Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

lallapalooza avid rabid

It was a lallapalooza of a dream, kinky, symbolic, a keeper. In the sense of no need to annotate: GREAT! Memorable. A cerebral terminal arrival (British euphemism for orgasm--'arrival' that is) unimaginable; a near death experience.

Muttering to myself, 'I simply cannot talk about this' as the coffee dripped, it became clear the fetters are coming off; regulators discovered then abandoned.

All systems go--LIFT OFF!

Poetry is best when attempting the impossible with words.

To/For 'Had She Said Yes'

thought myself too obvious
following you through hospice
caressing your posterior with my avid eyes
now I am simply rabid

. . . could it be that I seduce myself with my fabulously frantically imaginative mind? Yes. Of course I can, and this is an improbable affair, she being twenty five hundred miles distant, and me near penniless; thanks Wall Street Thieves! Worse it was revealed to me I am terrified of women; of being hurt yet again and again: 

Never say never--ever.
(afterthought: Never ever give upon on yourself)

Incongruous, oxymoronic, I discovered in my travels across the universe of words that Jesus saying, “Suffer the little children to come to me” implies: Least you see with the eyes of a child the wonder and potential of everything.

The issue for me is validation. Then collision with my personal bigotry, we are terrified of contra-genders, she and I. We talk about it openly salted with words like 'woo; and 'seduce/seduction'.

Again, improbable: she self-excised from a long standing dysfunctional relationship and I hopping on tippytoes, feet on fire, like a bear being trained to dance.

What was it the foxy astrologer said? “You push and push until she pushes back." Oh sweet Jesus on a hang glider burning I'm in trouble. Credible or prophetic?

Time heals everything. WAIT!

Clinically: Is this another invitation to dance?
The Big Show, the dance of life.

Floating through the flow, is a time bomb—a spiky mine twirling submerged. Realizing that as a writer, one must conduct the narrative, or drown. Disastrously or felicitously. Then, instantly thinking with a camera between us, it is the choice of the revealing moment that tells the entire story in one image. The nuns who taught me asked, on several occasions, is the camera a shield?

Not really.
For me it has been a crowbar. Prizing apart God and Life. Investigating.
The saving grace, I think I have, is being a comedian; able to laugh at myself.
TRUE! It is not a win, lose or draw; for it is only in loss that we appreciate what was.

Anything you don't understand is dangerous until you do understand it.” - Larry Niven . . . first up on

Be well be good to yourself: LIVE!
. . . it ain't over until its over.


Sometimes I conclude thinking is a cancer and writing a compulsion. Knowing that nothing is merely 'this or that', defined definitively by me, god or anyone else. With laughter I can live with that; dancing in the moon light head back. Crying, sighing, singing.

I will close here, concerned that my abuse of your attention, is at an end. Adding my sense: where I seduced myself, I was entertaining to women who were bored, but beautiful, or had pity upon me--taking me on as a project of transformation into their ideal man who could never fulfill their desire.

Yet I do, ever so much, appreciate a well turned sentence, phrase, poem. Equal to a that twitching posterior I followed, following still. . . .just an eejit boy for insertions. A clue.

130430 02:22 lallapalooza avid rabid
© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

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