Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Orthodoxy can not stand against the available information via the World Wide Web. Fight for the freedom of information, do no harm, but protest and boycott the rich for whom we are their food and future.

"Our democracy is but a name. We vote? What does that mean? It means that we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed, autocrats. We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.… You ask for votes for women. What good can votes do when ten-elevenths of the land of Great Britain belongs to 200,000 and only one-eleventh to the rest of the 40,000,000? Have your men with their millions of votes freed themselves from this injustice?" -Letter published in the Manchester Advertiser (3 March 1911), quoted in A People's History of the United States (1980) page 345 -Helen Keller

"When we love properly, we expand our love for a few to compassion for all. This love can help all beings to live with happiness and freedom, and it is anything but small and powerless--it is the reason for our existence!" - Buddhist Master

Censorship is the weapon of those who seek to keep the status quo. Manifest principally in education designating those who wish to live well in pre assigned roles of slavery. My sense is that they are the economic terrorist who control everything we do and will to become. Follow the money, the coin of power and see where it goes and who it defends. Discovering in the process who pays living and dying in prostitution to ideals impractical to real life; in flesh and blood terms--as lived.

Obvious to you and to myself, through the reliance, in this instance, upon quotes, is a discovery that from the beginning to end of all history by communication there are threads of revolutionary protest indicating a higher consciousness of what it means to be a person inconvenient to those who administrate our lives.

What I advocate is not revolution but consciousness of who wins and who loses; merely justice as defined by history . . . 121129 02:38 I stopped at this point unsure; disheartened by a seasonal report on the commercialization of what is intrinsically meaningful to me. Our values change as we grow in understanding of what issues are valuable and lacking in any meaning other than greed. Real kindness instead of hype and millions upon billions stolen from us to convince we, the consumers that they, the corporations and institutions are benign instead of malevolent.

We are at a turning point in history and have an opportunity to participate in what we want from life; something greater, kinder and more loving than what is on offer for the sweat of our brow. Institutions: governmental, religious or business lie all the time. Beware. We must agree together and not be lead by those who profit.

121128 03:56 orthodoxy
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Beauty or grotesque is poetic or photographic; yet knowing not how but why I do either; both will serve for now.

Seeing the divine within all is problematic and my vision/version no longer subject to critics who seek what they wish. What and why I do as I do is for my souvenirs; not others. It is said that this attitude, or perception, is finding “a voice.” Personal and explicit--possibly insane--so be it.

True, of and for me; all events: random chance, felicitous or synchroneity. Perilous to those who volunteer to be recorded by either: memory fixed and removable as in digital photography--or this memory that writes. At least for now. No longer fearing the dribbling of it out my nose in Alzheimer or crushed beneath, burned alive or merely voiceless never to sing the songs sung to me and all.



The tale and price of an original Beethoven manuscript sold for an obscene amount. And wondering if Jesus reappeared that He, before speech could be uttered, would be eaten alive; toe nails and all. What is whole and holy being had but nothing of the spirit.

For, against, about which can I save? Certainly alone nothing but these moments of epiphany. Envisioning myself laughing/crying the sight, or recording . . . for what and why? The language and hearing soon disappeared; of dust dancing devilish in desert succumbing to dust again.

The act of creation is, in-and-of-itself, a reprise of all that began the bang--The Big One.

The All and the Why!

And i, a mud wasp making a nest, no better or less, than any who change the world but for a moment experiential. In prayer I would dance as the stars; but as I am: I call myself Lurch.

Not a faux Frankenstein but the creator of him, made one her self; by life itself. Of course it was by the material seeking/loving world not the divine. . . .souls being more than akin to angels: gender doesn’t matter.
121124 10:08 aesthetic
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

all are: the nucleus of infinity

Over run with innocence or the obverse: consciousness -- all are both created and evolved. The desire -- no -- longing to be something, anything, worthy of life is the nexus around which all life revolves.

Difficult, impossible actually, to define the why, who and what I seek combing the cosmos; I still find it in miniature within all life common/extraordinary. Loath to tear one from the other part; and disabled to call one evil another divine. Knowing from my own trials the ultimate good is more merciful than I am to myself. . . . or by my own lights, be to another save being saved from my self shredding.

Gloria Steinem was the first of many, before and since, women I thought of bedding; not so much her mind/body but her soul. Curious to know her as entire not simple pleasure. Now I wonder what the yin and yang are about? Light and Darkness? Good and evil? Or, more over, a light greater than that which ignites my desire.

What is our ignition point; when we, dry kindle or moist mold, burst into flame? Not a war between love and hate, but both against indifference and complacency. Ignorance of self and all else.

To know the Creator is a trial worth all that I was and will be for it is my bliss; responsibly--more so now for life itself. Noble?


Since it seems that which is within all life: it’s reason for being.

And at that, and all, this day, my encounter with the man curious about poetry of which I know the spirit but not the how. Making my second cuppa coffee, a sin against my bladder; addiction? Possibly! Who cares? Not me. I stood watching the water suffuse the grounds and said, simply, “collector.” From those few who respond in derision or praise I know those nearest me read me not. In word or person save those rare times from emerald gaze I know love as real . . . a gift newly defined moment by moment never ending. Expanding not limiting.



I have no fear of gain or loss. Being a teacher is reward enough; to see the conflagration torched within another. Each of us is on our own path; the redemption/reconciliation or loss which only the Author can know; not we. Or us.

Save singly; alone in the light and dark of our lives tumult or peace.

It could well be that we are both, divine and cancer, upon this soon to be impotent ball. It takes time beyond imagining to grow a worm or rose in stone. Can we, for now, for the time remaining, call women equal in quality, to we little boys, never growing up?

Love is all. And sex mere reproduction; or a facet of the whole. Listen to your heart, not the snoring throng.

121124 08:37 all are: the nucleus of infinity
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

To live or die for our family of mankind is bliss

“Rest when tired” is a luxury never allowed to mothers; of father’s seldom. Perhaps this is why Eric Hoffer was so able to define the enemy as us. We the people defining ourselves by specific moral and ethical standards rigid; so immutable as to be intransigent; traitors and betrayers of all that is good and potential in life, love and liberty in and of ourselves as well as the world at large.

Axioms, slogans, koans and parables; all talismanic to consider in the ordinary of our wasted lives. To be or not to be, noble or ignoble, in the common of life is not the issue so much as to what are we, individually, to ourselves? What remains as the stone of time rolls moss less to the end of it’s trajectory: death?

Children love repetition while becoming angry, agitated, aggrieved at innovation. Rather I should say merely change. For me, Henry Ford’s; "Don't find fault, find a remedy." Is nearly as important as Jesus’; “Love your enemy.” Each imperative is consciously to fall face first into a box of broken razor blades writhe discovering one’s self rend from earlobe to nerve ending, and, at the moment why I am vertical instead of resting.

Some seek oblivion in sleep while I, it seems more often than not, find myself wrestling, if not with “God,” at the very least with myself--yet a higher consciousness than I alone am capable of. At that I find it no longer curious: an ability to seek and find the source of my disquiet--not disease.

The who, what and why of “God” is answered in all religions, philosophies and governance. Yet partially. And espoused by those who would profit not those whose love of consciousness is not a game but a vital reality. Generally considered prophecy using inconvenient truths as argument against entropy. All are born equal in opportunity to seek yet are the most part those happy with toys dependent upon the esteem of others gurgling blissful in playpens: local or global.

Without guidance or inspiration the difficulty of conflict resolution is to intervene between the aggrieved; one child beating another to death with the conflicted prize. Our ability to extinguish conflict is obvious yet slipping from our grasp. Thankfully so since the exercise of resolution means the extinction of all life now. Where is Solomon when we need him most?

And of “God,” or the highest consciousness possible, where is the resolution? Creation remains silent while we the created are hell bent for election, the privilege to decide; stewardship or exploitation?  Collaboration has become a political sin laughably so. The wannabe, like the was, Emperor naked in greed; an addiction to power psychotic

My disquiet, the conclusions awakening me, is personal and become irrelevant to this stream of thought. At issue is negotiation, dialog; an attempt to resolve with reason not destruction. Which is protagonist and who is antagonist; what is the nature of their motivation, intentions and objectives?

Following an intuition I sought answers in what has become the most highly read post of all: from Eric Hoffer. Followed by fourteen hours of mediation integrated with the ordinary of my extraordinary life--not mine alone but all life is extraordinary--once we consciously integrate death as it’s reasonable conclusion--every moment becomes precious. If I leave a breadcrumb trail behind me, it is for those who follow that they learn this simple lesson. Life, whether by accident, creation or evolution cannot be mutually exclusive to those who consider it so. Consider yourself in dollars and cents: one dollar. Ninety cents of your consumption is health by choice; the remaining ten cents is immutable and due to the simple arithmetic of genetics.

Life, Love and Liberty are not for sale by individual choice; choose to be a commodity or a self, never a slave. Violent input, violent output; the drug of the fearful and weak.

More on this in the latter future. Only if there is one.

121119 02:52 adversary

Predation is what we represent to the world at large. This has been true of all colonial powers throughout time from prehistory. In a sense it should be less surprising than the discovery that 99.9 percent of all people masturbate. There is a linkage here I have been attempting to mindfully discover since witnessing a papa bear masturbating in a cage, lolled back in boredom in his captivity. Oddly, at the time, alone with my very young children--unique in itself since my forever wife Susan seldom trusted me alone with them individually or together. I had not to pretend to shelter them or their curiosity.

With cause? I know many of my family who think me insane . . . perhaps better to cross the void on thin air.

When you are rejected and despised by your parents, it is difficult to find a reason to live. Suicide becomes a relief valve daily revisited. Political and religious figures assume the role of a parent without the obvious sacrificial aspect of good parents. Or, as it was before history became marzipan, a sweet lie, a confection to bury the masses in, It was the nature of kingship to be sacrificed in the right season for the King/Queen to have his/her heart torn out to fecundate the fields next time; possibly the origin of Thanksgiving that most of us are unaware of. Regardless of how much I love Buddha and Lao Tzu returning to the root of me I discovered Jesus again and again anew.

Yet this is not what I wanted to talk about essentially. It was awakening with an overwhelming gratitude for my life. Without denigration, I presume it ending soon, yet suspended in a desire to know more of all the wonderful people for whom I have endless gratitude including the Creator. Death is a small price to pay for the glory of life. Explicit: integration means change from what we were to what we can become free of greed and ego.

Odd to say but sometimes I wish I were blind and unable to see what I don’t want to see--but what is. When viewing photographs of those currently “In Shame” I see hard bodies, admirable. Whose mating seems reasonable as typical of all brothers at arms in harms way. I became aware of this when interviewing police, first responders, nurses and many same sex or different sexed relationships: love is inevitable in ways that the formal contractual marriage seldom is.One’s self seen differently, no longer a convenience or wall paper. Trust--Active.

Moral and ethical rectitude have no meaning here. The relationship is above and beyond law yet accountable to it: law. At first I saw the young woman as a predator and the wife aggrieved. Knowing from first hand choice not to participate in or with people who collect success as a trophy. With time I have begun not to write so much from inspiration but what happens afterwards; attempting to integrate the ideal with reality. And at that it is only for those of us who know ourselves somehow outside the norm; confessional, if only to ourselves and God, or to those who become aware of the nature of chaos and failure--we learn nothing from success but to repeat what seems obvious and by that become bored to tears.

No one can, or would want to, pay the price of my tuition. About which I’ve said enough, not to want a rehearsal of, the price paid; misunderstood by me for decades and only apparent and apprehended around middle age. That is not why I write--that is if you can call it writing--I tend not to take myself seriously; laughter being my nature. Joy, actually! At my expense.

Life is an experience only you can validate and redeem. Knowing how difficult it is to love and have compassion for one’s self is. I give it preemptively via silence and/or action and speech. What was it Willy Shakes said (William Shakespeare) in Macbeth? “Come home on your shield or impaled upon your sword.” True honor is not cheap. Obviously I find preemptive destruction dishonorable aka “Shock and Awe.”

Time and tide awaits no one, perhaps, except God, and then only on special occasions.

The nature of my gratitude is best described in what M has done for me. For her there is nothing I can give in reply or gratuity. Obviously, as with all true generosity, none is required.

If I speak in terms of healing, about which I once thought myself unique, at least to her. But later discerned it something she said to all her clients. Nonetheless let me be so bold as to annotate the ministry of Our Lord on earth: the miracles healing one after another seldom met with gratitude; He resorted to parables. Something akin to: Give a person a fish, they eat for a day. Give a person a parable, koan, axiom, quote and the person will live eternally. In a sense it is the words that eat our conceits and confections, that will humble us into loving ourselves.

This for me is the true nature of God:
One-on-one. . . .too good to be true but truth demonstrated if only you answer the invitation to dance. Choose your adversaries. Most are unworthy of your soul. Do no harm. Tell no one, simply walk away. How many, we’ll never know, did He, Jesus offer and walk away from? Lest you be as innocent as an infant, with or without the cunning as unto a cobra, you cannot know yourself.

The dignity of the self decapitated is only apparent to the poor who see God more clearly and rejoice in every breath.

"Man cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen." - Michel de Montaigne

Perhaps I can give nothing to M except my hungry self to celebrate her annual event: Thanksgiving, her birthday and Christmas combined. Nothing, that is, enabling her another breath, heartbeat, moment or day of life here on earth. But I will join those so privileged to have known her at all in all our humblest gratitude.

Happily, a stray, I will join to the extent possible her menagerie of great and small furry animals astonished at my good fortune not to be alone ever again. Tho she be for now ten miles distant and in time light years away. Such love transcends all definition.

Be well beloved and aware this season of becoming gratitude.

- Marc Estrin
Kindness trumps greed: it asks for sharing. Kindness trumps fear: it calls forth gratefulness and love. Kindness trumps even stupidity, for with sharing and love, one learns.”

121120 19:17 MST To close . . . l have been wrestling with my sense of injustice and discovered a need to not enter the heart of darkness--the only proclivity I take seriously about and within my Self.

So instead of advocating, in fiction or fact, open season on bankers and/or the general--nothing new here--rule of thieves I will mark my losses as tuition in the school of terrorism: Reality. Preparing another pot of pinto beans with small bits of Bologna, some corn and diced tomatoes: Two deaths never make one whole life. The longest story, love, never rots nor decays but grows. From forgiveness.

121120 04:44 Predation
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 18, 2012

a people of salt and ash dancing

Not by my lights but the Author of Light itself do I find my way into and through each epochal day. Why hurry toward the grave; it scurries towards me walking sideways; a Black Scorpion emergent from the darkness clicking.

God, or the genius of God, gave us consciousness, for which we in gratitude attempt to disprove the source.

Mom was brilliant yet addled with arrows of concern. In some sense we, at the very best of times--seldom--were each others pincushions; no squishy stuff, just pure grit.

Neither of us had from birth lived in an Iron Mask of any religion. Astonishingly I recognize M in a parallel learning to pray on our feet. All three of us having had, or being had by, many “oh shit!” moments dying in place . . . those sweet moments of peace, helpless, before crashing into a stone wall or drowning . . . yet surviving. Why? After awhile it becomes second nature to realize that we are living on borrowed time and all is less consequent; humiliation become humility.

And each in their own way live for others in need; our self long ago abandoned. Ego, vanity and greed seem more the spoon fed pablum spoiled brats.

My dreams inform me that I am what I never thought myself to be; able to breath underwater; rocked in the cradle of an infinite black hole.

Cycles of rebirth become more frequent; my sense: The meaning of “virgin birth.” Add a sense of resurrection/reincarnation. Dysfunctions dissolved.

For me, most recently, it was the disintegration of goiters of rage. Railing against that which I could not change.

As for myself; it is a sense of being able to lend those about to die peace. More difficult now seems being called to help those unaware that everything, save God, dies.

Fully aware of my decay: slow, certain, inevitable, anticipated and welcomed. I am at an age when it became apparent I must move on and forward to the living. Tweaking the perception of others to accept that this moment is the only consequent moment worthy of attention: Be Here Now. . . .Discovering life is unworthy of existence not giving to others. My cup overflows and not to give is to drown.

To linger in rage is to add insult to injury. None of the most significant women in my life ever gave me the gift of their tears until now. For a time I will let that statement stand. I have left my previous post, “Closer”, open awaiting some resolution received in last evening’s dreams. Albeit entirely dissimilar in content and context; the humor and poetry of it I apprehend as an ongoing theme.

No two of us fully alike. Each a unique snow flake filled with multifaceted prizms of perception yet snow flake nonetheless made of star stuff. All the component parts of our Cosmic Home. We are nothing like God and God nothing like we. Where we bound is consciousness and perception of one another.

I we would be whole; and this we must. Become more aware of your contra sexual component seeking integration. Or. At the very least recognition. The she in me has no face. My folly has bin to project it upon the being of another physical woman. Typical of what we call romantic love. Great stuff for stories filled with dysfunction; humorous and beguiling but folly nonetheless--always.

Turn and turn about, inside out, upside down. De constructing my psyche by return; a rehearsal to those turning epochs concluded in this: the great work and world of Self must of needs be done alone. Then perhaps, maybe not, we can heal and in being healed help others to heal themselves.

Laughing. I remember a woman, fellow resident in a condo on the shore of Lake Michigan, in Chicago. It was not uncommon to encounter her strolling through the lobby in a rag thong. Of kindness and candor, and a feasible age, though in retrospect I believe now she was married. She, by way of my greatest folly, wishful thinking, became, for a time my ideal woman.

A brief aside, I wonder now, was she the inspiration for my second Marian Dream? Wherein we swam under water impossible distances from whence cometh the ideal of breathing under water! Should any, or each of them, in turn, asked, I would have torn my heart out and handed it to them. Poor Vincent offered only his ear.

Obviously it far less brutally messy to merely write about it. And at that I am currently enchanted by Annie Dillard; her kneading my brain with the fingers of her thoughts. Discovered last night before rest: “Suddenly there is a point where religion becomes laughable,” Thomas Merton wrote. “Then you decide that you are nevertheless religious.” -Annie Dillard “FOR THE TIME BEING”

Remember Rumi’s:
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

When Buddha was on his death bed he noticed his young disciple Anan was weeping.
'Why are you weeping, Anan?' he asked.
'Because the light of the world is about to be extinguished and we will be in darkness.'
The Buddha summoned up all his remaining energy and spoke what were to be his final words on earth:
'Anan, Anan, be a light unto yourself.' - Buddhist Scripture

. . . though love: is to remember having had the love at all was more than one can ask of a lifetime. Stand Up, Move Forward growing anew in wonder, awe and reverence reborn. Fear nothing.

. . . is it enough to have grieved thirty-five years? Take however long you need but of needs you and I, we, must live. . . .Until our time to remove from this season in hell and go home to the stars creation/recreation--closure. Death is never punishment but a new beginning; learning more from failure than success. Arise this side or the other.

121117 04:21 Salt
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Holiday Hell's Bells

Post Cards sent myself from Hell, a childhood now celebrated and apprehended with joy. For those who remain ambivalent towards life itself. -121118 12:35 final
One can never realize exactly how irrelevant we are until lost. Here I think of the Horror of Holidays; laughing of course.

Imagine yourself a child, not that it matters much, but perhaps a boy best between eight and twelve inside the gigantic tomb of Madison Square Garden, dark, fetid with sweat of others, farts and all, pressed cheek by jowl, the milling herd of behemoths rhubarbing senselessly, the secure handhold separated by swaying utters of elephantine thighs.

Who me? lost! I was lost upon birth from the placental sea of security and always know where I am. I’M HERE!

However, a sentiment mother never fully understood, and in terror shook me until my eyes rolled independent up one and down the other; Mix Master Kitchen Maid at full bore.

I cannot now remember whether it then, before or latter; my arm caught too small to trigger the subway train door closure alarm and I running beside it Buster Brown’s milling not frantic but swiftly retaining my stance until no longer able to keep up merely skating upon the leather heel and sole amused that mother mired in populace attempting to find the emergency switch my grin and silent laughter. Ending with my nose pressed again the once distant cold tile wall.

Say the word “Holiday” and my instinct is to seek shelter in the closet or beneath the bed until it goes away.

Once too long ago for most who read this to recognize the wonderful Mercury Coupe driven by James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause--Red if I remember?--Dad’s was Midnight Blue. Janina and myself ensconced in the back seat. More nearly imprisoned. Our parents bicker and snarling at one another in the front on New Jersey’s Garden State Highway. Drunk or sober they shred their marriage daily but most dramatically upon Thanksgiving or Christmas Day.

Dark, cold, freezing rain, in outer orbit, shelter long lost far away. The Mercury stopped both leap out and I could not figure how to get my sister out from the rear. There are those moments when one realizes that, helpless, all is lost. Be calm in contemplation of kissing your ass goodbye. Some times death is a blessing.

Bin there, done that, have the decals and bumper stickers collected vicariously from all the tales told of their travels together. Roses conciliatory left in bidets. Terror nothing new to me ever . . . however I never was able to secure one of those baby alligators scrabbling about in a yellow window box; oh well.

Once not long ago, both antogonist dead and buried, my sister and I specualted upon this soon dark, for us, season. Noting that had they given just a smidgeon of love once in awhile the season itself may have made more sense.

. . . and to you, one and all, captive or free, I wish the best of Advent begun and Easter Tide soon arise.

121117 09:42 small
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Late arriving, or discovered, email indicates the the Sphinx arisen, ascendant and on fire with life. I knew, but had profound doubts; after all we've shared, her tears were not amongst them before, mine, easily, were.

I started this with “The Phoenix,” my totem since in reality it, my soul, hovers in a watchful pattern never far from her. And in greeting as well as parting it as though for the first and last time: precious. Prescient. Overtly casual but, well, at least for me, profound. Romance of the adolescent type become ancient friends from a time before time was and thought. We seemingly of the dark starry night our vault of heaven enduring.

Together and singly I met them, a couple several times in differing context. Once and each so memorable I dare now to compare them to we who will endure and prevail over death. The Bigelows--ah! there was also Leatrice Joy Gilbert-Fountain--how can one in one lifetime be so fortunate? And M too!

'Laus Deo', its location, or the architects but no one who reads this will be able to forget its meaning, or these words: 'Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.'  (Psalm 127: 1) . . . . “house” being the prime metaphor for Self.

. . . I retain a sense Bert’s wife sailed with him; she appeared, a nurse, mysteriously while I emerged from anesthesia resulting from self neglect and pain beyond staying conscious.
In 1958, Bert sailed his small ketch, the Golden Rule, into an American nuclear testing area in the Marshall Islands in an act of protest. Bert took seriously the obligation of being a global citizen long before the phrase “global citizen” was coined.

Count your blessings while you may and for all others become one in and of yourself. We the world and family of all life and love need you that tomorrow may come.

To myself I am cynic, skeptic, argumentative and sophist . . . sometimes ecstatic:

"When the pupil is ready to learn, a teacher will appear." - Zen Koan

. . . the face and personality will astonish you since there is no one specific nameable. Tho to be sincere I believe God is there always.

At that I rejoice receiving another broadside from M including the many marzipan Jesus sentiments. God Bless God for God. . . .all good ever lasting.

. . . the screw tightens and time seems less available--usual for this season descending into the longest night--yet for me perhaps the last longest and next longest day? Who cares; not me. But for you I would wish you to become needful for the world; we all are. Compassion is rare. Rarer still is compassion for one’s self.

121117 23:04 a needful world
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 15, 2012

why do we do anything at all?

Vanity or vain attempt to expiate my guilt for rage against that which I cannot change. Why do I write?

Few wonder until around midlife; “is this all there is?” The urge to merge into the ordinary of life preceding it accomplished. Having become well behaved consumers of the economy’s purpose. Having given all due reverence to the norms, kowtow to the self-acknowledged saints, leaders and those irreverent of our right to be different.

I was born fabulously rich. Only to learn by behavior and choices regarding my welfare that I was unwanted, an accident in time. Liter like that which I picked up walking too and from the mail box mid residential complex. During the cold dressed as I like; indifferent to the climate or witness that I exist at all. Laughing! It only occurred today that for the best would be--you will understand shortly--for me to die in peace; is to cease to exist becoming a ghost. A no-see-um. A survivor in a Nazi death camp.

But then all are criminal who seek to rule for their own profit and pleasure, selfish, to an obscene degree. There are millions of ways to die. With death being no shame for a slave of vanity. To need beg forgiveness for being human is repugnant to me. No need to awaken those deeply asleep in vanity. Irk the ire of mad dogs frothing at the mouth to eat me for their pleasure. Wealth is not what you have but what you do not need.

I was once a Boy Scout leaning only that my peers wanted to see my penis. Who needs that? Yet I remained until quite recently a Boy Scout attempting to aid people crossing boundaries and receiving a trashing for my efforts; so vain I was then. Oddly misdiagnosed as bipolar thinking myself free at last of all guilt for misdemeanors sexual, intellectual, behavioral. Mother it seems remained until death convicted that we, my sister and I, she six and I twelve; had sex together. The poor woman had no father, no brother, no man to tell her she was full of shit. And I, at any early age, knew her a lethal as a coral snake. After repeated bites she began to resort to humiliation and silence. That is until like a dove with the cunning of a fox I began to outwit her. Love is not sex and sex is merely reproduction. My father, a gibbous knave, seduced me into slavery as protection from her. Neither clever enough to concoct a conspiracy of that magnitude.

I love playing the fool, a clown, since internally I shred my adversary with forgiveness and love . . . yes! Of them! But equally of the games they play against themselves. Best leave sleeping snakes lie. Loath to abuse the privilege of naming what teaches me as “God” I remain wealthier than any, I could in a vast knowing, name or long to emmulate. The greater they proclaim wealth the more foolish they are creating nothing but death from the rot of their usury and vanity.

Do I--or did I--just judge the entire governance of this once great land in vain for least “God” or whatever Created the Creation, the Big Bang, or whatever; watch over, the watchman listens and watches in vain.

I wished never to know my mother in that way, to procreate or practice the acts of love. Only to make love possible for her self. Exasperated she once wrote; “You don’t need my permission to write.” And of dad, my greatest gift is his theft of my life attempting to glean love from a turnip; but he did call me at death saying goodbye.

When weeping now it is for joy; not sorrow or fear.

"All men alike stand condemned, not by alien codes of ethics, but by their own, and all men therefore are conscious of guilt." - C. S. Lewis

121115 01:12 why?
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rather i’d be falcon than falconer since she is a giving mistress allowing free flight in creation creating me. Rather than the blame game: naming genders of things insoluble. Become the solution: unconditional love. Just mercy freely given to all even to the persecutors of all life dined upon.

Yet I remain a pragmatist, capable of processing much, insatiable as the Fargo Shredder. Making not a mist of pink vanity so much as leaving it whole restructured as it was. Always in fear of death and loss.

Today was difficult for I had to rend myself thrice over to discern what I desired of my day from an admixture of myth, omen, portent, rune and ruins potential of time always consequent.  Creation stops for no mortal. The winds of eternity making sand then dust of all monuments; an idle mote upon mote in time removable. Birth is sacrificial lasting many years consequential. Of birth men know nothing; becoming lemmings playing a follow the leader infantile. Children at children’s games kill the opposition. Giving birth only to death. Or slavery. Gambling their souls for the pleasure of certainty; once killed nothing arises. All conflict dispatched.

Yet at the time of death the embryo of fear arises and realizes that it too will die vomiting the bile of all blood lust returned eating it self.

Should I have said; “Rather a day as Lion than prey?”

Is The Creator one or the other, Lion or Lioness?

The question is unanswerable. But the ability to form the question is it’s own reward. Since those willing to live and die for another know their infinitesimal origin clean and clear of vanity. Hear in silence the hum of creation blindly see the heart of things and will for those who devour them have mercy. Doing no harm.

As infant, child, man and now what? I forget the crimes against me but never the kindnesses. Thieves abound oblivious their theft of themselves. With a little less than two hours rest I went to water aerobics lead by a man I admire. In the course of chit chat sharing our origins I confessed the wonder of stained glass. It was an odd time and place for merger of love for the same life of all differently defined. Both sharing a kinship odd, unique amongst all states, the smallest. We agreed on the folly of knowing, at least I now surmise, since we both are brothers in age clearly pressed upon the dark glass of death so near. Good friends need not agree. But the friendship is a love beyond measure of value. Oddly we concur concern for those who follow and wonder what they will make of our knowing; accepting we’ve done the best we could with ours. Fabulous these lives lived; fearless in leaving.

In the silence of infinity; when the student is ready, the Teacher will appear. As for we, in that moment, upon the cusp of eternity; saw one another for what we are.


121114 20:31 falcon
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

At long last dawn finally reaches into the pit of my despondent sloth singing yes, and yes, again to accept finally as I am myself. This old man whose face melts more into my chest daily; a Basset Hound loved nonetheless. For despite everything I can, finally, accept myself as enough. To love life unconditionally as it is, it’s own reward so fabulous I have no fear of death.

I wonder if Jesus could, at any time in his life, enter the sanctuary and receive welcome unconditional. Power and force create nothing but death, yet he in dying rent the Temple Curtain in half.

Yes. I am conservative but only of Creation and Creator, the Who, beginning everything watching us destroy all humanity to be correct in our vanity and demonstration of our powerise. True I’ve seen myself before and after my time and have no fear that once destroyed we who live by faith will not be reborn in a better place; well rid of our longish season in Hell. Those who purport to lead while leading nothing but their vanity; while Jesus lingers naked upon the steps outside the Cathedrals of Greed.

He did, after all say, “The poor will always be with us . . “ Yet did He mean the poor of spirit so greedy for everything, never having enough; or we the meek who sharing whatever we have survive in grace? God obvious amongst the poor. The more I seek examples of exceptions the fewer fingers on one hand need to count them. Then add; wars without end.

Scarcely able to administer myself, I speak of incompetence, those who lead us into the World War 1 leading to World War 2 and the next and the next endless war the end of which will only known to the dead.

If for me everyday is Christmas, regardless of season, knowing the birth and death of either the savior or merely the day itself; is to celebrate both. I am so blessed of, and by friends, so better educated than myself who in response/reply annotate the 11th day, the 11th hour the 11th month. So quickly we forget those who died for any reason to keep this ember of freedom alive.

I am catholic in the universal sense, small “c.” A bastard Catholic without Pope. In the sanctuary of my silent soul celebrating the Mass surrounding the world daily 24/7/365. Knowing yet there is no one religion able to contain my soul. So I reside a citizen of the Cosmos happily so. I am named by God, yet unknown until death the time of face-to-face. So I follow no one regardless of time, gender, credo save for kindness to all.

I fail that ideal for my trials continue. Beset by administrators who dick me around because they can. In some curious sense it gives them a reason to get out bed of a morning; a purpose they otherwise can not find in themselves. With prayer and hopefully the last mention of my captivity in disrespect for the elderly.

Schooled in Chicago where the young would kill one another for a pair of sneakers. To, for one moment, find pride in being alive. There was a time when I thought myself bereft of parenting yet in consideration of their lives. I see them with no family at all, dismissed by corporate officers who have their parents running daily two to three jobs just to pay for food. Both the children who became my parents and those who sell drugs in the streets of Chicago. Free Market Socialism has become a cancer and the death of all humanity.

“ . . . when I was in prison you visited me . . . “ and for this, what I’ve written by way of preamble, is girding my loins to face the trail of another presiding authority to judge me fit to address loneliness and being abandoned a ministry without preaching just being exemplar of peace.

Grateful that I am able to express love in kindness to one and all without going to prison or having to beg for the privilege.

121110 14:11 Acceptance is love

Rarely am I ill yet when so I fall plummeting into an ache beyond imagining. The only remedy is sleep from which I just arose with a sense of a new order, collaborative, a boycott of all former governance and religion. A culture within which we in love and trust do for one another what must be done without profit but barter. Imagine a world without war or poverty.

I am an ignorant man questing for an education easily gleaned via the Internet. At that, deeply concerned for evidence of censure ostensibly to protect intellectual property. I am not proud of my ignorance since in seeking to learn I discover the more I know the less it seems to have any relevance to life, mine and yours, as lived in flesh and blood terms. And curious about the Resurrection I sense it will be a woman not Jesus who will lead us into the next epoch. In a sense, or way, I’ve answered my own question for what I describe is the Primitive Christian Church.

Both Theocracy and Democracy have degenerated into “should” and “ought’ leadership. Or; “do what I say or take the highway” to hell.

121111 02:32

To be held, no matter how long or short, in the gaze of compassion is to be lent a buoyancy beyond all storm’s tempest. Not so much; “This too shall pass.” But rather a knowing of peace surpassing all understanding . . . atypical of all former journal keeping, I now wander away playing with Annie, cleaning house, attending to the vulnerabilities I am liable to from administrators whose authority rules exactly as those criminals who play with economies for their own vanities.

Again, I can change nothing but myself. And in that change, enter eternity, and peace. Occasionally bereft of desire to annihilate the thieves who rule all humanity. They who so indifferently kill senselessly would be the first to cry for mercy should we all arise and merely constrain or boycott their games.

The courage to be fully yourself independant off the definition by others; any other, including the Author of life and love itself. Is to be aware that there is a responsibility in all that we do; for nothing is for naught; all is important. While it could be argued that I am inappropriately self-revelatory--given that I am at times way overboard in confession my ideals and failures--it remains the only antidote to what passed before: pretending to be normal.

I am amused by Steve Jobs remark; "I want to put a ding in the universe." I do not proclaim him guilty of sin but hasten to add he was wildly irresponsible in dividing people from themselves, exploiting youth to find reality electronically. Profit before prophecy? Regardless, the inventor of gunpowder, who pays the price: the victims. Typical of children, we play with things before understanding their penchant for enslavement, and the cost of conceding our innate self possession to those who would exploit us to their selfish ends.

If I have hope, and I do. Would I, or should I, call it faith? My enemy has faith in the bottom line while I ask how does it work in the reality of birth, life, death, bloody reality? For the commonweal? Not the family, tribe, state, nation or religion; but the all one family we are.

Recently, where I live, a mother was driving her son to high school. Both were instantly killed by a young woman texting while driving; a head on collision. It is my nature to ponder the fate of all three participants. With the greater emphasis on the young woman selfish enough to murder the others. Then migrating backwards through the cellular providers, Steve Jobs, the legislators, stockholders etc. imagining them all being destroyed in a similar manner. . . .Slowly, one-by-one.

I am imperfect. Merely human. Yet for justice one wonders? Is there justice? In this world or the next; of course I believe so . . . or is it that I have: faith, confidence or conviction so being so? My slow waltz with death is exquisitely seductive; this brief season in hell. The Kingdom of God is within each of us. Thank God for God--the Judge. God being far more merciful than I. After all what allows me to continue living waiting for the opportunity taken by our brethren in Tibet to immolate ourselves to prove our right to be as we wish to be and not slaves to someone elses vanity. Bad Karma, you bet your bippy.

121113 05:15
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 8, 2012

two kudos for Julian
How long the day newborn
the loins of solar days diminished
lengthened rays so longer night
now until the longest dark the loins of
sons born and dimmed forever more stilled

Of dreams words poems I know more for their gasping
sought the light above a breaching whale seeing the light
above the darkness below. It goes on another life lived in an hour of repose.

Baptized by whales embraced by snakes a bird of paradise returned I fling myself upon this day anew. Peace from slumber resurrect. We the new messiah conjoined enjoined

This day shared with Julian Anchorite of Norwich adored i a nave dwelling knave.
Am i not enough this reprise another life sufficient unto itself going with what i’ve got all my days seeking equality for all. To be for you what she/He was to be for me and we all

"…All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well", which Julian claimed to be said to her by God Himself, reflects her theology. It is one of the most famous lines in Catholic theological writing, and one of the best-known phrases of the literature of her era.

Creation Adored
Bless us all.
Amen . . . add nothing ever for naught.

PS Search for identity; specific not generic

121108 14:52 how long the day

In my experience Once in love Always returned Tho separated  by miles or death Hands covered with yeasty bread dough Impossible of removal Withdrawing my hands from her heart  Smearing everything I do with tears

121108 20:02 bread dough
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Be well One and All

Out the door on my way to water aerobics digital recorder in hand I said; “I am not loyal to myself” and thus indignant when no one else is. Plutocracy has been the rule of my life, born of poverty and then taught to go along to get along because everybody was better than I could ever be.

In a sense I was taught Escape and Evasion from the enemy;  somewhat akin to what I intuited from the U.S. Navy Seals I came to know. This is to me, for now, is exceedingly astonishing. My mother was, in retrospect and only now recognized, the best teacher a boy could have to be real in a time of anxiety and chaos. KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid is something I’ll, of need, keep telling myself from now on; for however short or long, “from now on goes.” . . . and today is a good day to die, the warrior’s credo.

If only for myself, my sense the Great Prophets, around whom all religions were formed, then decayed into meaninglessness, is true. Then they were informed and inspired by the same force seen from differing points of view in: time place, culture and circumstance. And they who would lead in fact served in humility and humiliation as Jesus did dying on the cross. Leaving behind those who followed him in charge of themselves something so precious it is inconceivable to others who in their time and place can be taught; what in essence can only be experienced in an I/Thou relationship.

Not I alone, but we all, born sullen to discipline. Fleeing the teacher who fails to convey the essence for a host of reasons, principally none of us being capable of perfection including the Teacher. The Teacher Taught.

Some have a genius for the genius of The All; the personage of what we seek by a multitude of names, for me it was just “God.” The Buddhist, however, refused as did the Taoist etc., to so name: the source and this explains, at least to myself, why Lao Tzu electrifies me. Merely a different modality of teaching the same thing once so utterly foreign to my fear of being unworthy of life, love or liberty.

I am more than fond of Eric Hoffer, and many others, but he principally. But of, or about, his thinking; even I need to stand upon my own participation and responsibility to discover meaning in a meaningless time. Like the Who creating/teaching those I would blindly follow, having no gender or form but dialog in the crystalline night seeing not a crown of stars but beyond all that to the origins of all we can know in life. Oddly for most it is in the last vision while dying, the Light, The Love seen our soul as spirit arising to our truth. All life dies but in dying knows better the origin and meaning of everything. No matter, all my speculations regarding the after life, I will still die knowing only death forever or for a moment.

The why and what for I write is to annotate the process of Being Here Now. It is, and always has been, a journal: travel notes on The Way and we are the resurrection. Many paths, voices, definitions; all leading to the same conclusion. Yet these truths are not self evident; but must be experienced in context of the real; not ideal.

In summary. In a sense what I advocate. Is that we become both pragmatic and ecstatic. To discover what we are as self defined . . . there are limits if you settle for wealth as currency but none if you find your wealth as indefinable. What you see is all you get versus what you cannot see, yet long for, but can never have as enough.

You can know everything, but in the knowing, know nothing. All else is about The All; but not The All. . . .The Real Deal. . . . and all will be well

"Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries."
—Straw for the Fire: From the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke

121108 12:39 loyalty misplaced
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Freedom = Lao Tzu = The Fargo Shredder

Functionally we need do nothing--just exist. To live without quiet suffering desperation we must listen. Then decide for ourselves to engage or abandon the issues of life and death as we wish for not merely ourselves but all, or merely the other, benign or malevolent.

Amending my harvest of Lao Tzu quotes I became aware that tho I might memorize them all I still will own none save the spirit directed towards. Then remembering a dream, a short story actually, amongst those journals I destroyed or abandoned; too memorable to ever forget like the face of my children in joy for what no photograph, memorable, could ever substitute.

Bereft soon this sojourn in hell, blown in winds, deserted high mountains of New Mexico alone. Leaving mered the ruins and runes of self-creation falling feathers and things unsubstantial scraps and building blocks always solo save for the inspiration to seek and be found forgiven my curiosity.

The city was a backwater in time, those once thriving sections of manufacture small family business littered with neglect now frozen. I stood for a time wondering in my wandering to enter or not a gym knowing nothing within. scabrous lockers dented peeling paint worn surfaces; one was mine eventually. When in wrestler tights and leotard I enterer the contest with he who ruled. Point for fall and point again the trial was long and eventually he vanquished to disappear my reign begun for a time frozen in success. Then another like myself long ago wanderer and wondering entered and entertained me in contest vanished prevailed upon to leave behind she who bested me.

Free at last to fly the galaxies still creating themselves alone in solitude best blest.

121106 12:14 Freedom = Lao Tzu = The Fargo Shredder
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Love; a Duet (a twofer)

Feasible, so many women seem to need me, not my body of course. Once handsome,  or so I was told too late to be nothing but a Bassett face melting. Who’s that old fart laughing at? Who Me?

Rode hard put up wet, 79 miles of hard road kill. Worst and Best. Run over by the hound dog bus of God . . . Why? Did I always have this mystical sense about the Once Great Greyhound Bus? In the mirror when I must shave. Difficult while laughing at my age.

Travel you say! Well folks I’ve traveled both physically and metaphysically so far; meeting so  many strangers who in kindness held my heart wildly anguished, that I have no ideal the meaning of time and space. Uncertainty revisiting me in dreams of those who left me on my own even M. But that is and was my problem; to decide the meaning of Jesus walking away from me. An act of faith or dismissal?

Then thinking about it all the years, months, days, hours, moments I did submit to a woman, as goddess or merely God, it, or I was a failure. The truth of love, is love itself, not what you get but what you give. The dream I just awoke from was God feeding me into The Fargo Shredder and I came out the same way I went in. . . .At least externally. . .

Why am I laughing?

Could it be I love too hard; too much greed to be loved in return: contingent upon getting laid. But, or however, it appears now that is precisely what made me give it all up for God finally. But did I? My dreams of her, any Her, who seems welcoming, kind and feasible gets me every time.

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's home I’d descend; be exiled, banished: whatever. The difference between she and her daughter is that my grandmother would spontaneously touch me -- and now i weep -- she’d put her hand on the back of my neck and the chimerical beast would be blissed out gone to sleep. Instantly.

Orgasms come and go, becoming eventually political, contingent upon whatever; but never were her touches ending even now. I can feel her presence while typing.

Mom and Dad come from humble places seeking the best America then offered, gave, then stolen. We all remain enslaved to ideals; what health, happiness, success and being just perfect looks like. Maya, illusion, no speak, delusional beneficence. The Big Con of America: I’ll take care of you just give me all the power and all will be well.

We survived the last lie about America; kill all the enemies, not learning a thing. It was long before Jesus, this “loving your enemy” motive. Maybe Plato or Socrates, who said “you can learn even from your enemies” and then add “the only people who know the end of war are the dead.” Buddha predates JC by how much? How many years?

Politics and Religion kill more than they heal competing for body counts in pews, slave cells or graves. Dispatched for recycle?

For all the credit cards I carry the most precious is my library card. Popes, Presidents and Kings; all naked in greed imperious. Yet still I long to be supplicant to a woman, and do occasionally dream of one specific and then, and then, I remember Mary in her grotto, silent accepting me, my attention and adoration and again I see that I am not meant to be what I am but what I can become stuffed into The Fargo Shredder again and again.

There ain’t no woman I know of including M, who I can’t be there for, should she let me be something so good. God knows I’ve tried and failed when it all became political conditional upon mood or need, or greed, or dismissal.


Breach of trust.

Theoretically marriage is a renewable bond daily. Another way of saying the same thing: relationship must be rebuilt daily.

Nothing I say is definitive. The words I use and abuse have been stated over and over again by far more better than I ever will be. Words are important to me but then so are behaviors. I am just not a “Wham Bang Thank You Mam!” sort.

As a sophist for love and God I return to the crime scene endlessly and anonymously playing the roles; he said, she said, they did did not do whatever.

I don’t need a goddamn Doctoral Degree to be me. No dog collar, Popes Robes or Hail to the Chief all that stuff is for pansies the fearful of failure . . . Grace is participatory--collaborative. Not given to a few. We all have a genius for love.

We are all tenant/emigrants on earth owning nothing accept our choice to be or not to be generously loving with others of ourselves. There is no difference between witnessing the death of a child, as all good you wish for the future; theirs and your’s. Than seeing the Chimera eating yourself piecemeal; a finger here a nose there then a leg or two taking an entire life savagely. That’s just the food chain, physics or ‘fate.’ Could be punishment? Probably not even though the fools who lead generally will sacrifice everything but their children, wealth and sanity to be  something like the real true I AM. . .

. . . always present, silent to most, the best Parent we never had . . . or acknowledged available. I am both pragmatic and ecstatic, a sophist for God. I return to my sense gleaned in Ripley Ohio USA of passing the Carnegie Library in reverence oracular.

As for women and laying with them innocently wicking their love and body heat. Well boys and girls, when creative my body heat raises by significant degrees and to touch me makes me sweat. Enough about me, how about you?

121105 05:08 Questions

I simply must stop messing with people everywhere I go. But then I’d know less than I do. We all are woven into a causal tapestry including the beginning and purpose of all creation; for good or ill. Otherwise I’d snuffle and growl in my cave and becoming finally the bridge troll I actually am inside.

Instead at $1 stores buying groceries or whatever. At times I just need to dive into the river of humanity to know what’s going on. Not the bullshit Fox TV broadcasts but the real deal where people live and who they are. . . . I’ve always been this way, transiting the world from early on until now: still in bliss where I am in this enchanting land. I tease little boys about trading shirts drawing them into conspiracies outside their normal associations imprinting them in my heart.

Laughing. I no longer need to hide my disdain for Fox News; acknowledging it as a carnival freak show for the weak of generosity. Like the rubes who what to see the woman with a beard down to her toes or the midgets wrestling alligators then eating them alive.

Seldom having the price of admission, hating crowds, what I did for a living was to swim through them upstream feeling imperiled. Now this little boy is no longer ashamed to peek into girl’s locker rooms or stick my head beneath the skirt of the elephant’s tent to see what they’re like at rest, the crowds gone.

Among the giants I’ve met, seldom, but many in retrospect, the celebrities don’t compare, were of all ages and genders. Oddly my attention always makes em’ smile glowing with gratitude. I’m like my dad, the biological one, not the Big Guy above, but maybe both; I touch people with my hands and never give it a second thought.

You know I’m not talking about myself, putting on airs I lack, but about you few who read me for yourselves. My suggestion is that you run your fingers through the hair shirt you wear and find the broken dreams lost there amongst the thorns of accusation; I know just as God created little girls in pigtails you’ll begin to love yourself.

He, to me, at the time, appeared a bear of a man in a cowboy hat. Passing in opposite directions alone I mentioned admiring it his hat! Oh Boy! Terry Gross and Charlie Rose move over I’m in the drivers seat now. It is a wonderful time to be a journalist people are so naked in crisis. A thumbnail of our conversation: He told of the rise tide of youth having no ground in truth. And of challenges to his competence and manhood--the faux courage of youth--who found themselves on their backs semi-conscious and he read to keep them there unto death or nearly so. Of such abilities, by stealth, guile and surprise ferocity, I am equally capable of but now in wisdom abandon the joy of exercising it. . . .As is true of my ability to seduce; more astonished in being seduced or charmed by women of all ages; their glory.

Of men I now know better, their realities and protests. And of women I’ve been civilized and that to me is best. Collaboration between the sexes as I wander off stage to bliss eternal. True intimacy is not physical but spiritual; the orgasms last longer.

121106 04:57 Giants

Flowing in on the tide of unconsciousness, exhaustion perhaps, definitively ennui for election time. I saw that I was not yet done growing up . . . i thought the ideal woman would follow me down my rabbit hole unbidden seeking the source of my agony; never, for a moment,  giving a thought for her suffering . . . Joanna and Mother Mary have.

121106 08:56
©2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved