Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


About what? 

I am convicted of my faith yet wear neither leash, halter nor other sign. In faith and science I have confidence that, in time, we can be healed of, not our crimes against nature which brooks no remedies, but our follies against our selves & one another. Of God I am confident doing no revision in history. 

At the moment, moving about my chores between sentences, I find a furor over whether or not Jesus was married? Marriage is a ministry between two people and precludes ministry to others on a significant basis. I know Buddha was married but left and ask were not the disciples equally so married once yet abandoned not only wife but family as well? 

Intertwined is the falsehood that money is equal to words of independence since money in our time is, as a medium of exchange, in crisis. We are all complicit in this problem. I for one have lost all mine and found peace. I have enough for my life lived as it is simply.

In the imagined presence of all the loving prophets; I sense their live's singular and their counsel I/Thou not I/You as a couple. That would be marriage counseling. Were I to do so I would be addressing each individual first. Then as a couple . . . a prophet in his own home is but a fool. . . .perhaps with very good reason.

I can change nothing but myself and take no responsibility for another save my rescue companion cat: Annie. And at that, nearly threw my life away to attend her needs, not mine. Wisdom seems to dictate historically that if you want to be sane, sober, kind to others you need not mate for to travel the unmarked paths of love of needs we must travel alone. Save, of course for the Lover; God. 

Imagine your escape from a submerged car with family inside, able to save only the mother or child. Which one? I could site a number of turnings, roads taken and not taken, in my life wherein I chose to attempt the saving of my son, or daughter, knowing nothing of their mother's pain since she expressed none. She became an Episcopal Priest and I became whatever I am; no name, no ambition, no need not addressed. My grief healed and my heart expanded beyond me. I know myself too well; regarding women I love or lust for since to follow my inclinations or instincts would be to end what I write and all intention to be for a woman able to heal her broken heart. . . .including mom.

Do we not have enough children in need that we must create/promote more? Life is degraded beyond tolerance as it is. The weight of us become crushing; a cancer upon our planet. 

My intention is that you live your life as you see fit independent of any governance or religion. And absolutely no cult. The hoarding of money is a cult in itself and the expense to women and children obvious enslaved to education dedicating them to the service of power: mere slavery. 

You and I are emigrants upon an earth we do not own. Is it not difficult enough to own yourself? The people I follow closely in imagination, prayer or actually are independent of my having, having not themselves, barely. 

I remember too well being a member of a family, a very small tribe, happily forgiven for my attempts to love them sufficiently that they might love themselves. To be fruitful and multiply is to give your love in service to others. Not yourself, your wife and children, but to all mankind.

Such giving I will define farther along this path we walk together. Once healed, only if broken, in pain and suffering, will you begin to understand it is not what you have but what you give that enriches you.

In closing I remind you I envy and fear no one. Not even Annie who I shouted at and she sulked in the corner mooning me. 

Find and be true to yourself; that will be enough for the cosmos.

"You have freedom when you're easy in your harness." --Robert Frost

120919 04:55 quibble
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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