Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

by John Delaney @ Photo Shoot
Pain, death, grief or merely suffering a stubbed toe. All have an end and purpose. Each in their turn caused me to search for the meaning of life, it's value and price. The end came when I accepted my lessons integrating the force into my now balanced life; my new truth. Not rigid but fluid. 

Life is difficult and then what? Life knocks us down and many never get up, or recover the loss of a loved one; or favorite Cross Pen. A life or object lost is processed through essentially the same circuitry causing grief unending; silly isn't it. 

My motive is driven by experience not ego; I want you to live fully accepting your loss at the same time balancing it with the joy you otherwise would not have known. 

It is known only to yourself; the scale and kind of love you had for the lost item. Yet I think if you examine your value system, your's alone, not some prepackaged slogan or parable but the viscera of yourself and your feelings; you will find the grit to go on. I know my son and/or daughter would have wanted that for me and for their mother. 

The problem with shredding yourself in guilt and shame is that you are still you when you become bored with mutilating yourself. 

I do not believe in divorce and remain essentially married to the Bride-of-my/our-youth discovering that I want no one to live with except myself and G_d. I am too clever by half to say; "Never say Never" since G_d may have other plans for what remains of my life; the long or short of it. And so I play solitaire for now, maybe poker later on? The minutes, hours, day or night are accepted as gifts chock full of meaning now. Boredom only becomes an issue when I brook fools. Having been a fool for most of my life I am able to tell another one quickly and easily. Yet occasionally I discover myself supercilious, pompous, pontifical, fatuous and ridiculously preachy; five feet above my audience . . . and then I laugh at myself. 

To love my enemy has been, forever, a burr between the rider and myself. Yet as much as I love that, being ridden, I know and trust the rider implicitly. More better every hand I'm dealt. 

You do know that we are in chaos? Our adversary is not Islam but a fragment of fundamentalist who know how to jerk our chain and make us bark. If only St. Francis were here to lead us we'd know exactly what to do; he did it before . . . well maybe they don't teach that in public school? What we have here is a failure to communicate in open transparent dialog. I don't know the Koran well but have dabbled in it as I have The Bible, etc. There are more books that we can consult regarding the wisdom of blowing our 'enemies' off the face of the planet. The problem I anticipate is once started it will end as Einstein advocated beating each other to death with sticks and stones. 

In the end we'll have no one left, well maybe a banker and a lawyer tearing each other's lives apart. The playing, or killing, field become pock marked like the moon. . . .A satellite to the moon, mooning the moon? Or mimicking it.

Surprise, surprise M&M are facing cancer her diagnosis is positive and mine yet to be found. Interestingly we both decided -- independent of our now celestial friendship and confidence in one another -- not to take the crash course of chemotherapy or radiation. We've both lost loved ones traveling that route and wouldn't do that to Adolph Hitler. Who seemingly sought to prove himself the source of cancer.

Our end is to advocate tolerance.

120918 09:04 suffering
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

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