Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Education is a love affair with life. Vocation is slavery to survival.

100101 07:10
I speak of warriors, a role normally associated with men, but fully consciousness that women are warriors equally. Bearing constant duress unsung. I remain a randy old goat aware the charms of nubile youth discovered in children becoming women. But now my lust is transformed into prayers for their welfare, the continuity of their life and the lives to come through them by heart, mind and soul sung.
It is a terror, this celibacy, self imposed . . . i am seldom alone for there is within me a woman who lives and loves me more than adequately and I attend only Annie now who is understanding when I lift her from my keyboard saying, “not now Love.”
Never oblivious to the rare and fine vintage of wisdom embodied in women, even those older than myself. More often than not, especially so.
I experience an odd reversal of fortune sensual to be seen as threat by women while being benign in intentions. Both polarities contained barely constrained. Maybe they are more perceptive of me than I am of myself?
Looking at right now, I am appalled by the sexual nature of love manifest in legislation against relationships defined in particular ways pleasurable and by gender. My own bigotry, punditry, and hypocrisy informs me of my former childishness, ambitions once achieved, vacuous. Pleasure and rapture suffocated in the afterwards. We were created upon the same planet evolved in time to be love for all, ourselves and others manufactured in the whole cloth of our lives. I will use the analogy of soup; a bit of salt is required for the soup to be palatable but too much and it is unpalatable.
We are no minks to be governed by weasels.
What begins in attraction, moves to lust, consummation  becomes what? Life in servitude resented? My lover became a mother and I forgotten. The bitter fruit of that remains paramount. We barter pleasure for bargains too costly to bear. Think mortgage for house, car or education with an interest rate ever growing fixed, immutable; ineluctable.
“ 08:27
Looking for the correct spelling of chattel . . . I found slavery . . . let me explain my shame: I was taught, too late in life, that Jesus was balanced between thinking, sensing, feeling, intuition and between being man and woman = Perfect. Why shame? I am what I am, me. And Jesus is God incarnate.
I/Thou, one-on or to-one, impulsively, the former is conflict and that latter is relationship voluntary. Neither is slavery, yet slave I was to my parents. Yet I proclaim the slavery was a blessing as I now do the absence of my mother’s fortune and my father’s avoidance. I am freed by Lady Poverty aka Wisdom. I will make no woman, child or crone, or all those stages and ages between; my slave.
We must read our hearts and find the reason to live not simply survive and/or be amused at the expense of others.
The keeper is kept.
Education is a love affair with life. Vocation is slavery to survival. Enter the inferno and know your choices in life, by yourself alone defined.

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