Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If as I am perennially curious then I am a threat to anyone or institution since it is my nature to be curious and record mechanically or by memorization whatever and everything I sense is of interest to me. This is today's revelation, ah ha, or merely another epiphany. 

Add to which I celebrate more my nearing death and liberation from what the world is and rapidly becoming a very deep cesspool of cupidity: Wealth & Power Incorporated into an institution, in and of itself, as righteous and normative. 

There is to everything an inside and outside face, or merely my sense & seeking of truth. Happily I did not fulfill the script of or by any source familial to become a cleric or priest. Reminding myself of the one seminary I attended for an introductory weekend tour. Upon arrival I encountered a man who asked what I did for a living? After informing him of my credentials he said; "Oh GOD! NOT ANOTHER PHOTOJOURNALIST!" Apparently I'd branded myself with the mark of Cain.

120912 00:04

Joyously I am no priest in any formal sense and disinclined to become one by self-ordination; though I do chortle at times when applying suntan lotion at the notion of self-anointing. Father Denis shouts when I say JC; "His name was Jesus! Not Jesus Christ!!" Apparently there is something apocryphal about the anointing bit -- I've yet to inquire about that -- were I priest I suppose I'd know but I love molesting words and concepts with my spiritually dyslexic molestations. 

I've always been charmed by women who smile at me, not necessarily when I capture their images with a camera. To combine the smile with kindness is devastating at least it formerly was since M as taught me to love her Sphinx like charms mysterious and fabulous. I would if allowed simply drink her presence mute awaiting her flicking smile and/or occasional word. If I lose her, a near probability, I'll give up entirely any future thoughts regarding women as love interest since in loving her I've come to know the Author of It. 

That said I fell into a cesspool of -- you know what -- at the behest of a wonderfully smiling blonde who requested captures of her friend's retirement. Or as I entitled the "take" her transfiguration knowing full well what the word implies. Fortuitously the set of five images sent to the appropriate authorities was declined by the blond's server. I receive a "You Know What Storm" declaring an involuntary surrender of my inherent copyright since anything I produce is mine, not theirs, if that were the case I might negotiate every opportunity to serve them. 

I have a modest licence to discuss this since none of them read me; which is well since I bridle at inhibition of any kind and apparently God doesn't mind my thoughts, the words of my heart, or the babies captured upon ponies by my eyes. 

In my two dreams of/about/with The Virgin Mary, quite mystical if I say so myself, she never allowed me the grace of her face. In consequence I seek her in all women regardless of any possible criteria. Obviously I bought Kenneth Clark's shot in the dark in parentheses (woman came first) and Adam was created from Her. . . .talk about a game changer yup!? 

Jung spoke of the difference between male and female as 51% versus 49% = 1%! To me the last sentence in the previous paragraph changes everything. Oui! . . . of course I am too well aware that Women are the most oppressed class of our species and have thoughts, conclusions and convictions why. 

Mindfulness indicates a reappraisal of my entire 'political' association with the corporation or business aspects of the hospice i serve. It my be I who kicks them to the curb. There is nominal 'safety' in that we have two where I live and as indicated I am careful about who I confess my closet writing and intents. "Ask and you will receive" in SPADES! 

. . . .I adore Google's Chrome for it's suggestive spell checker and think it okay their invasion of my privacy, of which we have none anyway. Besides, it's lightning fast. However I do bridle at all the pop-ups implying I need Viagra. Odd for a seventy-two year old man who still CAN! . . . and a smoker yet!

The most astonishing snark was handed to me when I suggested "fun" or "play" regarding the take on/of the retirement party. In concocting the latter sentence I am somewhat surprised that after forty five years of prostitution with a camera I still have fun and play with it instead of presuming it a financial arragement so I can get reelected or pay for my cocain habit. Or both as I sometimes thing of those in either addiction. . . . Possibly I should annotate my text with LOL! The anticipated difficulty with doing so would be such annotation would dominate everything I write. 

I will save The Creation and what I do with either camera or computer for another post/essay/column or blog entry. Save to say that I invested $10,000 to $12,000 enabling what I do with both essentially for the honor of volunteering at hospice. No shame in that since I should pay hospice for the priledge. Merely the rehearsal of my own demise would be a start. 

120911 16:12 inside-out
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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