Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

120704 02:22 cell phone

Be observant not excessively so your beloved might never return it is a horror show out there.

Self knowing is comparable to sepuku with a church key. Google it!

In my mothers vernacular the previous stanza would be as follows; not exact but close enough for my purposes; she belittled people given to self examination by saying they were in her vision 'navel gazing' (passive) or 'picking lint from their navels' (assertive proactive). Those two quotes are exact as I remember her uttering them.

What I imagined in hearing them as stated: She eschewed as lewd anything dealing with human flesh.

At the moment, delightful, the recalling. It was the vision of unraveling my Soul though public hair picked the bitter end drawn outward leaving nothing behind but a pile of thread, yarn, dust or the longest 'public (improbable of course) hair' in the then known Universe.

More better yet was her, well not only her face, but her intuited astringency. She could with a look turn my incipient desire to make her love herself in any way I could then imagine an, ego ideal, rendered a dust mote easily hidden beneath a mouse turd. She was in the ordinary of time extraordinarily able to, with one glance, cremate me or merely vaporize me gone not a tendril of steam remaining as in having never been born.

Now more nearly fully realized, as in, I think I can ride my tricycle with out the training wheels; a unicycle no hands?! Well maybe. At any time in any place for no reason at all that I can remember or discern then or now she could and would FLAME me.

Thus my thesis that Dick Chaney is the best candidate I can imagine for a napalm enema. I sense the man had no or zero sense of humor and yet I think I remember him laughing at the time thinking I was looking into the bowels of hell or merely the bottom of the abyss my bodily remains coating his teeth, cums and tongue. Odd. How could I see from hell what remained upon his lips?

The really is no “Hell.”

T. S. Elliot's “Wasteland” better describes the entire process of life in this time and place. For me the 4th of July Coney Island any iteration there was one in Cincinnati possibly more unknown to me but here I'm thinking of the one in New York State.

I like everyone I have ever encountered personally, inquisitor, curiosity being my normal estate, likes a person but not a crowd.

Buckle up this is going to get deep.

The principal difference between people, as sheep or goat, metaphorically, is various vast and actually complex. Not fishes and stones, but a matter of degree

In my K.I.S.S. lexicon it would be: those who take and those who give.

M being the most extraordinarily generous soul I've ever experienced. Of course it therefore follows, validating my thesis that Cheney was actually the President and G. W. his dummy, by comparison. He, G. W., based upon film or video evidence during his first campaign was witty charming and personable yet in office sans Cheney . . . are you really that innocent and know nothing of ventriloquy? In any case while alone George was a mumble boy. Had only he stood there resolute speechless looking gorgeous I couldn't imagine or with confidence publish my sense of him. Laura loves him and that's enough for me. Love being able to seduce the actually nonexistent devil could hypothetically turn a snake into a dove or a girly/boy gee thanks Arnold you big prick Nazi wannabe . . . actually by experience well endowed men can be slender. Note: John Holmes was so large I don't think he was fully capable of a full erection; his joy stick being rather soft.

None of the above was intentional or 'inspired' rather I awoke with an intention to detail a “dialog” or “dream” defining education to heal your self with. A sort of outline for a mail order course—never really successful­--few people are willing to go as far a go does. No definitive sense since we are imperfect intentionally so the only perfection is God or what we call the origin of consciousness. The failures of education being partially attributable to teachers and students. “When the student is ready the Teacher will come, arrive odd these words in vernacular dependent upon locality also describe orgasm which for most of us is our only experience of the numinous. Education is now a business filled with useless administrators who like politicians merely fuck up the real business of life. Using my useless self as a genie pig in the endless caged wheel of attempting to make anyone love themselves coupled with the wisdom of others vast array out there it takes grit sand salt to get an education that will enable thought verses rote recitation.

Conceptually “No Child Left Behind” encourages rote not thinking. It is a controllable construct enslaving folks in jobs that are unendurable. As politically ideal as “Body Count” we are inherently extraordinarily yet using the least part of our abilities Talent or Genius is specific to a responsible incarnation of bliss. Bliss too often is bought not earned.

I could and may sometime go “long form” attempting something “epic” for now I generally allow myself only that which it is feasible for a reader to consume if so inclined. I cannot heal you but will hold your hand while you do it, yet that said only God has the patience to go as far as it takes. Jesus or any other of equal or comparable self hood can never die or Elvis Left The Building. They merge into the consciousness of all mankind and eventually in time change begins as indicated LOL “ sepuku with a church key” your mind is a sealed can making a wondrous hiss and promise the prize only possible or experienced upon consumption . . . the meaning of communion for me and now I weep for sorrow and joy

PS Of course I obfuscate and dissemble; I failed to share with you the origin of 'more better' in my experience. He had no teeth was from Brazil doing masonry and I loved to watch his mouth speaking more better which would, his lips flapping, come out mobetta over which I have laughed endlessly and successfully mimicked ever since when in the mood to entertain various beloved pets.

Times remembered with my adored adopted mocha daughter who would laugh at my recitation of James Mason saying, “Jodi, Jodi, Jodi” He having a marvelous tenor voice being
British with not a cockney put toff accent it came out “Judy, Juudy, Juuudddyyyyy” Not exactly his style but my improvisation on it. I rarely perform in public since I have long been terrified of being incarcerated for insanity . . . my laughter is bad enough the attention derived. On my bio I indicate “The University of Hard Knocks” as my degree indicated not how hard the knocks were. M being psychic may know my penchants and proclivities she being at times terrifying to me but no not to or for her do I clown the buffoon or Jester I actually am. That said of mother who I had to watch with both eyes constantly she being lethally mercurial in mood and/or behavior once said arriving at a hardscrabble farm in Southern Ohio “they have a child chained”—basement or attic—kin of mine.

We as parents become models of God to the innocence of the child begotten of or by us. Of God I have no fear I was that well trained. Never “between a rock and a hard place” but between the hammer and anvil forged the truth this steal sword my truth.
Brethren be truth to yourself an to no other be false & do no harm no murder either ever

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