Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, June 3, 2013

past midnight love is

Heaven I know, within, is manifest outwardly by animals who seek my comfort in their distress. Ginger of “Gingersnap” sought me sleeping in a chair—climbing into my lap. Then hearing distant thunder I knew she needed me a bulwark against her fear.

Animals, small and great, know their instinct for love better than we who use them as companions against that which goes bump in the night, friend or foe. I remember each avidly from cradle to my nearness now to the grave for their adornment greater than any jewel can bestow.

I had fallen asleep early last evening aware I wanted to share the sense I have, especially here in St. Johnsbury, VT of being caressed by gentle cooling breezes while wondering in prayer what and where those animals and humans passed are. And I know God more real than myself and all is well; exceedingly so.

130603 EDT 01:02

Tintinnabulate suffused with joyous love we are bonded with infinity.

What will soon have been my opening days to both love and St. Johnsbury, VT I will remember best several things: the riot of spring best ever yet, the slow steady dance towards one another of lovers who have finally surrendered to life, and this night I saw a modest flashing across the dark as I spoke of a man I once loved and worked with.

He was younger than I having a magnificent tenor voice frequently singing forth the solos of Handel's “Messiah” four floors above the ground where we were roofing new construction together. And I miss and weep for his loss, his passing from my life slain by love; well actually suicide since he loved a woman who used and abused him for what he might accomplish as a building contractor.

For me love seems impossible when I attempt to hold it to a standard or value instead of for itself as expressed; given freely without expectation of gratitude. And I knew this too well having fallen in love with his wife’s best friend who also left me for points and reasons unknown/unknowable.

Each woman in their turn was at that impossible apogee of beauty fecund yet mature having several children yet promising more. But it is not they or women in general I might slander but he whom I would extol.

Age is relevant only on death certificates since in reality we generally achieve something like nineteen and stop while our bodies march onward. And some of us look like death while dancing at that certain age within. A Sea bee veteran of Vietnam he taught me the ultimate futility of a monkey attempting carnal knowledge of a greased football kicked before his feet chasing it.

Among other things discussed were issues of: a broken down bus carrying several people to a prayer meeting. Did in fact God make the bus break or did it simply fall apart? Add, I loved playing his straight man, when Jim Harrington would do the Andy Williams skit with a bear—milk and cookies. I would shuffle about nodding and begging for the cookies while he would quiz me. Rare were the milk and cookies bestowed and I fawning fainting in gratitude. Yet he was the first to share with me the experience of having friend’s bodily effluents and parts smeared across his face; or merely the simple terrors of war first hand. And then add the experience of returning from the defense of democracy to be spat upon or, worse ignored. For what did friend and foe die? And what meaning the savage indifference the veterans received?

This time and place is not special in any way, save, perhaps, my heart grows nominally large to acknowledge and receive the love coincident with it. Manifest in flashing lights illumining the night of my sadness for the loss of Jim. If nothing else prayer has changed me who remains astonished awestruck and reverent the response.


Time to time, I think out of my mind, the silence swallowing all that I saw and what was done to me finding a home and a reason to live another — day or more. Finally. The words alone weren’t enough, I needed an echo and now I’ve got one 5 by 5. Who would think that I’d be here at home and in love as I am finally. The threads of consciousness drawn together into a new cord/chord.

130602 EDT 05:21 past midnight love is

© 2013 by Jack Spratt—All Rights Reserved

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