Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

to the Parent of all Creation and refer to “The Church” it is . . .

091223 14:34
Were I a poet, or novelist, I’d attempt a portrait of America this day in words alone; with one word: convulsion.
This state of apoplexy is long in coming and may long remain until the final days of our beloved Republic.
I have attempted, through the innocent agency of a personal journal, to speak my concerns and testify to the resource of God’s providence available to all Mankind. I can no longer speak of God, or Providence, in regard to the comments I made in conjecture, opinion and sincere concern for the body politic, and electoral yesterday, and here published.
The separation of Church and State is my most profound temporal concern--currently--in this time of peril manifest through conflicts engaged in distant, and upon native, lands. I am at times hesitant to speak, and sometimes speak in haste and anger, not fully informed.
If I have, what I experience as true, a converse with the numinous, I fully express the responsible consequence that. And it extends far beyond the boundaries of myself, future, or any claim to fame, fortune or celebrity.
I have an ordinary life part joy, and an equal, if not greater, sorrow. I attempted to join the ranks of those who fought and died that we remain free from tyranny--yet was never allowed the privilege. If I speak at all it is obvious that I, in private prayer, have audience, greater than history past, now and forward.
I now believe, have faith in, and welcome censure from above, the only authority I respond to. The God Head was recently added to by The Virgin Mary and there is now four, not three. And to them, and they only, will I lay face down in abject humility, or humiliation.  And if required give my life joyously.
Should I otherwise disappear, simply die of old age or otherwise, I will do so consciously and accept that I have failed my concerns; that all live without fear, free and full of potential future in that condition.
I see myself as a piglet, a runt, attempting to feed from the trough of ideas and ideals; kept from nurture by many others before me. Yet in that simile I can all too easily see myself in others who, at, or near, my age did fight in Vietnam and returned despised. But this is only one of many comparisons made between my estate and that of all the electorate. I have an opinion, the consequence of which, my attention having no authority and sad the question arises. That if we persist our current course of civil war in Congress the future will be bleak. If in fact there is a future. In and of God, Do No Harm, is to me obvious so I am no treat to anyone save from my thoughts and mouth. Of the former I sometimes keep silent yet the latter is ablaze.
I am a writer and a recording witness of these times. Fully conscious that if we continue this course of affairs there will be no future. About which God remains mum.
The Holy Roman Catholic Church is not the only ‘voice of God.’ And in most public demonstrations of Official positions speaks only their version/vision about God. In and of myself I remain, not a chameleon or parrot, of anyone, or anything, including God. And I believe this to be the choice, and voice, imitated/emulated/by me, of He whom I adore; Jesus.
I will not bore you with my experience, expectations or theology/teleology which concerns no one save themselves.
So I make no apologies for my position, petition or protest against the lobby of The US Catholic Conference of Bishops their strangle hold on free, tax funded, medical care for all Americans regardless their choice to give or not give birth and I simply find their posture antique regarding the affairs of same sex couples. When I speak, in prayer, to the Parent of all Creation and refer to “The Church” it is my consciousness that I love The Catholic Church as the origin of Christianity. However I remain fully conscious that Jesus died as a Jew and is resurrected in me as a teacher--an not for me alone--since He being my Rabbi whispers regard for all prophets of God. None greater or lesser since God is the Origin of All Life.
I know not where I reside in the food chain of life but remain well fed and no longer thirsty for the providence of God manifest in the life and death of Jesus.
Who said, “Love your enemy . . . “ I’ve said enough. Add to which, I am willing to walk the walk, no longer talking about what anyone chooses to ‘lay up or lose’ here and now.

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