Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Monday, October 15, 2012

God looks like . . .

God looks nothing like me, or you, or anyone; especially not Mitt Romney. Why am I so hard on Mr. Romney?

Think about The Messiah by Handel. As sung by their Mormon Tabernacle Choir; it is angelic. However there are several women sopranos who while little boys, caught with mommies panties over their heads, were castrated by their fathers saying; I'll teach you what it is like to be a real woman!"

Among the tenors, where the light is dim, are several women; so masculine they were sent to Denmark to become real, at least insofar as having transplanted penises, not functional but dysfunctional in many other ways as men.

It is a well known fact amongst Mormon men that the woman who passes out sheet music performed at rehearsal time was once a psychiatrist who while interviewing the Church Elders discovered that each of them shared a common lust: all wanted to have sex with their mothers! So obsessive and compelling was their lust, they refused to wait any other bride outside their family even though many were available amongst their sisters, aunts, cousins and grandmothers; only Mommy would do.

God is generous, loving, kind, slow to anger: read 1 Corinthians 13. Is there any part that might apply to Ryan? He, what he believes in, his party, their proposals are anti-life: no bargaining collectively between labor and management.

Is there justice in America? Look at the Supreme Court! Obviously I do not write for those who watch Fox TV. Witnessed only while baby sitting Alzheimer's victims who loved it. I had to sit with them for hours. They, if seated instead of laying in bed dying in peace, would leap up; it was my job to catch, or via gentle persuasion, ask them to sit back down before premature death from a broken head prevailed.

As a journalist I fell to wondering; how and why they (Fox TV & Ruppert Murdoch, Inc.) aborted  journalistic ethics and morals regarding being impartial: weighing both sides of any issue and finding balanced compromise. All things equally considered?

I am happy, whole, at peace, in the only home I've ever known, now, so late in life. I asked M who kept me from killing myself, then healed me, who is now my best friend; marginally shy of the godhead; “Why did I feel this way?” In particular regarding Rush Limbaugh. About whom I'd written a vicious screed in my journal. She implied knowing him as friend, patient, acquaintance? I am not jealous of her healing gifts generously bestowed to heal others. My sense of our dialog was that the man is an entertainer, and actor, who capitalizes on an audience fearful that America is lost, desperately attempting to conserve their understanding and definition the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Written two hundred years ago. Before everything changed beginning with the Second World War; fought on two fronts. Now no longer dependent upon muzzle loading muskets but global annihilation  with the flick of a switch . . . just like a video game.

My honor and allegiance is conservative; stemming from prehistory. Genetically I am Native American before this land was called such. Named so by Protestant Christians who were unwelcome in England for their protest of Habeas Corpus; a problem lingering today.

Theirs was an invasion of my living place and home which, by our spiritual guidance, was never owned by us but a gift of The Great Spirit: our version and definition of your God. Who in fact owns all the earth and is parent to all the people regardless of religion, color or gender now. The provider of water, clean air, trees and animals; for whose death from hunting, we would in reverence, prayerfully, thank for their sacrifice to feed us becoming our providence; our food.

Previously invaded from the South by Spanish Catholic aggression for our mineral wealth. We died by the thousands defenceless against their guns and European diseases. Some burned alive as heathen's who refused to abandon their definition of The Great Spirit. Another alien God  called Catholic who destroyed us, our peace, religion, food supply and minerals enslaving us.

Now you Republican's, having succeeded in destroying the world economy, invading Iraq without true justice, ask for another chance?

And of you, Mormon Super Star, do you tithe from gross or net income? Is that why you refuse honestly account for your income? Or is it all the influence of ill gotten gains from China? Your participation in their economic ascendency? To whom you gave away American jobs? Yet you lie about the promise of jobs having given away our industry, our trust, our wealth; our very lives. Like your ancestors did wearing our indian clothes while massacring members of your own belief, family and body of your people? You preach not what you practice being a two faced person unworthy of the title Commander and Chief or person for you and your religion are a curse upon the people from whom, and for whom, I speak.

On another tack. Was not your "prophet" not unalike Mohammed; desirous of world domination by one religion? Each thinking in their time they alone held the perfect revealed divine revelation as the only truth? If this be so, as representative of times before yours and times after yours, the currency of love is equal for both men and women without exception. The workman/woman worthy of hire for all creation and the Creator’s Children. Am I alone in cursing you for the sins of usury? To tell it like it is; go away and sing before your golden calf; a hollow idol.

The wrath of our Creator be upon your kind. For no part of the body be despised and no living water found near you. I a creature of the creator will celebrate your suffocation by usury.

121014 18:00 God looks like . . .
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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