Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Truth triptych

Tho an ignorant old man, I would be educated, and am well, by the quotes of others whose lives I have come to praise and admire.

"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well." - Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)

In the case of Malala Yousufzai Vs. The Pakistani Taliban: the latter now headless and heedless of consequence, the martyrdom of a fourteen-year-old-child, defined as a female thus unworthy of education. I would argue, without apology, that America martyred Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden; murdering his body but not his spirit.

Odd. But now with significance; I once was resident not far from where the famous portrait of George Washington was painted by Gilbert Charles Stuart (born Stewart). And from that place did I roam the world photographing the Rich, Famous, Powerful, Forceful and poor of the world. In whose eyes I came to know more about them than they--had they known--would have agreed to be witnessed by me; for a mere snapshot. I make no claims, sincere or facetious, to special powers as a recording witness of our times and the consequence of behaviors by those I have recorded; in the best camera ever created; my mind. Or should I say, mindfulness; a Buddhist phrase to best describe the divine in all life.

As all children of Abraham, Buddha, or Muhammad; and so on. You can kill our bodies but not our spirit. Said in a different, yet more significant way, you can eat us alive but never capture or contain the presence of God within us. He who pounds his/her chest loudest is a coward. Or. Merely a terrorist of a different species; a soul abandoned; with only the coin of betrayal in hand.

I would suffer any death, imagined or real, that the truth of God be revealed in life as it is potential in all creation. That which you harm or kill marks you as despicable; save in the sense it, the murder, be done for sustenance; eating the victims flesh, like manna from God, given that you live another moment. In this sense we are our own saviors. Yet, she, the girl fighting for her live has given us the opportunity to know the folly of war: the expense of more lives thrown into the maw of greed.

It is not I, as prophet or savior, who like all those before in time immemorial have said; “god is real.” Save this child who in, potentially giving her life, living or dead, has risen the ideal of truth; all life is equal. And we, as one family, need not despise/murder one diseased part to have health, safety or wealth. If you be well you must of need examine your perception.

"Do not commit the error, common among the young, of assuming that if you cannot save the whole of mankind you have failed." - Jan de Hartog

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." - Roberta Flack

121027 03:02 education

Some may well wonder why I should so like to die right now.
Save for these moments tapping the characters beneath my fingers. Dad so wanted me to be a musician naming me initially Amadeus Wolfgang but changing his mind mindless that in the end, if there will ever be death of this consciousness, Jack Spratt would be more difficult than the then rabid hostility towards Germans/Germany those wonderful folks so sublime at manufacture of death one-at-time. It is a kind of racial prejudice against those who do not emulate their anal retentiveness.

Time being irrelevant to myself and God. However in recent memory I began to sense that listing to my erstwhile namesakes music, something as yet unheard, like all wonderful women, wine and song experienced more often; nine times nine trillion: always something new. 

Me thinks me protests women wanting them to be God in drag. And yet in reality all they want is equality and not to flap amongst the stars while i lachrymose lay prostrate awaiting their return.  

Speaking of the feminine principle, the anima of me, Annie, attempting to sequester my really good flip flops; not I don't wear Romney on one or Ryan on the other; but those I purchased last in Hawaii with dad. She has a rubber fetish and has eaten one heel nearly to unwearable condition. Of course being poor thanks to my shithead father giving all my due and sundry to his shithead son who so like me being a shithead as well is completely indifferent his theft of my inheritance. Moving right along, I awoke after an unusually long rest period--four hours!?--looking for Annie high-low-and-more-and-again disturbed her beauty rest sequestered in the closet where I’d attempted to hide my Romney/Ryan/Flip-Flops. . . . 

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have them plus the Nazi Pope, The Knights of Columbus, The NRA plus Romney/Ryan in a daisy-chain naked with Annie playing Yankee Doodle Dandy with their testicles? I don’t trim her claws and when impassioned she scratches me while kissing with her teeth. In no small measure but less in duration the suffering a woman will experience at the hands of the sodomites. 

Who in the name of all holiness, reason, sanity or good consciousness--merely common sense? Would bring a child into this life so soon to end -- the entire earth heaving water aflame? All to fuel the collective slavery to greed?

I love the image of my soaking in the bathtub idly smoking a cigarette self-immolating involuntarily. Mr. Exxon go frack yourself frequently. 

Actually and factually I've discovered the grace of dad sodomizing my life with his desire not that I be a musician but a merchant like himself selling the flesh of dead trees desecrated with black toxic ink. And now more often than before laugh wetting my pants remember his face holding another dollar gained from selling ‘Wee-Wee-Whistles’ (trombone like tone alteration) outside the store front in Stamford Connecticut. While the little shits stood outside practicing  for thirty minutes. 

It never ceases to astonish me what all those desirous of power and control will whore themselves out to gain the momentary gratification of scoring more. I know this factually having prostituted my eyes for the vanity of Ted Kennedy and Joan; never forgetting the ruin of such a beautiful woman he caused . . . i hope his soul remembers Chappaquiddick and he enjoys the endless napalm enema. 

How did I learn to be such an Antichrist? I would rebut each kick, blow, being thrown down stairs and/or out of the house naked in November with the door locked behind me: no tears just silence. And yet, and now, I love her more. Mom thank you for teaching me how to survive the next attack of the assholes who submerged American in The Depression.  

The people who caused this “recession” are murders and should be put to sleep. I, of course must confess complicity, so I too will wait patiently for the needle. They claim to have made America great. Yet they don’t know how to fix a screen door against the coming flood.

Think: learn how to breath volatile water instead of air. Grow gills!

121026 06:08 random
Sincerely I think Jesus resurrected in the body and life of Malala Yousufzai. I ask that you make prayers of your lives for her survival. And it is i alone, the father of daughters who left me for whatever reason and whom I know well in life or death, both blest and in the being of God. In some, personally, curious sense, I would speak for my son. Who in dying did so that his adopted biracial sister could live more freely in our love for her. Now abandoned the marriage dissolved. And she fled in disdain; her right being an adult and now a mother herself.

I have no other gifts to bestow upon the women of our time and world. Who must, in and of themselves, heal their despicable treatment as slaves to men. As male I have become aware through the kindness of woman that I adore their being as they are and want to be, not as I would have them defined by my lust: a convenience.

Without apology I will publish, concurrent with this, what I wrote before. I refuse to censure my reference to Republicans or the Holy See as Nazi’s. Who were and remain in current context dictatorial of their intellectual right taken to the extreme of abstraction from integration of all four functional perceptions of, and in life: Thinking, Feeling, Sensing, Intuition; to which I add a fifth sense: instinct.

Personally I am convicted by my apprehension of instinct as God given; the first seed of consciousness. What eats me does so in order to survive. My death and body is its subsistence. On the Richter scale of tectonic emotional shifts.


Consequent rape, or desecration, of a child’s body, or emotional consciousness of value. Meaning and purpose, are synonymous/equivalent, to rendering a child’s life as nothing but litter. Merely an inconvenience to life.

As defined by the presiding authority duly or self-elected: Parent, Religion or State. None can be allowed to dismiss any one individual for the prestige or preeminence of the authority. I trust in God. In whom I am advised that God is sacrificial of him/her/it self that we have conscious or unconscious life at all.

I ask of those who protest choice, or right to life, to consider my conviction. From personal experience, as a father, I can argue the case either way. Yet loving my wife would defer to her life and/or choice to deliver a dead child or die herself in doing so.

“Conscience is a sacred sanctuary where God alone may enter as judge.” - Felicite Robert de Lamennais . . . you do not have to be Catholic to have a catholic sensibility. Add. I would ask is there life after birth? Eaten by The Great Lioness, my mother, many times over; I know there is life after death. Do you? And what of all the other ideals of the Catholic/Protestant Social concerns?

“Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up.” - Pearl S. Buck

121027 00:11 resurrection
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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