Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, April 25, 2013

welfare drag queen

Prized above all is the gift of awe!

Unlike the portrait, cellular phone in hand, of the young man who videoed his room mate making love (having sex?) with another man. Leering in awe, a voyeur, mindless with glee. I, for one, identify with the roommate plunging into the Hudson River; not quit wet but soon to be.

Frankly, for my part, Republicans don't have a prayer, for I see in their specious flatulent posturing; not glee but death. I'd be a drag queen for my below poverty social security, in their view of things. Democrats being nominally 'better' after the Rhodes Scholars definition of sexual congress as in not having it via oral sex. Then aiding, abetting and praising Credit Default Swaps. Followed by The Boy Bankrupter, Howdy Bush with Uncle Bob Chaney whose arm up Bush's posterior flapped G. W.'s yap.

The Great “Decider” indeed!

Forgive, please, my venomous infliction or infection. In the course of things, as I practice it, I discovered a quote that simply tore my heart out; cutting my spinal cord in half. With regret I did not annotate the discovery in my last post. It, being too Christian.

My version of Jesus is: He was a pain in the sit down and an anarchist in His time; still is--at least to me.

Speaking of Jesus: Jesus! I wish Barbara, G.W.'s mother, had done the job, instead of he or her husband. Forgidaboutit: sneering Uncle Bob Cheney.

Too many rubber chicken and canned pea dinners listening to the obscene burlesque of politicians to take either they, or myself, too seriously. What me worry! It will all be over sooner or later. I no longer wonder why it is possible to see God more clearly amongst the poor.

Oh! I did fail to mention Jesus too!

Humble, meek, in tattered fatigues, wrapped in newspapers sleeping under a bridge.

So. No. I'll stay as I am remembering: "Do not wish to be anything but what you are." - Saint Francis de Sales. The devil I am, and in the details, may be necessary to what, I don't know. But I'd love to see what Jesus would do with The Congress of Baboons throwing over their secret bank accounts and smug self-congratulatory rewards for failure. Convicted. Nothing is lost to eternity. Stupefying, their posturing.

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. . . but reverent about all things actually. I awoke thinking about being helpless, loving the process of inquiry and debate. Then thinking: To speak about, or of God, is like being a glow worm flitting in the dark compared to the Sun.

Obvious, to me at least, I love God. Above and most of all--more than life itself. So too M, at least nearly so. Who long ago expressed her prayers for my highest good. Weeping then and again, and again, even now the memory of such a gift conditioned by the closing thought I decided not to quote; “Not my but thy will be done.” (Actually it was the last: Thy will be done.)

It is not so much what I say, or what I do, but what I am. Wearing a Jerusalem Cross. Conscious of a dream wherein one was pressed to my lips; a white hot brand. It is a symbol derived from experience. Homage paid. And become emblematic, but not an exclusive idol or fanaticism, of an expression best voiced by others universal; at least insofar as we can see and understand it. For I am as much Buddhist, Janis, Dow, Islamist as Christian since I see within my time “God” spoken of in many languages; as universal and the origin of what I consider the Collective Consciousness to be by origin.

Can I say simply: The will/choice to love and create versus destroy; or slump indifferently before adversity? I see no seams in the whole cloth of this, spoken of, here, then there, across all time.

Did I mention considering myself a Jew? Standing beneath the shower heads expecting water and receiving lethal gas. I see divinity everywhere; either overt or hidden. Yet I was, am, and remain a poor spokesperson for my love.

I reserve the right to be an eejit, a dunce sat upon a stool in the corner with pointed hat and bells attached to the pointy shoes I wear; a jester. Creative and eclectic to a fault, I see my function to collect and refract information as light with levity or not. Wearing motley panties or not.

130424 05:35 welfare drag queen
© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

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