Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, October 7, 2012

everything is reconciled in love

Watching for the fifth or sixth time “ALL THAT JAZZ” didn’t know why couldn’t understand and then it happened between my ears and eyes: I am a perfectionist. Small surprise the entire construct of cards didn’t fall down they disappeared and I saw myself abandoned then knowing I loved imperfect people who loved me to the best of their ability. We are all imperfect save God who is, after all being, God; is God. Therefore perfectly chaotic.

But why Me?

Why anything?

Annie does it. I do it. We all do it. Chase our tails in circles until we either fall down or levitate gyre through the ceiling into the attic through the roof into the stars knowing in creating the dance Creation at last.

121006 21:24 my i am is not anything

where I love and live is is swell wonderful dreamed of and they call by four names
Jesus Jesús Chuy Francis remaining all the same in the love of Our Lady of Guadalupe where I saw an image of Francis barefoot remembering King David and his naked ecstatic strut into Jerusalem the name of the type of cross I wear around my neck dreamed of branding my lips in blessing humming and then better realized Francis hugging me a leper welcoming me home in love naked in ecstasy free finally from all hatred bigotry hypocrisy and fear Jesus do I have to learn Spanglish!

I awoke from a dream knowing that someone had been kissed by me on her forehead my parting in love with her for then knowing the unknowing cloud of love my tears answered and she may or may not be beyond this pale but I know now that all parting should be treated as final in blessing and love eternal answered that is all there is love the final and perfect answer to all fear and hatred of women who are actually more like God than I and therefore Do unto others as you would have them do unto you the great moral law One cannot marry the mother of God for she is equally yours always was and always will be mom of all creation. And in her love I become nameless blameless and beloved one in all beloved is all.

All is simple now clear the next steps and those beyond matter not becoming clear that all seek perfection few finding it in life but in moment to moment choice and those I made as a poet were mere descriptions of my feelings in childhood from birth using the Blasphemy of Lords of Drugs in Ciudad Juarez my sophistry in conflict with secular authority pretending to lord over me their antichrist ways. Anticipating the arrival of end days answered self destruction from within by pornography, arms and drugs. The United States of America’s greatest import/export. Are we not therefore the Great Satan in Fact & Deed, Incorporated?

I rest my case
Remember always the cries of the women & children our greatest wealth
be well if you can while others weep
remembering the first opening of love is to ask; “How are You?” and listen well then act accordingly

121007 02:11 dreams of meaning and meanings of dreams

All is reconciled in God. It may well be that I am not the thief who hung and was forgiven by Jesus but rather my maternal grandfather who either killed or by accident shot himself in the groin dying, on, about; or near the time and date of my son’s death and Thomas Merton’s the 10th of December rendering Christmastide a horror finally focused personally with the knowledge that standing beside the manger the life I saw seeing the ending and the beginning now in me. Don’t worry folks I ain’t nothing special all you are to me by adoption divinely derived by any other definition. And I too like those I would follow whether death by SUV or a street thug with a bandana wrapped around his or her head, gang style, will be forgiven with my last breathe or if not with my eyes as the closing see Heaven again or for the first time forever.

And I cannot change my skin to that lovely tan, or midnight black, or yellow or red of those in whose eyes I see God more often than not. But be blessed as I am just Mrs. Spratt’s fat middle class white boy well taught.

Never say never it is bad karma . . . thanks Dahli Lama for shaking my hand with the same hand that shook Brother Thomas Merton’s passing forward the mission to be in this world merely iam xoj

121007 03:47
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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