Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, July 20, 2012

120720 20:20 storm aurora co

His face was a cyclone of anguish especially his eyes otherwise normal in all regards.
I'd once said 'You are a bigot' and seen him gyre through the ceiling shaking like a leaf new bud its first rain storm.

We've become better acquainted since my accusation to which he asked, “Do you know what a bigot is?” In sotto voice replying “of course I am one as well for God.”

He stormed away slamming the door obligated to conduct a class saying; “We'll settle this later” and never did. Though in reply, “I look forward to anything you offer.”

Last evening his son called from the site in Aurora Colorado where a significant number were killed and many more wounded lives saying, “Dad we were to have attended the event but chose otherwise.”

Had I a weapon as functional as a hand gun or assault rifle I'd have killed myself long ago instead of another.

As for my former bigotry I now have none knowing that instead of killing my self or another I might as well stay another day lending a hand God has none.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

Eyewitness Jacob Stevens, 18, and his mother, Tammi Stevens, walk away after police interviewed Jacob about the Aurora, Colo., shootings. Other families waited for news. (R.J. Sangosti, Denver Post/ July 20, 2012)
I lifted this off the net please credit LA Times and the dude what took the pix.

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