Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Any mode of divination has its charms and truths usually in the time of Christendom frowned upon. And as our common religion splinters into fragments more I sense wisdom suggest that we should expect more chaos of a random and obsessive nature.

I don't do prophecy but instead pay careful attention to established facts and digest from them the true condition of our world mental health.

And boys & girls right here in River City we got troubles Big Time.

Two people I respect unequivocally Abraham Lincoln & St. Paul make compelling points for the value of dissent. I discovered another yesterday: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Thomas_Szasz . . . a new to me Saint, if you will allow me to canonize.

Once accused of being bipolar I followed the authorities recommendations beginning with a wise officer of the court: a patrol officer of West Warwick, Rhode Island answering a domestic dispute call.

I'd flipped out throwing two prized Kapro computers: one through a picture window another against a cement block wall and then in shame ran away -- the good old issue of fight or flight. Hindsight being 'perfect' I should have kept running instead I returned to the scene of the 'crime' the 'wife' and consequences.

The officer asked, of my then 'wife', if I were intelligent to which she responded yes. He suggested that I was bipolar -- a difficult analysis without any definitive tests with a 87% failure rate.

As usual the psychological community is best served by shares owned in Pharmaceutical Corporations who have an answer for everything. Years later and thousands of dollars spent on psychotropic drugs I met M. Who by my discernment sans the love I have for her is a white witch amongst other things and a qualified forensic psychologist. I will write a book about our friendship unless I predecease her.

Without asking her opinion I ceased taking not only the mental health drugs but also the prescribed medication for my heart. In that choice I discovered myself exactly as I was before the domestic eruption attributable explicitly to the behavior of my then "wife" . . . she insisted that we marry an event that I mourned from my first 'yes' to my final attempts to contact her regarding her forgiveness for my behavior . . . I never forget lovers. Enemies yes. With the odd exception of my half-brother; Cmdr. Stephen Norman Spratt the little shit I call Commander Chuck E. Cheese for his rape of my father's dignity and my just share in our father's estate . . . for that I might circumcise him then accidentally rip his one testicle off and beat what is left to a pulp just for the fun of it. . . . That my friends is not a mental health issue it is simply justice within families. I have detailed my disquiet in other posts. . . . note his attempted rape of my daughter and calling her a nigger.

Overview: Mental Health in our culture is akin to death; taboo. When we expect too much of politicians we get laws that no only don't work they are destructive to our freedoms. e.g. The Thought Police is a typical response to random attack that will inevitably cause politicians removal from office since all their covert activities exactly like yours and mine are known qualities and quantities.

Better yet recent brain research has detailed a quantifiable genetic brain defect uniform in all psychotics: serial rapist, murders, thieves and politicians: the perfect absence of remorse and lack of empathy. Present in most if not all 'thinkers' who process everything in binary yes/no perception including you and me and all random acts of violent dissent.

Do your own research and discover where you fall on the scale of discernment: Meyer's-Briggs or The Enneagram. Then work assiduously to balance yourself before the Thought Police, out of reflex guardianship of 'safety', render you disappeared off the street, in your office, asleep in bed with your wife and children near by. More better is the perp walk, crucifixion by public opinion sans of course the cross arm of the Cross humiliating more so. However I imagine them using a butterfly net instead with a straight jacket and be assured of electro shock treatments ala Clock Work Orange http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066921/
 or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073486/

Ugly? Of course it is. Exactly what happened in Aurora, Colorado. To politicians who think behavior a public safety issue, controllable by drugs or dismissal or as a "Mental Health" issue or by laws, don't have a clue. Perception, meaning and definition are part of the commonwealth not an isolated ruling class. Who as hammers see everything in terms of nails. Not human beings but as things.

While I make an exception for Chuck E. Cheese, it is personal and I would sacrifice my freedom for justice, I do not believe or have faith in capital punishment. Give me a month with Charles Mason and I'll have him singing hymns. No idle boast just the facts from a soul in love with God and Charles Manson's soul.

What is 'normal' exists only as a setting on laundry appliances. Just jocular conjecture; perhaps we need more female Popes? Read the "Chinese Curse" and put yourself in the position of "Authority" that, I have faith in, role play. Love your enemy and you will know yourself better. Otherwise grasp you ass with both hands and kiss it goodbye.

120804 06:25 Divination ©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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