Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, October 11, 2012

dialog with God

I write for the creation of it. Meaning: in creating anything we join THE CREATION -- THE BIG BANG creating us. I am reluctant, or at least have been, to share the signs, omens, portents hurtling through my mindfulness. Daily growing more ominous or ubiquitous these thoughts zing and singing from whence? Rather than detail, I will only share, that my love and prayer is that; this happen for and within you. I know you can do it too it two!

No tutu required.

Sleep as you may, can, or must; but for me sleep is death from which I betimes wish i would never arise since infancy. Yet even that, even now, is answered prayer. I did awaken at the magical hour 03:33 with a message from -- guess who! God of course. Who in her/his inimitable way said, simply; "I am the last and least servant of all creation." . . . well . . . i lie: having added on the "servant of all creation."

I am not exactly proud; nor do I ever celebrate my suffering, pain, or the deaths of my children and the long grief endured. I do not envy anyone or anything of material worth. There is a difference between cost and value, knowing all too well the wealth of my poverty.

And here I would point your attention to the most recent several Republican Presidential pretenders. They, it would seem, desire to be worshiped and idolized as THE GOLDEN BULL inseminating all the fecund, nubile, virgins with Saviors yet to propagate the world with greed, avarice, cupidity, usury as in MIGHT IS RIGHT! No matter how many of color are sacrificed to their; THE GOLDEN BULL SHITTER'S GLORY!

Feces has value yet, to me, forever remains the fully digested bodies, hopes, ambitions of the innocent slain and martyred for the vanity of Vanities now in control of The Republican Party in These United States of America . . . did not shithead George W. Bush remark that he trusted Putin? Looking into Putin's eyes with starry eyed adoration the mirror of his own vacuous, pretentiousness? There is no honor amongst thieves just celebration of crime. The spore of these two is littered with the waste of all mankind, no threat or promise, but accomplished fact.

I like this quote. It is unto me like Turkish Taffy indigestible clinging to my mouth, tongue and mind like super glue:

"The next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha will take the form of a community; a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the Earth." –Thich Nhat Hanh

. . . it is valuable to mention that the Buddha is as Jesus Christ and his mother The Virgin Mary (she in particular having been 'raised' to the Godhead 3+1 = 4) All one God various incarnations and prophets of which I profoundly believe Muhammad amongst them . . .

--Book of Common Prayer " . . an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace."

"Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."

. . . it is my spiritual dyslexia to think-feel-sense-intuit, written between the lines of the Judeo-Christian Bibles combined: that we are the temple/church/Holy See of God not those piles of stones or false idols, idolatry or ideological issues for which so many through history and prehistory have been martyred. Governments and Religions being the source of enmity and war between all the peoples of the world. Therefore responsible for more early deaths than any disease, abortion, or death by natural cause.

I suggest that you follow your own dedication to truth transparently. In that single act you will be fulfilled. As for myself, once a lover of all sensuality seeking fulfillment in the life and body of a woman find now that I am celibate by choice. The friend and lover of truth and reality serving me better than all others ideals.

I am infused with thanksgiving for the manifold gifts given by others who in times past I would attempt to capture as mementos of grace given, anticipated and expected. Then when refused would flee never having the courage to fight for my needs being met.

That which we desire, or hate, holds us captive and victims of humiliating greed. At least it did for all of my former life; filled with fear and anxiety.

Perceptually and experientially I victimized myself. Those tragedies, children lost or abandoning me, those who gave their all; was never enough. Again and again I fled seeking what found me this morning.

What need have I of another friend or lover . . . do we not drown one another in love!

In closing, a few ending or beginning thoughts: My cup runs over. Surely this cannot be insanity for there is no repetition but; an ever renewed challenge. Not merely daily; but moment to second . . . lest I do the thinking etc. you must do to be whole:

121011 05:59 up since when -- Psalm 81
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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