Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, April 8, 2013

ideals & continuity

The intercourse continues, flowing from moment-to-moment, illustrative.

“Truths.” Inconvenient; having been taught tolerance, respect, love and mercy, by very good nuns during my middle-age; I do not cringe to say that women have and remain my saviors. It was they, the good nuns, who taught that Jesus was in the very least the perfect human; being equally balanced between male/female and all four functions: sensing, thinking, feeling and intuition.

In all my quest I’ve never seen the like amongst the prophets or sages. Either implied or inferred. Add they, the good nuns of various orders at Our Lady Of Peace, Narraganset, Rhode Island (now closed?) did advocate flexibility (thank you S. I. Hayakawa) between religions. And in some regards I now understand “Love thy enemy” for all he/she/they or it can teach you.

The dark box of my life and mind, littered with marbles become grape shot ricocheting through my traverse, lending me a better survival modality than anything else. I can tell only the lesser parts since otherwise I would bore you, or perhaps lead you not to do for yourselves what you must since only experience lasts. Understanding your perceptions is the basis of an ability to understand everything. Leading/lending peace in lieu of violence.

To me there seems no end to learning. In death we merely move to the next classroom. I am so vivified with ideas it is difficult to contain or frame, within any single construct or essay, what is really going on: up or down or around inside the ordinary of my life.

Inherited with the first house my parents owned (it was no home to me but then being a stranger in a strange land is customary) lived a boarder; a veteran of The Spanish/American War. Who’s furnishing were ransacked by a mortician after his death. Unlike my mother who would utter “undertaker” at anyone she disapproved of, especially those so venial as politicians are, I would and do include . . . priests, bishops, cardinals and popes . . . well, really, anyone in authority, self-appointed or ostensibly “chosen by God” to molest the humble and poor; especially women and children.

I claim no special relationship to God, save in my thesis: Religion is about, but not God.

Add. I claim no allegiance to being “Spiritual” since that would abort my freedom to write anything I want and take responsibility for. Otherwise I am utterly besotted with The Big G, Ala, I AM, whatever/whoever it is that whispers day and night.

To myself, I am merely grist between mill stones grinding me, either to dust or wheat. Not epiphany but extrusion. Burnt to a cinder and arising again like the Phoenix; part of my personal mythology. No longer a stranger to but knowing myself.

Confessionally I will share with you something only shared with M; ‘if I be touched by grace it grows’ and to grow one, of needs, must accept death as part of life; the good and the dark, finding a balance. Near impossible in this mercantile world of ownership, usury, good-better-best. Wonderfully, M does concur, my conclusion, by experience within her own life.


I am a fairly proficient analyst of my dreams, and given recent interest, as published on NPR, have endeavored to apprise even the most nettlesome ones: regarding my incompetence. I snatched a few hours of rest between the above and this in which I dreamt of meeting my mother at her last age and my current. Her birthday was on the 4th of April, an event I still celebrate.

The scenario was at an outdoor restaurant suddenly flooded, knee deep with rain water. Just as she arrived, late and alone, as usual. Populated with my fathers second family and several other familiars. Notably there was a woman who suggested she was a journalist, no erotic potential, but I did briefly think of suggesting that, being a photojournalist, I might enhance her free lance article for a weekly. The most interesting aspects being that I formerly, towards the end of my prior to New Mexico epoch would often volunteer having free lanced for The New York Times, Playboy, News Week, etc. for forty-five years. Worse, I would introduce myself at first meeting somewhere, generally, in the latter part, as the parent of two dead children and never mention being abandoned by my AWOL daughter and granddaughter; so common these days.

Between M, a fabulous psychologist with mystical talents, who suggested I volunteer at hospice service and eventually working eight hours a week in their clinic I swiftly learned to remain silent about my experiences since it seems irrelevant to the needs of those about to die, if not actually dying. Learning from M to remain silent and touch the broken places when announced or appropriate to their needs. Since mine, at long last, the grief and greed for all of the above, had been slaked and resolved.

A wise man associating with the vicious becomes an idiot; a dog traveling with good men becomes a rational being.” - Arab proverb Included, and just discovered, since I experience being woven into bridal satin, methodically collecting and reading quotes eclectically. Lending one more facet to my refractions on an unusual reverence for women. And regarding my tolerance, if not admiration and love for all religions as I understand them in origin.

Returning to my most recent discursive reference to Jesus and C. G. Jung coupled with the Sufi Ennegram (personality typology vastly more comprehensive than Meyers Briggs and suggested/implied/inferred in Jung’s writings) let me go a bit further with Jungian analysis: dreams form an important factor/facet in understanding one’s self.

To be true to one’s self is the ultimate freedom from fear and envy. Advocated by the greatest humans I have discovered. Adding “Do no Harm.” My abiding curiosity is addiction to anything including “God” who I experience in live and expect in death to be the ultimate of all consciousness.

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© 2013 by Jack SprattAll Rights Reserved

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