Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"We are the people of times infinity flowing"

Reclining my eyes through the dark/sense a dream catcher/my head toward the north/upon my wrist is a band of brass from Tibet/around my right ring finger/a ring of silver upon which/a Mimbrenos peoples of my locality/1000 years-ago symbolic a lizard reposes/and upon my left Anamika ("nameless")/ a turquoise ring glows/what you might call 'wedded finger'

Perhaps, if time allows, meaning I don't die too soon -- one never knows; given the chaos of over crowding everywhere . . . I'll complete the poem started at the annotated time: it is now 120927 20:07.

M has taught me many things: intentionally and unintentionally, since with each time together I grow; both in love with her and larger in ability to understand and interpret her silences intuitively. She has walked with me through many changes, what I can call conversion/born again but refuse to accept the lexicon of either Occidental or oriental divination. Since it is thousands of years ago that it was spoken of.
Experientially the feeling is being extruded, or reduced -- losing prior conceits, hypocrisies, bigotry etc. Watch the no-speak of politicians and you will know what I shun and why. . . . seeking tolerance versus intolerance.

We are a people of the New Consciousness, all called, few answer and of those few most seek profit; not prophecy. Prophets seldom die in their sleep; they always speak truth to powers that dominate their time.

The image illustrating this post is her name in Native American Symbol. If you can read it you can/may know who she is. Otherwise, should I predecease her, you will never know; at least not from me.

We both are of Native American descent; hers considerably more recent than mine. Ancient: his name was Florence, buried beside a significant oak tree at the time, with his horse; in the state of Kentucky, USA. His grave is otherwise unmarked and I haven't a clue where it might be within a state that I've traveled: side to side top to bottom. 

I have immutable faith in the succeeding generations judging by their reverting to tribalism; what I initially misjudged as 'acting out' is in fact identification of their time of power when we are gone. They are possessed with anger worthy of the time ahead. 

Unlike the learning of those who protest our (America's Preeminence in the world) they lack our education. Theirs being, on the poorest levels of society, limited to what their religious leaders want them to know and act upon. We the learned of the world, while cynical at worst, skeptical a best know a better blend of church & state.

I am able to read signs. And so please forgive my rationalizations as being dictated by God. Who is not the God of your understanding; but The Great Spirit who knows what a Shapeshifter is/for/about. 

Yet, at that, I am equally able to intuit or trace the paths of others, either oriental or occidental towards what they sought . . . it is the Teacher who will answer your fears with peace, not me, or "God" or the 'devil.' Once you have crossed the boundary between illusion too experience, you will kill no one and definitely not your self. 

No costly licit or illicit drugs, no byproducts save for love; and no hangover. Better, or more better, yet no jail time just move forward towards eternal life.

I have light years to travel before my next rest period. House keeping chores mostly and a wedding rehearsal and dinner to attend tomorrow. 

120927 14:43 amulet talisman fetish
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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