Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


There seems no reason for life other than love
conscious of itself. Complete with free will
pointless otherwise
. . . or do I mean free choice?

Save in life or death how can I know otherwise?

What dream awakened me this time?
Hurled from sleep awake and enthusiastic to write!

Yesterday at lunch, with M, our cherished times alone together.
I announced that after a lifetime of loving her I knew her not: the bride-of-my-youth.
Now awake realize it was my love projected upon the loveliness of her; a fantasy or incarnation of myself as woman, impossible and she remains a stranger as from beginning to end; loved nonetheless.

If I use the term friend, then what of M & me? We are friends uppercase and of she and I never in any other definition than legal. Remembering when burying either child of our marriage, individually and separately, I was alone and she elsewhere distant. Known where, yet unknown now as then, a stranger to my grief. She tearless while I wept, weeping then and now. And of now, even now, I weep for I remain alone and of she? Who knows? For unlike with M I never gained the confidence of her trust or self.

What remains unchanged, myself?! Utterly! I feel free of the nets thrown and restrained by my desires. Holding me loveless. Seeking empathy compassion from one incapable of it within her self. Or do I speak for most, if not all, of us? Conservative, holding what is within as truth versus experience.

What greater love can I express except to share with you the gift M has given me.

Whether it is happy or unhappy, a man's life is the only treasure he can ever possess.” - Giacomo Casanova

Convicted, splayed, playing with my viscera, entailed to detail my lifelong search for love. Finding the Author of It, I am no longer at frenzy but peace. It is obvious, at least to me, The Author IS actual: extrinsic/intrinsic! But, at best, this is merely my faith and proofs as I wend my way wandering through life; all of it. Anathema? Perhaps to some, maybe more, if not most: folly and a fool am I.

The details of my life are wonderful, in fact, fabulous. Yet I remain a miner in the pits of fortune, begrimed, happily so. Remember, Mythology, is best when attempting description of what is too real to bear all at once. One thinks of Jesus and his miracles but remembers best his pithy parables so like the koans. Lending us wonder as we wander, pickax swinging at our fears within. Which I could detail but bored at the prospect since as with myself, so with you; one must find the dragon as friend or foe and saddle her/him. Burnt to a crisp then resurrected whole; either, neither or both: Dragon & Self. Think not and/or but and/both! But irrevocably changed for the better.

No one can, or will do it for you; not even “God.” That said you must do for yourself what your heart sees as best alone.

My conceit/conclusion: Religion is about, but not, God. Who by any other name remains: I AM. No single prophet, religion or governance is a revealed truth absolute . . . an answer to what we can know now and/or at the time of our death: face-to-face

Among my many enemies, most manufactured by myself, within, by misapprehension, the worst: thinking myself unlovable, abandoned, I became self-abandoning . . . a martyr to nothing, reverential to appearance superficial. Enslaved by beauty . . . but . . . is not truth beautiful?! “God is patient, kind, slow to anger . . . .” but never does for us what we must do for ourselves.

All else seems addiction, a dance of avoidance, ignorance . . .
be well.


I remain astonished at my ignorance. Reverent towards The Author of all love and life. Confident who/what has lead me so far will continue beyond what now seems beyond all things.
. . . discovery never ends. Again, be well, be beloved of yourself as no one but “God” can.

Forgiveness is the offspring of a feeling of heroism, of a noble heart, of a generous mind, whilst forgetfulness is only the result of a weak memory, or of an easy carelessness, and still oftener of a natural desire for calm and quietness. Hatred, in the course of time, kills the unhappy wretch who delights in nursing it in his bosom.”

My success and my misfortunes, the bright and the dark days I have gone through, everything has proved to me that in this world, either physical or moral, good comes out of evil just as well as evil comes out of good. My errors will point to thinking men the various roads, and will teach them the great art of treading on the brink of the precipice without falling into it. It is only necessary to have courage, for strength without self-confidence is useless.” - Giacomo Casanova (born 2 April 1725)

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© 2013 by Jack Spratt – All Rights Reserved

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