Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I neither water nor thirst, but am a pump between both. At times what was, is, and will become of me naked of sentiment or romance: sorrow and ecstasy passes through me.

Daily I prime, or am primed by words, ribald or wise. The grit within growing an ever larger carapace around it; from some perspectives, dark and misshapen – near invisible; and others viewed as precious. Not those who judge me, but seen, my blind inward sight. Not a gem so much as a well worn river pebble becoming rounded.

Witness to my daughters birth, emerging from her mother’s womb, wound apparent at birth: death certain. As it was when my son was diagnosed with Leukemia, but silent then again and again, since my thoughts seem to poison the innocence of others especially the bride-of-my-youth. Who, now unknowing herself cut off from me at the soles of her naked feet, will become what is intended, or she intends for herself, absent my body but never my love and prayers. For as I have said, finally free, the she remains a stranger to me, from first sight in third grade until now and forever more.

It seems I’m finally wed to myself and welded to the creation: author and all of it. Not whole or complete but getting there.

Love, to me, is the greater power. And I struggle to embrace it despite my anger, wounds and sorrows. Fully conscious: the same in others as well, as those who act with indifference, their violence towards me or they for whom I care the most: all of life, and in death, no end.

Words are the voice of the heart.” Attributed to Confucius but I have yet to find explicit attribution. It works for me as do the others I carry reminding me of the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns who self-immolate in protest the violation of their home by specious materialist. My prayer wheel grows. Conscious, equally, of those who I do not, cannot know. Nameless lay people whose choices reflect grace not graft in the face of mindless greed.

My daughter’s birth was the last recall I have of going into shutdown; a howl of silence. What saved me while being beaten and abandoned serially throughout all my life until that moment. When. It could be said, as I say to myself now, I ceased to be silent.

To myself I am coldly analytical, a Nazi, while hotly euphoric as Goethe. Why Teutonic when my heart is Sufi? Zen? Or by root, nature/nurture, belonging to Jesus. Who by growth, at least to/in me, seems indicative of other wisdom figures as well; eclectic.

Who am I? Living to what end? For what and why?
. . . these things I cannot know for now . . . perhaps when face-to-face with the origin of all consciousness and creation.

Methodically I labor to educate myself knowing my intuition is not the only function . . . to see, perceive and experience everything in its inherent state not as I wish to know it.

I fail my aspirations in conflict with people and institutions/constructs, I sometimes think-feel-sense-intuit, addicted to power as a shield against their fear. Failing. I grow restive, vicious, with sharpened vocabulary, think to eviscerate them for their invasion of my old age, seeking to die in peace quietly without their capricious rape of my attention. Which for me is as taxing as another human companion in my dwelling; albeit infrequent but regular and serial, contrary to what is legislated.

A personal peeve illustrative of what happens to be, world wide, governing us.

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. . . it seems, whistling into a Tsunami, this, what I do (quietly chuckling at myself.) A dog chasing its tail; finally catching it reaching escape velocity, spiraling out of sight: ecstatic.

Could it be the mind behind every deed, or legislated action, is greed? Whether Republican or Democrat for most, if not all, are rich; becoming more so daily. The Congress, that unlovely assembly of Baboons incarnates the best of folly: selfishness. . . . At best a pimple upon the posterior of corporations: Exxon, Bank of America, the manufacturers of death by puncture, wholesale, united in cupidity.

"Love your enemies because they bring out the best in you." - Nietzsche

Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.” - Ashleigh Brilliant

Most men would rather be charged with malice than with making a blunder.” - Josh Billings

My process, perfect for myself, unable to change ought else, continues.

130403 13:44 sentiments
© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

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