Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." --Confucius

100106 11:37
‘Power -- Meditations & Random thoughts -- continued. . . .’
I experience my time as beginning in chaos and desolation ending in peace and balance. Despite the reek and premature death of paranoia enveloping the earth, then for me, now for everyone else.
Well aquatinted with my bigotry and hypocrisy I question everything; all motives and intentions, conclusive or otherwise. Metaphorically I am an intellectual trapeze artist moving from one secure ideal to a more mobile support that might serve others as well as myself. Sans safety net or nuclear bombs.
It there is a future, obviously it is in doubt to me.
Perhaps even a foolish consideration given my age and self-published desire to get off the Merry-go-Round; riotous in erratic elliptical gyrations. Nevertheless there is the issue of what might I leave behind? An apple seed growing into a fruit bearing tree, giving nurture long after I have left the stage. Ignore the mythology of an apple &/or a serpent giving it as evil. Actually I am far fonder of Kokopelli, then Johnny Apple Seed or Jack The Giant Killer. Consciousness implies no evil in and of itself. Death measures the value of life.
Choice is everything and a responsibility for those aware of it as an issue. Everything else seems to be “kill or be killed” . . . who assassinated Jesus and why? Least you get on your high horse and say, “obviously the Jews!” Beware your/our ability to project upon others issues we refuse to question, or the potential of acting upon, without serious consideration the consequence of. . . . I’ve made a fool of myself too often before. Apparently the potential has never left me. But then laughter and music calms the most savage beasts--myself included.
I too act on partial information with the caveat that I do not want to lead anyone astray from the book written upon their soul and life.
We have an instrument of education for everyone on the World Wide Web. Efforts to censure it for various reasons seem to abound along with the eclectic nature of our curiosity about everything; burgeoning, given the paucity of interest in all other mediums commercially governed or property at issue.
On Wikipedia---for whose continuance I donated an obscene--for me amount--never to be replaced except by eating pet food in perpetuity---we can find threads leading us, if not into TRUTH at the very least contemplation of what truth means to us individually--then collectively.
God does not speak any one language exclusively.
Before I close, as close I must given, your fruit fly attention span--not merely to me but yourself equally avoided: I am aware that my identity is compromised every time I log on. Further that my choice of donation is an indication read by people, at least some, as subversive to their choices.
Whenever I call for assistance regarding issues, I hear, “This dialog will be recorded for training purposes.” Depending upon my patience, or impatience, I sometimes see myself being beaten to death with telephone books and/or rubber hoses by those who think me a dissident threat to the status quo. And at that it is I who is being trained/constrained into obedience to their agenda/intentions: They win, I lose.
Politics was never intended to become a professional vocation. Instead, or so I believe, it was to be a civic obligation temporarily exercised. Frankly I am not impressed by the current state of civil war manifest in Congress and know of no politician I would entrust to carry my shoes to the cobbler for renewal. Instead I do trust in God and all of you to find a way for the world and life to have a future. Need I mention supervisory professional clergy?
Nothing is hidden from God and all are accountable.
. . . my ideal economy/ecology is win/win.
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." --Confucius

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