Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

120718 22:13 justice for women?

She sat before me for a lengthy time unusual in a woman's prison for a man even a journalist. Emotionless she told me the tale of her fate, life of endless confinement, she'd burned her husband sleeping in bed yet alive before the embers smoldering.

Is there justice anywhere for women in our time or before so long ago when they ruled? To love is to give yourself completely as gift with no recompense expected. I have known many who would. I then thought love me for the self not a title as lover, husband, father yet in time I came to know myself as significant as a gnat fart in a typhoon. To them. To my parents To all others ignored transparent taken for granted as fresh air. & to myself

If I know and love myself I need no other to tell me so now. I've read that this estate is somewhat like the Kingdom of God immutable, royal, a cause, untouchable to it self sovereign: object/subject, to no one, nothing feared – free.

And so it followed knowing my history and hers now fixed unjustly I said nothing while weeping for her then and in my heart though I can no longer remember her name, only her still resigned face, placid without raindrops falling in the reflecting pond.

A Zen experience of submission to what?

I am not God, not the Messiah not even a wannabe cleric or priest yet upon hearing the voice of reason for all women not simply the Sisters Religious to whom I owe my soul, via The Mercy Sisters of Rhode Island and one in particular Sister Kieran Flynn at whose grave I knelt and wept my last parting before running away again. And for whom I bear stigmata in my heart forevermore awakened by

. . . returning to the thread being “I am not”

At best I might be marginally a fruit fly about God like the Holy Roman Catholic Church adored and beloved because I so Loved Her Loving me and teaching me what true divinity is . . . could my understanding love be awry?

It is a heart ever glowing larger in an attempt to never spill one drop the precious blood bestowed in this maelstrom of murder this typhoon of blood racing tsunami like around and around the communion of greed & fear. I know the power of love never having had it before a virgin ravaged by The King swooning sighing enraptured my entrails ripped out resurrected to give birth again.


If so then why do I write when no one reads anything? I would by choice disappear anonymous in love am I with Love itself.

Dear Pope watch your 6=180=backside the time is now for women to be priest too. It is impossible to walk with one leg forward into what lies ahead.

Closing prayer:

having worn a cassock or two in my time of faux divinity or the lesser of divines. Simply for the hell of it I'd remind you the transvestites used to wear the flesh of the truly divine back then still bleeding. Maybe I'm a curmudgeon or snark but I think popping the pimple of your ego as grooming.

I think Rumi does God better than anyone I've ever read or prayed to. Maybe instead of John Jack or Jacob I like the butterfly Ali i'll call myself Mustafa? . . . forgive me my trespass You of Many Names Unknowable save as a self proclaimed adorable; or merely love

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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