Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

120718 15:53 random conjecture

If as I fear neither life nor death dying in sleep and then resurrected incarnated differently not me but the world seen more clearly and I so adore day by day more the author of all things this world more not mine but his my Shepard the Lion and I his lambkin & if by Him I am touched then the better for us who being sheep not goats are the last in line become the first. Meek?

Be kind doing no harm since we are the people of him who though powerful is gentle forgiving even those who slay us with their due attention.

No threat but promise.

Have not pity but empathy for those who are criminal are most criminal towards themselves settling for little when they could have it all the glory within. Sometimes known as heaven versus hell.

Where do I go from here? Where would you like to go? Into yourself infinite or dance with the stars? I mean the TV show not the reality swirling above our recumbent minds slumbering in life until we die for real.

Reading the runes and ruins of my life I see yours more easily than one would imagine and though I know how a pearl becomes such I would not only cast it before your bifurcated feet but crush it into fairy dust to sprinkle upon you noble or ignoble self that you know the love God has for us. All life, this pretty green planet becoming gray like the moon pocked. It is enough this Free Will we have since God has not hands and no revisionist motives. Though we live in the beyond the beyond all you see is what you get.

Initially I had a vague thought to address Papal infallibility: to do what I say because I said it period.  Authority is vacated by apology or a requests for forgiveness. Tending to revert under duress to The Wizard of Oz very frightened and shouting louder. This may well be on any level real or imaginary but I was once asked; “What does it mean that upon seeing The Buddha I should kill him?” A definitive answer is, of course, impossible but my sense is that if one claims divinity they are false and already dead. Simply a dead person walking and talking. Perhaps the explanation of our current fascination with the Living Dead otherwise know as Zombies.

It is irrelevant to me that Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo were by repute homosexual. A person free of any fear to follow their thoughts to the terminus or final supper surely will realize that touch is required in order to live and sexual intercourse merely a part, a facet, of friendship, a season, or spice, a tincture of love.

I am frequently late to water aerobics. That activity is required now to ease the frissons of pain vagrantly leaping like flames from place to place upon the sagging bag containing me this biodegradable soon to go Home again. So if I speak of men as beautiful it is merely an extension not of desire but of seeing God manifest in flesh more comely than mine. Possessed of many talents mostly visual a few incarnated lending fleeting moments of ecstasy leading to a minor genius; seeing the Genius of God sought through all things is my only wealth fondled now. He was covered in sweat with appropriate exercise attire and in a rush to attend the intentions of my ordinary day I jocular to a dysfunction inquired “time to go home?”

What ensued electrified me, he as glorious as Paul Newman, only younger and dark haired, shared his self in more deeply profound and celebratory ways than visual or sexual; his life. In parting I said, “You are the future and be careful for your three year old daughter.” A blessing of sorts for at times I play with roles – Knight Errant of the Templar’s who in serving their wounded also dressed their enemies as well. Or so in my imaging do I wander closer to the meaning of love amplified by forgiveness . . . as He said seven times seventy.

Cast your kindness upon the waters you never know what will come back even if limited to the only kindness the other will ever know in this life before going Home.

For those whose kingdom is found embossed upon metal a coin having two sides I have no pity but empathy. Sympathy passes but empathy resides forever.

Go as far as it goes and know God within you. Not me alone so touched.

In another naked encounter he taller than me and spread even wider than I said when queried how goes your day? He replied, “I'm looking at the right side of the grass!” Then later explained the phrase a: congress of baboons . . . see please:


despite the logic compassion selfishness I still wish the Indians we committed genocide upon had swum out, I'd be the first, one taken with the Ebola virus kissing the first maid or man then towing them back where they came from their violation, the Puritans, of Habeas Corpus & “Born Again” G. W. Bush of puppetry fame's Christian sense of justice . . .

Back to the naked Marine veteran of Vietnam and firing by Honda – does it really matter which “rice rocket?” – in California -- I can and will be taught just like God what reality really is but then the other draft dodger before the last one debated the meaning of “is”

I a mendicant jester a fool for love will with God's help define “IN GOD WE TRUST”

Dad to me, “Johnny you've got diarrhea of the mouth . . . “ Thanks dad you couldn't be possibly more prophet could you now?

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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