Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Friday, July 6, 2012

120706 04:55 truth

I have empathy and respect for politicians but of trust for their “truth” I have none.

I distrust the Bible in many ways yet within as with most wisdom books there is a kernel truth writ enormous hidden. It is my truth that I have seen God, not metaphorically but face-to-face stone cold sober. Yet I am shy speaking this for the hysteria, a feminine slander actually, it might cause. By experience I have learned that definitions are fluid subject to projection wishful or magical thinking and change with time by their use and abuse.

This is an ongoing dialog not ending in death or eternity for both God and the all that surrounds us for now is expansive. Yet like we this species called mankind the most predatory destructive violent and dare I say savage. Using the word carefully for The Nobel “Savages” we so glibly annihilated more so than Hitler or Joseph Stalin we Americans are guilty of the worst crimes in history.

And our crimes go on amplified by power's quest for competition and simple childish greed. My beloved mentor Norm Ouellet http://livejournal.com/~normand_ouellet uses a phrase “Yah But!” indicative of protest the potential of change in any dimension or measure. M being my other mentor she of emerald Sphinx gaze is the other.

Love is not what we get but what we give.

In honor no gratuity required for what they gave me I give you. We are not a cabal or corporation but merely friends me in the middle being grateful and now joyous Though this world and all inhabitants as we know our selves now will be exterminated by our indifference and waste thus soon extinct.

Yet by Weird Science both the movie and the reality of Exxon manipulations we are lead further beyond the point of no return. Forestall a bit maybe but the dire end is closing rapidly.

If in fact my encounter with what we call God is sincere regardless working with those about to die has enabled me to accept that I could and may want to die at any minute so I have no fear of THE THOUGH POLICE, EXXON, or god. Yet in love with the flesh of all His/Her children I will not harm neither those who torture nor those who slay me.

The Wizard of Oz seems appropriate of mention for not only the fear filled man who speaks with “god like voice” but equally the governance of those not freely elected and their corruption of those who are.

So few of us truly know what a friend is ever never being one to our self never fully trustworthy nor transparent souls fully disclosed nakedly so. For me it began in the Rankin House in Ripley Ohio on the second floor at least during my childhood there were hidden rooms with manacles symbols of what was fled from. Now there is no where to flea no liberty no real choice. First came the African Americans then the Native Born Indians the and now and forever more you the halt, lame, blind and deaf like me so soon to die.

My truth is I am resident not merely of America, the world but what lays beyond adopted Though I did say in reply to a 'fan' deliciously salacious that I had married God. Free to enter her body I refused infidelity to the Who or Whom not the IT I love.

Less dramatic or sentimental. I returned from elementary school hiccuping hysterically crying stumbling with commotion stumbling into the residence of my parents never home to me . . . “Mommy they called you a Whore” both laughed at me.

End of story.

Death be not proud it is merely the beginning again a new chapter. Rebirth virgin.

Be well beloved family of mine all of you.

Yah But its only a story isn't it?!

 © 2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

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