Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, May 4, 2013

cultural artifacts

“The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” - eden ahbez

Noised about, commonly where we live, is the sense it the poorest place for those with allergies airborne. It follows that few notice my red eyed lab rat condition with curiosity. M, of course knows my lack of schedule; engaged in my covert love affair with words. Mere symbols, until you understand your perception and their meanings to you. The most impossible of all is: 'love'.

Friends, family, lovers and others observant, would soon be jealous had they seen either of us with our constant live-in companions: small and furry. Upon whom we lavish the most obscene affections: languorous strokings and love talk adoringly sung, or silently communicated.

Since our first meeting, when she began the long process of saving and giving me a life, annually I am allowed the privilege of visiting her home. At first, fed, I'd flee early on but in time came to sense the best was yet to come and stay later of late. Of the few images I am allowed to capture of her, amongst my most favorite, shows only her hands upon Koko, a companion of nine years.

Point being, I am simply gaga for her and P. Wondering now what will become of me, Annie, and the maverick mistress/muse, writing, should I surrender my solitude? Either one could ask for one or all of my vital organs and I'd freely give but . . . but . . . but? What me worry? I could easily be swept away by a passing Cadillac Escalade Sports Utility Vehicle, operator texting, sexting, talking inattentively. I pray they kill me instead of rendering me useless to myself.

Could be a city bus or a runaway rhinoceros; I'll save eating a passing train for last resort. Crawling in between the wheels not leaving to chance leaping in front.
Aside from random kindness and drive by affirmations, all women of course, these two have lent me reason to keep breathing . . . it seems possible to grow a soul but personality requires accomplices, communion, community and goals.

Both spirit and body in fine fettle I seem to be on the middle way as yet. Feeling the warmth of two hands one and the other with me in between. Thus the lofting gliding sense of being aloft flying. From either, at times, I receive clues that they have read something this intimate of me. Both knowing the terror of my childhood mother, forgiven and recognized as the source of my, sometimes rude, vocabulary. Well shaken, stirred, tamped down, compacted within it the alchemical retort my mind.

Such intimacy is perilous when published; but it is from my personal journals that I've learned to listen to myself. And potentially save another life; one would be just Jim Dandy. It wasn't so much singing for my supper as humming to keep alive. She was a terror in general, at times, especially when intoxicated, otherwise silent: never benign. I am so fortunate, even at such a late date, to be healed by both M & P differently. Given a history of love in spite of it all, I tend to give undivided attention to these two, for whom I would give my life.

Historically I began to distrust all prior women fatally. Not boredom but simply concluding myself either unnecessary, or fatal, to them by their antics. Lessons learned by mom's tutelage have been near impossible to unlearn. For the majority of what I formerly called 'life' really subsistence I concluded that I inflicted or infected others by my existence. By choice or chance near death I was saved. Why?

Thy will be done?!

I sense life is, in itself, a self-portrait. Not what we look like, but are, and do.

The nature of my love is to give, independent of response, refusing to be defined good or ill by anyone, regardless the consequential meeting face-to-face with what I love most above all: The All.

To be the dark angel fallen hearing the last word of love, "Be Gone!" Or otherwise. So too with these two women.

"Fare thee well! and if for ever, Still for ever, fare thee well." - Lord Byron

keys by Diana Zlatanovski

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© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

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