Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Saturday, July 14, 2012

120714 08:13 chuck E. cheese

From first to last knowing or merely in his presence observing silent as a snake my forked tongue touching him measuring him I would reflexively name him Commander Chuck E. Cheese. Best remembered the last, “oh I have friends to call should Dad need any help”, a mustard seed the size of cow flop planted then. He returned to Virginia Beach and dad in Groton Connecticut alone helpless in grief . . . you son-of-a-bitch!

Retroactively now trained in elder abuse – should I be in assisted living or a nursing home eventually, I expect to be raped by a male attendant systematically simply for his entertainment – abuse: sexual, financial, emotional of the elderly soon to die rather than suffer the humiliation & terror telling authorities their child is the author of such atrocious acts. I know your spore read easily now.

I too well know being helpless evidenced by the deaths of my two children While there were two parents involved I was shut out by the ever child mother of her four siblings. Anal Retentive in the extreme she shut me out first to last moments of our “relationship” honesty/dishonesty cuts both ways. Stephen Normand Spratt you stand accused of elder abuse in the court of elder abuse. Rather than the typical he said she said contest of urine splatter about I will simply try you in the court of public opinion and in the end you will wish you'd never been born actually an accident unwanted by dad.

--H. G. Wells
A time will come when a politician who has willfully made war and promoted international dissension will be as sure of the dock and much surer of the noose than a private homicide. It is not reasonable that those who gamble with men's lives should not stake their own.”

"Advertising is legalized lying."

Like the congress of baboons I am a sovereign/nation/cosmos unto myself without fear of death; I know a bit more about “the other side of life” than most.

My first assignment, like the first kiss, most memorable, was in the precinct of South Providence Rhode Island at an art show. First step into the exhibition some one called “Rabani Spratt” I answered to the latter part learning slowly over the years that though unqualified I am in essence a teacher like Jesus and all the Saints and Prophets.

A sinner, and imperfect, seeking such, am I yet also a child of God as we all are. I sense, intuit, feel, think myself a member of all race creed proclivities more over a citizen of the Universe. We all are one family of the species called human. Our souls regardless of outward definitions are equal & my by now old saw: carried in biodegradable bags of flesh mostly water: same/same.

Honor is expected and annotated in The Ten Commandments similar to Jesus' recommendation to love thy enemy – as previously annotated. Trust & Respect of either parents or enemies are based upon behavior and choice theirs and mine. Yet for me there is the Samurai warriors code once drawn my sword must taste blood. I play with concepts, institutions, conjecture and often it is not my knowing but balanced integration of all that I proffer the following – potentially garbled thus in error – sense of the Zen Archer; become the target. Though I could read the Bible a trillion times finding more I find Christianity Freighted with the maundering influence by too many interpretations people who purport to serve we poor ignorant slaves by “Divine Right” implied. Always remember the power propaganda used to manipulate those too busy attempting to survive into mindless herds. what was an attempt to demonstrate God as loving never worked in the sense intended. Rather we cling to an eye for an eye retribution since, in my opinion, it far easier to kill than to love.

Personally I am revolted by the motto on our currency; a patented lie. Were the statistics not cooked or merely wishful/magical thinking incorporating those uncounted Black, Hispanic, Native American; from whom one and all we stole this land “of the Free?” And those acknowledged as “discouraged” no longer counted. You would know were are not in recession but depression.

As a registered voter I favor neither party and out of principal will change my 'party affiliations: from Democrat to neutral' They both are complicit in our current tragedy.

I have a fiendish mind and humor while contemplating the abortion retroactive and forward of all Politicians, Bankers, Stock Brokers/gamers. Which only now suggests that by my evaluation I'd have to stand in line becoming pet food since Stephen Norman Spratt hence forth forever more also known as Commander Chuck E. Cheese, his rodent whiskers and beady eyes twitching avariciously, carries genes similar to mine – my voluntary forgiveness is not entirely altruistic.

I have not come to slay but to teach you who care to love and forgive your selves and those who steal and/or slay you with a rusty sword of Islamic extremist sawing off your head.

Remember: Say & mean what you say;
Thank You,
I forgive you,
God Bless you &
bye the way have a nice life.
. . . then grab your posterior, bending over, kiss it Good Bye hello God's Heaven

. . . as for you Stephen you might eventually find a position commanding a night soil honey dipper barge in Mumbai . . . it's not the money honey its the abuse; rape, psychological, economic being synonymous are actionable offenses against life & God.

Thus my sense it appropriate George W Bush & Dick Cheney should be tried in The World Court for turning Iraq into The School for Terrorist both sides the combatants.

As for the Mormon Milt whatshisname for'gid-about it!

© 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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