Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

must be gonna get shot at dawn or sooner

. . . or maybe later on. Why the urgency? Me or they: the Thought Police. Google for that matter. Proto-Crypto-KGB. What me worry? Socialism for The Wealthy and Communism for us poor folk. Wall-to-wall serfs; sans home, future, whose for sleeping under bridges until Wall Street takes us away making pet food of us?

All dressed up, spit shinned Buster Brown Shoes with Tag, my alter-ego and Annie turned loose from our cage making all kinds of alien vocalizations. Who is to blame? M of course and Had She Said Yes!

Better and better with each breathe.

The Funky Chicken with authors human and divine. Who knew? I was too stupid to live! And now with the Internet a writer can't hide, safely nestled in the flesh of dead trees, snoring until read. Albeit, that said, I still celebrate these days of freedom's blessed quality if not quantity.

My pantheon of all-time-favorites grows slowly, yet substantially, one-by-one. With sincere gratitude I acknowledge Tyndale and William Shakespeare; first as verbally expressed then read.

Remember Bonny and Clyde? The movie version's closed lives. Alliteration by mechanical punctuation canceled for all time. Let us hear it for THE NRA! Stitching one another for looking cross eyed, preemptive settlement of every dispute. Shoot first and forgedabout the later questions. About which I know from experience having been a photojournalist running, like the wind, away.

An obstinate man does not hold opinions, but they hold him. - Alexander Pope

Coercive power is the curse of the universe; coactive power, the enrichment and advancement of every human soul. - Mary Parker Follett

Friendships aren't perfect, and yet they are very precious. For me, not expecting perfection all in one place was a great release.
- Letty Cottin Pogrebin

130501 01:58 MDT

I am made up by the many facets of reverence, awe, will to love, within all religions, and awoke celebrator of Israel this morn. None exclusive of course since the light caroms refracted from facet to facet across the whole peace I know.

Prehensile this gentle mistress god I know pouring sips of new with in the hollowness of my skull. Least I drown suddenly with inflow. Displacing everything before and I unrecognizable to myself. Utterly expunged.

The three quotes closing yesterday, above: thoughts concatenated in anticipation of Had She Said Yes who I later called in distress. I'd not heard a word from her. Previously she'd remarked that we might heal each other of our terror of what we are: male/female--separate but oddly making a whole dysfunction. Heroically as we, she and I, learn to trust one another to no other intention than peace as we are.

There is a mocking bird rehearsing last years disturbance now.

I had begun this post to acknowledge where my lover, friend, interlocutor, muse, goddess, leader masculine had led me across the void. Welding synapses uncommon, unbelievable, all impermissible before; self censuring. Our collective author, or God, as you may have it, is gentle beyond all the wrath and furry of creation or random acts attributable to cyclones of fire which M brought to my attention yesterday: “Acts of God!”


I cringe at the making an idol of God in any form, especially our own likeness. Knowing divinity genderless or at most both. More angelic than hermaphrodite.

I think my opinion is better stated in defining myself as at war with all that is within me; no more. Sun Tzu said it differently, too lazy to look it up, I will attempt to share my sense: we must never slay our adversary but learn before during and after the dispute.

Eyes brimming I remember the closing of worship, “Go forth in (or was it: incarnating?) the peace surpassing all understanding.” At the least that is what I heard then and now. Could I say the same when having my head sawed-off with a nicked rusty butcher knife? Not certain. I'll wait to see what I feel at the moment of my death. Last words seem more significant that all that preceded them.

Integration seems traversing a new city having lived a lifetime as a dead-end.

130430 10:31 MDT must be gonna get shot a dawn or sooner
© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

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