Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

no web crawler am i since giving up serial masturbation in error assuming the truth given by friend male/female -- Priest/Minister -- or foe female/male that my prostate would remain viable should only i exorcize it daily

a practice i've grown bored with until I discovered this site in lieu of those other all to frequently pursed @ 72 nearly too soon colliding an onrushing train in the blight of my soon eternal nights The before and after Nabokov's eternal abyss preceding and following what we call 'life' not lateral but vertical falling upon me this flabby old white man giggling in delight:( either way actually:)

so general praise hosannas & kudos Glen (by the way i've requested that we be friends or at the very least frenamies)

about your query: I kneel if not genuflect or lay face down in awe the implications of discovering another key to what why & how i am daily otherwise sans the naked ladies with goats or dogs. Well actually i favor MILF's generally since I want to know all that is known about why mother destroyed my masculinity in error presuming at 12 i'd had sex with my 6 year-old sister when I wasn't ever then before erect? . . . .more maybe too much more in the later future that is if Wilson doesn't crush me like a fire ant beneath his exquisite critical overview . . . oh sweet fucking Jesus in panties do i love to write!

Maybe for, or about, Wilson's "Dancing with the Devil" i'll say; the greatest evil i've ever known resides inside my head: well actually all of me especially the neither parts

aside from happy endings via prostate massage or messages i continue to follow the lead of one minister, actually, who suggested that while writing a journal one could find sanity versus the insanity of my life: two dead children a moribund marriage a failed yet oddly famous in my time career as a photographer all ritually burned at various points while i crouched distant sucking my thumb until the trash haulers took away the ashes not then confident; did i hairbreadth away from offing myself as the ashes proclaimed or in some deeply unconsciousness make the consciousness that writes -- sure not me for i no longer have an ego.

yet i malinger molesting prose or poetry to the co-dependents and PTSD who like me wonder daily as they wander through the cesspool we've made of our world; "It not now, when?" for perpetual suicides rehearse the ideation daily, hourly, minute by second WTF i am going to do? Nothing makes any sense of breathing another heart beat into motion.

Among heroines/heroes who have saved me, by morning ritual crawling quote sites, Emerson though GRAND is merely one of many who have kept my nose nominally above drowning in the cesspool drool of those who purport to lead us to safety by terrifying us of, or about, ourselves & enemies real or imaginary e.g. George W. Bush et al + his puppet master  Uncle Bob a once adored figure the two of them Howdy Doody & on TV viewed in childhood remembered simply for Cheney fisting both the wooden doll and the world with his Snark humorlessness into bankruptcy . . . this is, really too wonderful to litter a 'comment box' i think i'll post it in addition -- thanks for the opportunity!

In closing I'll add to your list of angelic heroes: -- again, merely one of legion if know what to look for:

"It is a thorny undertaking, and more so than it seems, to follow a movement so wandering as that of our mind, to penetrate the opaque depths of its innermost folds, to pick out and immobilize the innumerable flutterings that agitate it." --Michel de Montaigne
Montaigne's axiom: "Nothing is so firmly believed as that which least is known."

120821 14:14 reply Glenn S Dorfman


Ralph Waldo Emerson: We need to tread and digest more of him....

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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