attribution so LOOK IT UP! I don't like thinkers who flog theology – especially those who deny the innate divinity of all mankind especially women.

The people who flimflammed the crucifixion were Teachers and Lawyers keepers of the then known or knowable “truth”. It could very well be that the prophecies describing His ascendancy – please follow me closely here – were, with good intention, manipulated to excuse their crime. If I am more Jewish than Christian it is because in a dream my mouth was branded with the Jerusalem = The City of Peace, not. Cross I don't have an illustration so I'll describe it: one large central cross surrounded by four smaller: cardinal points of the compass; the four principal Gospels and the number four is the principal symbol of completion – or why Jung was so excited by the divinity or elevation of The Virgin Mary to the Godhead no longer three but four . . .

I have learned that the act of writing, at least for me, is best exercised by walking away dong menial tasks and returning with a refreshed point of view. What and why I write is not from my ego but for us . . .

--Daniel Webster
"Human beings will generally exercise power when they can get it, and they will exercise it most undoubtedly in popular governments under pretense of public safety."

"Justice, sir, is the great interest of man on earth. It is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together."

"Let us never forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization."

. . . We the people of the world none so grand as those who pretend to defend our rights are being herded like lemmings to the intentions of our representatives who kiss our babies and posteriors when they want to pretend the need us to get elected then kiss the ass of those who pay for their election/reelection. Thus we are never represented but actually controlled by a few who steal our lives for their pleasure. Think dominance and submission to demigods, or, sadist and masochist . . . think what you must or will this is my sense of the situation and the cause of the failure of our world economy. My thesis is that addiction to power is more not enough never enough for the identity of people who fear staving to death; their ego.

I am concerned not for myself but you individually. The methodology works: all are called but few respond and to those who do respond more is given and in giving away the power of whatever you define “God” to be most certainly not the ability to do harm. More & more is given – peace and grace.

I like goats they're fun to play with but not to give the justice implicit in Mr. Websters quotes above.

e.g. We, according to my friend Walt Whitford, a retired biology professor, receiving, in friendship from former students, information from employees of the Environmental Protection Agency their being fired or pink slipped and their laboratories either underfunded or closed. Add to which according to him we are 3 Billion People and growing over capacity of the world's ability to sustain.

Do you enjoy tuna fish? They will soon be fished to extinction in possibly the next decade, the sea dead in two or three. Add to which we as a Nation have the most arable land largest supply of potable water in the world – Russia, China and India given their population are our next probable problem while our population dwindles theirs multiplies like cancer. They and Saudi Arabia and Exxon own us due to our dependence upon petroleum.

I don't believe God will intervene the extinction of mankind since in faith God gave us Free Will . . . have a nice life. The only constant is change to conserve the planet and population must be addressed. Please pray for us as the family of mankind . . . woman kind.

What I am concerned about is mass suicide and am not seditious regardless of the conservative posture of selfishness institutionalized by law. God is not a predator we are.

To close: I am nothing: not Christian or Jew or Buddhist or Doaist or Muslim or whatever ism you follow or idolize. Jesus was a pain in the sit down and remains a revolutionary. I'm tired of dodging Sports Utility Vehicles driven by people talking, texting or sexting on cellular telephones; merely the unconscionable rudeness of the arrogant and wana-pretend wealthy . . . emblematic of all institutions who kill more but never enough people. To keep a sustainable balance for us to live within. Love is not reproduction but friendship.

--Martin Luther King Jr., Dr.
"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live."
"America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, can well lead the way in this revolution of values. There is nothing, except a tragic death wish, to prevent us from reordering our priorities,"

Happy 15th Maddy with whom I am quite madly in love; sorry girl I didn't leave you a better world to live in.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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