Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, May 6, 2012

120506 03:08
Given cutbacks in everything especially by those self-congratulatory who reward themselves with raises, lifetime security and endless measures to destroy life in other ways--Congress having congress with itself-- one should not be surprised at the extents to which we who care are driven to acquire funds to serve others

Finally found a new and only home ever for me so late in life I volunteer in an organization running 24/7/365 giving loving compassionate care for the dying who miraculously sometimes go home on their own two feet unlike the hospitals running a similar schedule who more like Midas Muffler Shops in-&-out often causing either death or worse problems for which we pay like the Chinese who send a bill for the bullet that killed your beloved

A special and personal living grief: a beautiful slip a girl a former Marine in an otherwise innocuous medical procedure had her bladder perforated and the remedy is escalating daily at this point it is only $60,000.00 promoting profits

Of Turnips Traumas & Tragedies
Agape constrains me from further details regarding the Marine yet it is axiomatic that the powers that be cannot squeeze blood from turnips and what goes around comes around. Or the Silver Standard: Do unto others as you would have done to you. . . . or is that “THE GOLDEN RULE”? or, in this Kafkaesque novel: give a bureaucrat a job and watch them serve themselves onanisticlly with not only your tax dollar but ethics and morals bought and sold by Exxon . . . oh yes, of course when you go to buy a gallon of milk you don’t think of the Africans dying of pollution extortion greed rivers of tar or your children and theirs to follow will have no air or water consumable oh well my thoughts are addressed to the too few literate and am too-well-aware my vote inconsequential yet I know the Marine stood watch to protect my right.

My point?
Oh yes! Of the five-hundred-or-so who came to buy clothes, furniture, televisions, et cetera, just a guesstimate, as I photographed them between lifting and  toting things, the customers would often remark, “My mother, My Father, My Child” & and-on-and-on died there at the clinic or at home; hospice was there for them

Forgive please this modestly angry screed and trespass my intention was otherwise to annotate the number of peers, friends, strangers and myself who are dedicated to avoid Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, Doctors and Medical Insurance  CEOs who award themselves with $103,000,000.00 annual salaries + bonuses + stock options + executive isolation from the people who died because their claims were denied, mangled, malpracticed, not to mention indifferent exclusion and legalized economic slavery

Of relevance is my wish to die without aid from those who purport to serve fallaciously the cost benefit analyses doesn’t equate my grave will be the dumpster instead . . . my DNR is about to be authorized and best yet I was educated in The Greenwich Connecticut Public School System to kill people with my bare hands and many of my classmates stole all my money the kernel of which I saw my grandmother alter waist and hems of blue jeans for anyone who needed it

Since The Thought Police have access to every site, porno or otherwise, every email and telephone call and their minions ready to execute by any means but considering Black Opts I’ll probably die of either a chemically induced suicide heart attack or better yet buried alive or maybe a listing drone poisonous maybe I’m insane as they will claim just like Russia

. . . but then we’re already in the Cuckoo’s Nest aren’t we . . . pardon me while I roar off in my gigantic SUV and run over a few pedestrians or bicyclist while sexting on my cel phone if they’re lucky they will die instead of being paralyzed for life no need for hospice then

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