Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, August 17, 2012

THE TRUE BELIEVER A query, lottery or poll of those who read my post on the father of my mind: Eric Hoffer

120817 20:38 Eric Hoffer

A query, lottery or poll of those who read my post on the father of my mind: Eric Hoffer
Possibly better known initially as the author of "THE TRUE BELIEVER." 

Is it what he or I said that so attracts attention? Do not be shy or coy; since like all authors, I too fling my first born, in blood sacrifice, into the midnight well hearing no splash continually wondering; "was there an effort or dream. . . .did the tree falling make a noise absent a listener? What is the sound of one hand?"

In the query box search my name as jack4spratt or Jack Spratt and let me know. Please. With hot fudge, nuts and cherry atop. . . . & oh yes, beware the reference to Commander Chuck E. Cheese my half brother and thief of my inheritance to say nothing of he like other pornographers of the same name. All illegitimated. 

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