Wounded in life, I seek to staunch the wounds of others . . . . --xoj

"Jack Spratt’s two centavo Guide to Redemption”
©2012 by Jack Spratt All Rights Reserved

God's tapestry, all creation, my greatest value an attempt to live/love for: in gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, regardless of Age, Race, Creed, Gender, Gender Proclivities, or Generosity . . . seeking to make redemtion salvation & resurrection potential in all unique, precious, individual lives, human, plant, animal, world. . . .through words & images - Jack Spratt ... KISS

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sought and found. A kindred soul to be a lover found, finding multiple souls eclectic. Finding mine. Yet to have and have not a single soul save mine own to inhabit. Penetrating all, discovered, the many as stars known. And to know in time the height, width, breadth and depth of all the heavens.

. . . unique, specific, explicit

Epoch or apocryphal.

I have never been fully confident or convicted of what purpose I serve or aspire to. And refuse to disown all the persona's I have been for each lends it’s own tincture to now. A point of view and definition to what I sense is beyond the seen in life or death.

I do, however, know there is an intelligence above and beyond anything detailed in those who I love, present or long dead and absent, written; sung, painted, acted or danced. A thread? No. Not an umbilical cord either. How to day it? It is, in a sense, a musical hum; infinity of course but has energy, personality and a will that we own ourselves . . . fully inhabit our capacities . . . in some sense to grow organically evolving into good for others who’s fears and terrors are so similar to mine once now long ago.

At the moment, this day unique, I sense myself inadequate the task I sense and long to inhabit having visited and revisited the boundaries often. Attempting to grown or drag the body mind and soul into fill the void.

Grief, from beginning to end, reconciled and balanced now. Still inhabits and drives me to comfort others who, by violence or attrition, are blown from safe harbor into the raging sea of chaos.

To communicate, make possible this experience, I will fail, again and again, being imperfect; the ideals and lover who loves me manifest in real and ordinary time. Free Will is indicative of neither having or not having that which leads live through it’s cycles of birth, existence and death. But, at that, it is -- this magnificence -- and invitation to create and thus become part of the evolving chorus of those who say yes to the invitation.

I still laugh at my dyslexic conclusion, the first hearing/reading: "You can hear the sound of two hands when they clap together," said Mokurai. "Now show me the sound of one hand." . . . it then meant no applause . . . now it is, in absolute silence, the laughter, love, tears and joy I hear always.

To which I, betimes, am deaf, dumb and blind. . . .being similar to a winning lottery ticket crumpled and swept as litter along with the monsoon flood flushing the cutters of life into the sewer of oblivion .

. . . 11:32

To the Golden Rule, or as Confucius would have or call it, “Silver,” I would add, not for me alone but all life; “Ask and you will receive.” Could it be only available to one whose life is bereft and in endless suffering; all material lost near unto death? Or. At least unwilling to take another breathe.

Why me? I seldom sense worthiness; being a cracked clay cup, no chalice, and yet at times in flood -- a tsunami of love -- unexpressed would drown me and dissolve the vessel; no dust remaining. . . . at least for now while my heart still beats, it is enough to attempt healing another’s grief:

"Home they brought her warrior dead."
"I hold it true, whatever befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
I sometimes hold it half a sin
To put in words the grief I feel;
For words, like Nature, half reveal
And half conceal the Soul within."
"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers."
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

121230 05:55 error
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

who & what & why

Old to most, a baby considered by a few, remaining more like road kill than youth; I am what I am and that is enough. Suffice to say that with each turning day my sense of self becomes less important given all that I see in the diminishing of me from such a great distance away beginnings now near ending.

Easily swayed by those I allow in the virginity of my soul/self/mindfulness, I remember better the words of a few than the many. And possibly Vladimir Nabokov’s thesis that few consider the before while anguished over the after of life. From where to whence with small wonder of why or how.

Packed rats is what we’ve become, the many of us, vastly, by at least a third over capacity on earth. Enslaved by those whose competition to be the epitome of fame, fortune and success holds us beneath the surface of the cesspool they’ve made of life. 

Discerned long ago in the 60’s I call it as stated; but a clinical term; “Population Stress Syndrome,” better explains the phenomenon of random violence to me. Of evil I could speak endlessly having known my own maunders towards retaliation of which it seems now inevitable given the goiter of greed sucking all the children, homes and future into it’s maw. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Sympathy states ‘I see,’ while empathy experiences your pain . . . yet cannot suffer it. In some small sense this is a prayer for all the women abused for being such. And for us, the we, the family of mankind; helpless to forestall or prevent or mend the consequence. 

For myself I would easily choose to leave and make room for the succeeding generations yet note with sincere sadness the number of educated, well endowed and intended, who refuse not only to marry, nor to mate or procreate. It amuses me to ponder my own origins and the length of time it has taken me to get over being white, middle-class, from Greenwich, Connecticut and enter a place of peace loving one and all the prey and predator.

Am I true patriot of the cosmos? I wonder. For I have no passport or identifying tattoos to tell me where or why or how I become such. 

. . . continued 21:56
At times I simply wander away, attending tasks or distracted. And in time sense I should curl into a fetal ball betwixt floor and corner sucking my thumb. Seeing myself as simpleton verses simplistic . . . seeking a vantage point, an overview, detached from the plague of greed America has become.

121229 14:04 who & what & why
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 28, 2012

Intuitive Magic

121228 04:02 magic
I believe and have faith in magic, or should I say miracles, since I am still alive after countless awakenings wondering why.

By nature I am a musician infused with the genius of a Peruvian shepard alone, atop a mountain, playing nose flute . . . leaping into the grace of Mozart and Bach to say nothing of the mindless humming that goes on inspired by Beethoven. And then I remember the most hilarious performance of my life. Over which my father laughed uncontrollably from beginning to end.

Both parents were suffused with music in the sense that most musicians are; in love with following the railroad tracks of others laid down by genius to a reasonable or unreasonable terminus; predictable. As a child, which in a sincere sense of wonder, I still remain. I was given a harmonica during one of the rare but memorable excursions with my father to New York City on his weekly business trips to . . . . Wow! I never really understood why he did it; his goals and intentions. In retrospect it seems now that all he wanted was fame and fortune. Illusions drummed into my sense of what was appropriate and good, for which I have taken years to understand differently; to out grow his sense and periodicity and find my own.

The circumstance was never mentioned until the closing days of our relationship. I was vastly impressed with The Grand Canyon Suite by Ferde Grofé, latter amplified by Ottorino Respighi’s Pines of Rome. And once required to do a “show and tell” in the Old Greenwich (Connecticut -- USA) Elementary School . . . Laughter -- Lots of laughter. I cannot remember how it came to be but my father was a witness. I stood before my assembled peers noodling up and down chromatic scales on my recently acquired harmonica, blithely unaware of just making noise. Yet. With Respighi and Grofé singing in my head.

It is well to remember, dad wanted a Mozart for his son, and compelled me to attempt the piano at four years of age. I remember falling off the assembled telephone directories of St. Louis and dictionaries better than the noise I made then.

It follows that given any topic I can ad lib. The difference now is that I will admit my ignorance. Since I no longer seek acceptance, compliance or conformity from anyone save what I perceive and know as God.

Now. For me. All the stars are notes singing the score of love. And the cycles of lunar passage are annotated by the reflected sun upon the midnight floors of my shelter.

Looking up the correct spelling of the composers: Grofé and Respighi. I discovered C. S. Lewis’
“If God thinks this state of war in the universe a price worth paying for free will...then we may take it it is worth paying.” . . . default settings on my version of Google’s Chrome. Resolving two, currently, important issues.

The horror of insanity manifest daily but in particular in Newtown Connecticut and the abiding sense of capitalism as peering up my urethrae measuring the contents of my psyche. The rectum of the world owns us all. Merely because they have made it “legal.” . . . and because they can. Don’t lose your library card. The mice who run the world will soon make the Internet, as they did  television, a commercial sewer.

"Falling in love is one of the activities forbidden that tiresome person, the consistently reasonable man."

"It is difficult for the matter-of-fact physicist to accept the view that the substratum of everything is of mental character. But no one can deny that mind is the first and most direct thing in our experience, and all else is remote inference — inference either intuitive or deliberate." - Arthur Stanley Eddington, Sir

“Sadness flies on the wings of the morning, and out of the heart of darkness comes the light.”
- Jean Giraudoux

“Our laws make law impossible; our liberties destroy all freedom; our property is organized robbery; our morality an impudent hypocrisy; our wisdom is administered by inexperienced or mal-experienced dupes; our power wielded by cowards and weaklings; and our honor false in all its points. I am an enemy of the existing order for good reasons.”
- George Bernard Shaw

The previous quotes are discoveries made between the beginning of this post and now.

I argue with myself, the truth of my intuition, or folly, of my sense being serendipitously lead. Amongst those thoughts are coincident facts of recent conversations with the members of my group at water aerobics; I being the dummy in the bunch.

Lacking a formal education, I am aways avid to learn and unwilling to attend that which merely affirms my conclusions or conceits. However I am equally able and willing to engage in debate, if not with my antagonist/protagonist, at least with myself.

I am deeply concerned with the human psyche and curious about good and evil, the origins and motivations of choice in both behavior and speech. The dominate voice is expressed by people of advanced education, masters and doctoral, who’s responses are given in the context of my query. More often than not I find myself handed perceptions and perspectives unwelcome for they could, would or might, blow my conclusions off the map. However with reflection, I come to integrate new information into my general sense that what we espouse, live and die by are truths from ages prior to the general sense of time defined by Jesus: birth, life and death.

Yet simple ethics and morality have grown from the commonwealth of experience predating the time of Jesus by several thousands of years.

The nature of my recent inquiry has been based on what is generally called “evil.” Based upon my sense of the “Population Stress Syndrome” of which I have been aware for decades. Overcrowding and the demise of privacy. Shattering what were once thought to be definitive and absolute values, popular with those of us who seek to be lead instead of leading ourselves into a personal sense free from stress and fear; the very mechanism exploited by our “leaders.” Whose basic premise seems to be that we are herd animals. See the obscene amount of money spent to manipulate our choices regarding democracy.

Regardless of science nothing of what we discuss will, as yet, define or explain love. Or what I sense is and of the origin of my inspiration to keep on keeping on. . . . To do to others as I would have them do to me. In conclusion I experience religion and science, in the their simplest sense, as needing one another. Collaborative; not mutually exclusive.

I believe in people and their inherent value, to fight for their right of free will is important, and for which I will continue the effort.

Be well and be yourself . . . that is, of course, doing no harm. . . .To yourself or others.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 27, 2012

what gratitude is this?

121227 08:22 for what
Prayer, now seems similar to when I was a child. Filling bottles with notes, sealed, then buried them in the low tide of my life.

At hight tide, so near the end of my voyage, the bottles, one-by-one bob up in my passage, before and after my wake; all considerations resolved.

I am not confident of posting so much of what I have written between the anniversary of Randy’s death adding the massacre in Newtown Connecticut; all at once. It seems that had I not, I would stop posting altogether.

Regardless of the calendar my new year has begun on Winter’s Solstice. Regarding most, if not all, holidays I tend to hide and await their completion. I loathe crowds, and after forty-five years behind a camera working for print media, I feel that I have earned a respite.

The past weeks have been a trial for me. Rendering a new point of view fully conscious of being transparent and of no import save to the few friends I have. I find a certain wealth in this perspective. A freedom always available yet only now received.

"He has not lived badly whose birth and death has been unnoticed by the world." - Horace

Yet I will persist in my attempts to remind those who read me it is possible to save yourself. Absent the applause of anyone save for the sound of one hand. Which, to me, is more real than death.

121225 03:39 gratitude
Once, long ago, I was in therapy with a gay nudist Episcopal Priest who asked about my dreams; he being a Jungian. I was able to respond with alacrity since I have, from beginning to end, had a problem for which he, in order to remember his, had to drink copious amounts of water. So arose my practice of awakening at whatever hour to void and being enchanted with mine; the dreams that is.

Ask and you will receive . . . for me to awaken this morn at the time I did reminded and reminds me of the simple joy of silence. Deliciously known on “snow days” when there is a very special quiet the world muffled further with snow and the night has a special glowing luminance.

First fond memories, of the precious few I’ve had since birth, is of a cat named Mozart who stole into my crib. Stroking him reminds me of the sound of snow falling silently in the snow globe of my soul. And now Annie, my companion cat, to and for whom I am hers, reminds me again of peace. This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had, awakening with Annie purring beside me, I stroking her paws.

To know the good of God one needs silence to hear the love.

Reverberating now, remains the thought, expressed by my sister. That we, mutually yet never before expressed, wished that the overwhelming gifts beneath the dead but decorated tree had been metered out in small ways throughout the year instead.

On top of, over the ruins of former temples, have been the holy days of Christianity been built burying the terror of the longest night passed at winter solstice -- the atavistic fear that the world  would end, the sun never returning. M’s birthday is the 22nd of December. A first, our being able to celebrate the day at lunch together. I said, “We’re a pair aren’t we? Never having known love until late in life.”

“Yes . . . . ”

Love, the absence of fear, the vanquish of death, are gifts given by the person who’s birthday we celebrate this day. And the reason for my quiet tears of gratitude now.

Of such that I can give, by way of monetary gesture, I, to date, have given something on the order of, approximately six hundred dollars to Wikipedia. Unsure that I can afford it, living sub poverty on social security, this year I will give fifty five dollars: thirty to Wikipedia and the remainder to Culture Book -- both are not for profit enterprises, greatly appreciated by me and sought to foster their continuance for the education they promise.

It is possibly the best gift I can give beyond my meager attempts to detail the potential of healing; to give the potential of healing for others. In my humble way nurturing the shade of a tree and providence of its fruit for when I am gone.

Discovered this morning -- via the genius of Victor Hugo:
Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night?
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light.
For the wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies.
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise.

They will live again in freedom
In the Garden of the Lord.
They will walk behind the plough-share,
They will put away the sword.
The chain will be broken
And all men will have their reward!

- Les Misérables . . . the quote of the day at Wikiquotes.

Beloved, be well. One and all; peace and goodwill to all life. . . and, of course, to those who have passed.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Infinite chaos or peace?

121221 03:31 infinity
I advocate no single government or religion for anyone since all are corrupt with vanity and greed. What once was anarchy, becomes in time, orthodoxy, enslaving the potential inherent in all, save the few who purport to lead who are addicted to power, not grace or generosity.

Despondent over the course of recent events, a distillation of all my thoughts and concerns were answered in that opening phrase.

At times I recognize myself within a vast repository of potential, using by free association, all that I have experienced in my journey towards the meaning and value of life as defined for myself. Not absolute or definitive but viable and sane in a time of insanity.

Neither utopia or dystopia but a middle way.

It seemed during these intervening days my library had collapsed and suffocated me.


Reverting to origins I returned to my established practice, begun decades ago, when submerged and drowning in chaos, reading the Bible; then writing. The difference now is that my ‘book’ or ‘good news’ has expanded including the wisdom of others collected for the past several years. The effort has established an infinite universe of wealth that I am able to dive in randomly finding what is serendipitous.


Since the anniversary of Randy, my son’s death and internment, the 10th of December 1976; and now added the tragedy of Newtown, Connecticut, I feared I would drown in my empathy for the children lost and their parents trials.

Not only has my faith been buttressed but discovered the place wherein I wandered so long ago. From which I have no desire to return or leave; ever.

When we lose those we love we enter a place never before imagined from which no return is desired . . . yet for me the joy of knowing I loved and was so loved is my gratitude for life and the source of endless empathy thou it near killed me this time.

Love and empathy are like that; endless and infinite. Applicable to all -- indiscriminate.

Be well.

121223 12:50 why
What me wonder why peace within chaos?

I have been in turmoil since the anniversary of Randy’s death, my son having died on December 10th, 1976, an even over which I have grieved for the past many decades until very recently. Thanks in large measure to volunteering for hospice service, recently terminated. The season of Advent has always been a time of trouble and taken extensive effort to resolve into a time I could endure without thoughts of ending my life.

And this season is, by far since that first Christmas without either of my two dead children, the worse I can remember. Caused essentially through my empathy for the parents of twenty murdered children. Helpless to console the slayer, the slain or they who remain, yet endlessly conscious, as ever and always, of the 30 million children who die annually by causes that are avoidable.

Equanimity is more specific and pointed than “peace” since I knew their trial and can readily identify with it, still, at times I cry remembering what has been reconciled with. Yet the search has been worth everything including my life; about which I have no fear of losing having found a reason to go on, keeping on, to live another day fully conscious and alive not merely existing; no longer suffering.

My beloved friend M and several others have been and remain a resource beyond description for their acceptance of me. I am no prize and have long harbored the feeling of being unworthy of life itself; beginning soon after my birth.

Then too I have my ordinary daily practice of surfing for quotes. Add to which I have the affirmation of Eric Hoffer’s remark: "The wise learn from the experience of others, and the creative know how to make a crumb of experience go a long way." . . . it is descriptive of my way of learning and ability to integrate an association with the Creation/Creator who I, increasingly, am unable/unwilling to name; since like the noise surrounding that tragic event in Connecticut it is all chaos.

Our time, culture, civilization is too freighted with brand name associations. My resources via quotes, reading, etc. coupled with the always astonishing experience of “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” The latter is not a literal translation, but approximate, and derived/transliterated from both Eastern and Western wisdom traditions. All combined have lead me away from articulating any one versus another religion or philosophy or, even now, psychology or aesthetic.

For example: I do not find it curious that I began reading Annie Dillard or Evelyn Underhill before the events I detail; personal or corporate.

What I have written, at least that which I have chosen to publish, is a body of annotations on my journey; I haven’t arrived yet. And at that I have no sense the death of my body will end what I have discovered available to one and all.

Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you.

My Christmas wish and prayer is that you who read this will find a moment or more to experience in silence the gift of life and celebrate that absent any fear of death.

Be well.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Grief for Newtown Connecticut

121219 06:59 consumed
Consumed by the latest updates on Newtown Connecticut’s news, I am filled with anguish for the children, their parents and the shooter; empathy knows no discrimination. And news by it’s very own definition is never good. This I know all too well having been there, done that and bearing the scars.

Though I have publishing nothing for the past, now five days, I have written my heart out and my angst is unworthy of your attention. Sufficient to the day are the joys and sorrows within for anyone including the remaining family of the assassin . . . I pray for his soul. It would have been a suicide of no consequence, not ‘news’, had he simply done away with himself otherwise.

As a child I learned to tell time by light, not clocks, while living with my maternal grandmother. To bathe she would turn on the hot water heater and then turn it off; otherwise she would heat water on the stove and fill a tub. There were far fewer people then and their birth and death were celebrated. Now the world is overpopulated by one third and we, the populous are going insane: wholesale. Expect more insanity. It is not guns but mental health. However, true to history, small people tend to seek power over others becoming tyrants in the process.

Where are the wise?

When we need them most?

Reflecting on my angst, now, I recognize that the noise, or so called news, is killing my objectivity. Not all terrorist wear costumes different from ours. Most, that I am aware of are politicians, bankers and stock manipulators who write laws to condone and conceal their theft.

With each passing day, remembering the day of my son’s death, December 10th, I have found sanity through reading the words of those whose wisdom is worth remembering in any or all times of crisis. At the same time never fully able to ignore or be indifferent to the 30 million children dying yearly due to neglect.

Have a care. We are what we consume in all dimension and parameters: food, water, air, the earth itself. Beware of the terrorist who consume us in slavery. The greatest con artist claim to be “Public Servants” while they steal you blind and kill our children. Why should 1% have all they want while we slave and die for them? Collaboration is win/win not communism; it is a middle way. Balanced.

They serve nothing but themselves; their vanity is an addiction to power and wealth. Mine is to wisdom sought. That is why I write.

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

We are one family

121213 05:39 We are a whole, an entirety, one family called life; consciously lived.
Love, grief and suffering, seem part of the same whole tapestry once traversed. My beginning was within an  delusional ideal of seamless continuity. Nearing the end, I/Thou becomes aggregate  a we communal. A consciousness being love for all not just the other, together or apart. . . .

121212 1306 love
Many of my dreams, it now occurrs to me, are debates with my self who appears faceless yet oddly familar. I seem to be a con man/woman selling, not used cars, aluminum siding or life insurance but, alternate ideations that I laugh at.

I will be cremated and my dust left in a plain brown corregated box. The experience of Emily Dickinson’s grave, head stone covered with pebbles, remains in my memory as do all the other literary memorials I have visited. Not intentionally but accidentally given the need of my then companions. As for my remains, or even my body now, I haven’t a care visualizing my life as if it were a one penny firecracker ignited and about to pop. As insignificant as a dog barking on the far distant side of the Organ Mountains that I cannot hear.

The dream from which I just awoke was, obviously, about burial plans. I derive a great deal of pleasure from figuring out cons; especially those I con myself with given all my wishful thinking. It seems I expect mayhem given my childhood and professional experience. Between serving at hospice and reading Annie Dillard I am a changed consciousness: fearless.

I awoke with a sense of regret, that I had lost my original intent, keeping a personal journal. Yet to save one life, other than mine, is in a humble sense to save the world if not the universe. “Life and let live.”

© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Seems true of me that I learn as much from my dreams as I do from reading or writing. The number of times I have awoken laughing is surprising, looking back. And yes, I do talk in my sleep; shouting at times. Some dreams have taken decades, others I am able to analyses instantaneously.

I remember being, once-upon-a-time, a binge reader inhaling authors one-on-one. Finding themes not otherwise obvious. Then messages to other authors sidereal, oblique and wonderfully intimate; not sexual but intellectual.

The current Dalai Lama summarized his sense of religion as merely kindness. This seems vastly more true of all who write leaving their summary convictions for others. It is not literature alone, but true of music and painting and all creativity as ephemeral as song and dance. Not one single methodology or ideology ideal since all lead eventually to the realization that we are one family. The nucleus of life itself.

I have been floundering since leaving hospice. Seeking a new reason to get up of a morning and lurch around the world interacting with others. Because as I always say the canvas of God is flesh. We seem, at least to me, to be the loom upon which God creates new images of what life can be about; not what it is: slavery to closed systems of anti-social behavior; exploitation not love. I think more seriously about writing, given all that I've read, but especially due to Annie Dillard, Emily Dickinson and Rumi . . . with a special and eternal nod plus endless gratitude for M.

Exploitation has always been true of power and force -- regardless -- Church or State. Pretending to be benevolent while actually demanding conformity to serve the gate keepers welfare: slavery.

Experience indicates I need be careful of my thoughts; to me prayer is more potent than holocaust; or the end of the world.

We stand with the third world now on the brink of extreme change. The Congress of Baboons would do well to volunteer their lifetime security for ours. Their behavior reeks of usury and decay, self-congratulatory and rewarding the bankruptcy of morals, ethics and celebration of living off the sweat of others.

I think of material wealth as ill gotten gains from tyranny, assassins and thieves who aggregate power and force to hide their selfishness. But then politicians are only pimps and we the whores for allowing ourselves to be enslaved to the obscenely rich.

Worry not about the end of the world for now. However you would do well to contemplate the end of safe food, water and air. Not to mention the dying seas surrounding us.

Define yourself as free or remain a slave.

121212 04:33 seems true
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Annie Dillard has become the hot poker to my mulled rum. A catalyst expanding my meager education. Someone I admire for her education and mind nakedly portrayed in “FOR THE TIME BEING.” My first full read of her. From micro to macro her trombone perception fascinates me. Though admittedly I am not confident of her conclusions -- none of which, so far, she has detailed.

Perhaps it is my perception, or lack thereof, or dullness, but given that statement, I confess I’m not really looking for a TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER membership. Having never found, definitively, a construct for my eclectic seeking for an identity probable to my needs.

Learning to read has surfaced as my greatest experience. Mother read to me at times, not often, but when she did, the memories remain. Add, the many and various phrases, words, constructs, cockleburs, that eclipse even my first sexual experience now. And I confess the several, well actually, many that followed linger at the back of the stove growing indifferent by comparison. Making love with, not to, is an art seldom shared.

It is true of me that mother castrated me with her accusations of incest . . . have I mentioned the mystery of my baby sitter and her kissing lessons? That preceded the accusation, at twelve years of age; not specific mind you but experientially something cataclysmic, taking nearly a lifetime to understand . . . the engine of my curiosity? Perhaps.

Soon to depart life I no longer mourn the lack of a woman into whom I could tango my soul. I remain something of a Boy Scout about sex. Too dedicated to love itself; tolerant to a point of ridiculous loyalty. Staying long after the slander and disdain became unbearable. Accustomed to being an inconvenient commodity, a stray, I have always struggled not to treat anyone else that way.

Apparently I am more turned on by a well defined mind than an ankle, knee or breast. An expensive education, nominal, but adequate for what ever remains of my life.

Bewildered at all my failures in relationships, I wander back and forth examining the details, to the limits of my capacity attempting to understand my part and responsibility. I think we all lose the love children and pets can give; not dependent upon anything -- eventually -- but the core of it. That which loves despite being burned alive. . . .or beaten to death.

I live to mine consciousness seeking an education outside the box of vocation or relationship to one individual. . . .all institutions seem tar babies to me. . . .caught in the thicket of thorns and murdered with ten thousand cuts.

121210 05:16 Anniversary

Death is not an end in itself but a beginning again. I do not know where my son or daughter are yet for me they remain not dust but vital elsewhere. Today is Randy’s anniversary, the day he died before my eyes. Swiftly followed by his internment; myself prostrate with grief beside him remaining broken until now thirty-six years later.

My dreams inform me of alternative attitudes. Remembering now the many wherein Randy’s mother remains fixed immutable conventional mired in her time and culture . . . so like my mother and the daughters one biological who died the adopted one abandoning me as it seems by her dearth words I did her at critical times.

While writing, sometimes, I leap away, not from boredom, or block, but seeking the words coincident to mine in time. Quotes being my favorite resource. Today is the anniversary of Emily Dickinson’s birth and the death of my maternal grandfather. I am less bewildered by any part, one or all, the events forming my now. All read and reconciled forming a bridge over which I will pass the pit of “The Holiday Season.” Traversed on thin air; alone.

Could it be that Santa Claus is more emblematic of God, giving free gifts unconditionally, than the one or several Saint Nicolas’? Or Buddha with a sack upon his back?

In any case I shall, as I did this former night, awake Christmas morn with gifts in my mouth and a spasmodically flashing star growing from my crown. The greatest of which is fearless faith in life as gift not punishment.

121211 04:23

During the intervening hours since I last wrote I became conscious of a new perspective on why and what I write. Time passes and I swim against it’s theft of my life. Discovering that it was not my children alone but for all the friends and acquaintances lost I annotate the world as I sense it. Astonished that I care instead of simply go berserk.

Grief being the darkness of love, the obverse is indifference. And why, in general, I avoid the box stores and commercial broadcasts of “holiday spirit.” I have a sense that I am not swimming but standing, a hoary old stone laved by the on rushing flow of time worn smooth; reconciled to the ebb and flow of creation. Sand blast being quicker than water or wind but more subtle than oblivion.

Had we met, at any point between Randy’s night and now, I would have told you first that I am the parent of two children past . . . that is not exclusively true of me, for I never had a life before now. It walked, talked, made gas; but enclosed within was this penchant for making cathedrals of words transparent.

So in some sense loss is finding a reason to go on living another minute, hour, day -- otherwise it would be like Jerzy Kosinski suffocating himself nude in the bathtub while holding a plastic grocery bag . . . now that’s real dedication; an intention fulfilled.

121209 13:02 education
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 10, 2012

Epiphanies come and go, in the sense that each is a rebirth; the death of one epoch and virgin birth of another.

My spool of yarn plays out growing both smaller and larger in consequence. Fond of bread crumbs myself, I am aware, that for most, the crumbs are eaten by predators who contort and control our time, culture and history.

Healing is sold in terms of magic bullets -- one time solutions. And pain is an overwhelming issue, or master, that impels us to move from now to somewhere else; a new perception?

Self knowledge is for me something that I fear losing; becoming apostate to my self. Impossible now and I wonder why? Faith and fearless confidence is my conscious choice.

Wander, wonder, curiosity are apt descriptions of my consciousness. The season of Advent is darkness for me, once confessed and shared with other adults, randomly, I am surprised that many share my feelings of impending doom. December, it seems, is the month of death and suicide. Survival of which implies another year of life. Such knowledge lends little tolerance given my experiences. Of course it helps to write this out yet in doing so I am aware that for others, significant to me, no, more beloved; I am a terror to their mood of conviviality. So I burrow into the season in an attempt to understand and prevail. The effort is not to own but wrestle my life into some form of meaning, organic and whole.

It was once an ideal to suffer with a mate. Yet never able was I to trust that they would not betray me, or my sense of self, as something other and unwanted. Astonished that I still live and live well a life alone since I can turn off the noise of commerce selling me alternative feelings. Small wonder some go berserk running amok killing anything within view, attempting, or so I sense, to establish a normative truth for themselves. (Laughter!)

Writing is obviously less lethal and rewarding in the sense that it gives me something to do instead of playing  with myself seeking intimacy. I profoundly miss having the hospice staff ask how was my Christmas; then telling them, “Well it’s over, isn't it?”

Intimate with death I discover reasons to go on living and prize the experience.

121208 12:44

Naked, alone, in darkness, face down upon the glacier of indifference this world become; life sold as commodities, in the pit of covetous selfishness; burned alive, not frozen, before the Judge. I ask that I be given the courage to forgive what has become of our lives and the ability to forgive my anger.

Black Friday, aptly named, thirty six years ago, I stood handing my son Randy an early Christmas gift; knowing he would not live until the day. He asked why? I was speechless; in reply he said; “Oh.” We left the milling throng of consumers behind to finish the six year long journey into the night: 7pm December 10th when he drown in his own blood a victim; of Leukemia begun when he was four.

Ten years old. He was and remains, the best of what I wanted of life. Destroyed by doctors and nurses who, before his birth, knew nothing of the cumulative effect of radiation via x ray in his mothers womb.

During the intervening time, until recently, realizing the cause, I presumed it was I, not the doctors who killed him. The only reason I did not run amok was that it is not my nature but the thought remains lending empathy to those who do.

 - Noam Chomsky
"It is easy to be carried away by the sheer horror of what the daily press reveals and to lose sight of the fact that this is merely the brutal exterior of a deeper crime, of commitment to a social order that guarantees endless suffering and humiliation and denial of elementary human rights.”

"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."

Having many questions is my only value to myself. The answers I have discovered are my only wealth; mine exclusively.

Life, short or long, is a death sentence; sell it dearly. I wish for you to be precious to yourself. Not as defined by those who purport to lead but by your own definitions moderated by doing no harm.

Be well.

121209 10:44

Parts of me remain mired in grief regarding the deaths of my children. Manifest at times and defined as sadness, anger and, at worst, emphatic rage. Indiscriminate--against everything indifferent to experience, truth and individual freedom to feel, think and be as we, separately, need to be or become for the love of life itself. By sincere honesty I confess that God is included yet moderated in time by the realization that God asks, or seems to ask, that we do for others what God refuses to do in ordinary time. The apogee being imbalance between indifference and love demonstrated by selfishness or generosity. Simply stated: those who take and those who give. Henry Ford’s; “Don’t find fault, find a solution.”

It is easy to throw stones; finding fault. A cheap intellectual exercise without consciousness of why. Avoiding or our responsible effort to understand our perception and it’s source and nature. Fraught with addiction to status quo. Such wisdom, as I might aspire to, has been gleaned from monumental failures. As demonstrated by my foolish attacks; irking the ire of those who would slay me as easily as they do and have done with most, if not all, who provide an inconvenience to them.

In person I am neutral, balanced, at time humorous, possibly glib; yet sincere in my concern for the difficulties of all I meet. If appropriate, or possible, I attempt to lend a hand, or a saving/salvific word. A touch upon what I perceive to be the brokenness to retard the headlong rush to self destruction or the indiscriminate mayhem towards anyone or thing handy in the moment of rage.

If you know yourself it is possible to ride the dragon more often than be eaten by it.

- Horace
"He who postpones the hour of living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses."

"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant."

"Think to yourself that every day is your last; the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise."

121208 04:03 self-determination
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Burlesque of Governance

Tho i make jest, the burlesque of governance, it is a deadly business bankrupting the world’s economy with self-congratulatory rewards for doing so. I would rather call them murders than thieves; but they are in fact both and unworthy the mouse droppings it would cost to obscure their ashes in death.

Everything I might say regarding what is good, fine and beyond, moth and rust, has been said before; better and by far wiser than I can aspire to be. Immortality is not an issue of acclaim, celebrity or guaranteed afterlife. Yet it is true and exists in all life; nothing is lost in infinity save that which is prostituted for material gain in the present.

Why do I write and about what? It is for those I have known; and now know well in poverty; of the wealth of living fearlessly in a time of chaos. The abortion of all moral and ethical values.
True, many have passed beyond my reach in death, yet are remembered and best reflected in/to not those about to die or their bereaved. But. Perhaps better in the avoidance of reality: our time, culture and institutional exploitation. The a fore named fleas who feast upon we the dog populous and the host upon which mutually ride.

This format is strictly a personal journal of all candor and transparency. Foolish? Perhaps yet in fact life and keeping a journal is not the goal; the journey is. Process. What we see is not what we get. We are not our bodies or minds but something far grander than one can imagine alone. Love and the discovery of love, real, actual, is a task for all life self-defined. Our time colludes to obscure reality from us by entertainment for profit in the process perverting self-knowledge while milking us as if we were factory animal farm ciphers.

121205 07:50

I write now with a significantly different intention; no longer frantic with inspiration, but aware the after effect. That small drop of water on the surface of still pond ripples beyond the shores containing it.

Ask and you will receive from a source unimaginable outside all the orthodoxy of history. In wondering “why” and “what for” I have come to a perception that is not exclusively mine from a source beyond understanding. God? Lover! Both. Names imply having what cannot be had or had by.

With extreme prejudice I was accused of incest with my sister, who I now believe had, at age six, no idea of what was going on. Nor did I at that point, 12 years old, but now many decades latter it becomes clear the contortions imposed in what I now consider castration. For which I am grateful since it informs my motives to write now for others who are similarly decapitated by the authority of parent, tribe, nation.


More nearly burned alive at the stake of conservancy.

Such an unjust death is inevitable yet when seen in context it is less traumatic. To be touched by this energy, the power, wisdom is impossible for me to describe: what informs me that I must act instead of be a victim. And at that lends me no sense of what happens in transition from “life” to “death” or the afterwards. If I have any genius, whatever that means, it is the will to accept the unknowing, or the unknown speaking to all life above the din.

Loving, comedic, compassionate and empathetic . . . why do I weep? It was clearly stated by Paul once called Saul: Corinthians 1:13. To gaze into the dark glass and see what sees me looking is astonishing. Nothing changes except perception.

I am utterly different from day to day, yet I seem, to others, the same. Without intercourse with the real world around me I would otherwise remain oblivious to the unfolding of a consciousness in time; an arbitrary construct.

What is real love is immaterial; leaving no monument or trace in context of receiving but giving. Confused from birth until now I recognize the healing as a process begun from then and ongoing. The gem of consciousness is organic, gestating with new facets; unfolding mindfulness. A Buddhist term for self healing which, I sense, can only be inseminated by suffering. Given birth through becoming nothing--no thing--definable. Kindness by way of a simile, recognition, merger with reality.

121206 23:17

It is true of me that I live to work; versus work to live. This realization is after a lifetime of prostituting myself to other ideals and/or persons idealized. This is the oddest Advent Season of my memory, stunning in the realization that I love and am loved by someone uncertain of seeing again in this or any other lifetime imaginable. In this sincere knowledge it follows that were I as brutally honest with you as I am with myself, I’d tell you that birth is a sacrificial event. We all die and thus, as with myself, to you I’d say every moment it precious for in the next minute we die. At the same time I would advise all to educate yourselves as if you will never die.

When Jesus answered Nicodemus with “born again” it forms my sense of actual virgin birth, death, resurrection and/or reincarnation. In a sense to live light years in a moment.

Yet in fact I am not exclusively; Christian at least insofar as I am able to discern by others who proclaim or profess being so. Instead I consider myself a citizen of all creation; conscious of at all times the number of AIDS orphans and the Tibetan Buddhist burning themselves alive in protest. When I express my gratitude for the meal, silently to myself, I remember those residing under Interstate bridges. Knowing them of greater dignity than any other I can think of.

For an overweight lower middle-class white boy from Greenwich Connecticut; this astonishes me. Looking back at my high school years, remembering a trip to Greenwich Village with one of my two favorite art teachers, being told it would take me a lifetime to get over being middle-class I now realize it was a self-fulfilling prophesy. As indicated by Twain, Einstein and several others: it is not so much what we have learned but what we must unlearn to find the truth of our individual self; our greatest creation.

My son died on December 10th, a date I memorialize; remembering that my maternal grandfather also died that date, eleven days before winter solstice. M’s birthday is the next longest day: the 22nd. Only one astonishing facet of she who saved me from ending my life.

Love, for, or from me, never tells another who they are. Possibly incomprehensible to them and thus a burden instead of a gift. My only exception being to remind them that they can be fearlessly precious to themselves.

Be well. Be the wealth you are for others.

121204 0844 burlesque
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Monday, December 3, 2012

Shameless to admit; in both good and bad times, I have set the outermost limits: seeing mankind as vermin and divine; both. To choice between the two polarities is our greatest, at least for me -- for now -- the best expression of free will communicable.

A little of Annie Dillard, a lot of Franz Kafka and a smattering of manifold authors throughout time helps a great deal. Their conjecture defining the parameters of consciousness and conscience. Of course, it is impossible to leave out the wisdom books. To which I add all and not exclusively The Bible.

121201 02:45 Swiftly submerging into nadir of life, the longest night, I do add: to me the world is a dog and upon it ride, for free, fleas who rule by theft. That, in the main, is the body. The tail however is wagged by lunatic zealots or fanatics; fundamentalist who in large measure treasure the past over the present.

Happily bereft of anything other than a companion cat; I am able to no longer need television to hold my private thoughts immune from housemates accusations that I am insane. It follows that upon entering, thrice weekly, the men’s locker room, I witness the excretory functions of celebrity “tits and ass” plus a few Chiclets toothed men in Armani suits being flatulent through the obverse orifice. The burlesque is enhanced by a braying politician.

Molested from infancy until recently; so near death. In a sense learning to traverse life as if in a dark room covered in marbles; chaos and chance being my middle name actually. I find myself no longer resentful of those who stole my inheritance and now promise to censure the World Wide Web.

Odd, the education I’ve received, paid to witness the supercilious pretending importance. More bizarre; is the ability to bless my executioners knowing their divinity indifferent to them. To suffer the fools I have.

- Demosthenes
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true.”
It is not possible to found a lasting power upon injustice, perjury, and treachery.
What we wish, that we readily believe.”

121130 05:12 The absence of fear
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Orthodoxy can not stand against the available information via the World Wide Web. Fight for the freedom of information, do no harm, but protest and boycott the rich for whom we are their food and future.

"Our democracy is but a name. We vote? What does that mean? It means that we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed, autocrats. We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.… You ask for votes for women. What good can votes do when ten-elevenths of the land of Great Britain belongs to 200,000 and only one-eleventh to the rest of the 40,000,000? Have your men with their millions of votes freed themselves from this injustice?" -Letter published in the Manchester Advertiser (3 March 1911), quoted in A People's History of the United States (1980) page 345 -Helen Keller

"When we love properly, we expand our love for a few to compassion for all. This love can help all beings to live with happiness and freedom, and it is anything but small and powerless--it is the reason for our existence!" - Buddhist Master

Censorship is the weapon of those who seek to keep the status quo. Manifest principally in education designating those who wish to live well in pre assigned roles of slavery. My sense is that they are the economic terrorist who control everything we do and will to become. Follow the money, the coin of power and see where it goes and who it defends. Discovering in the process who pays living and dying in prostitution to ideals impractical to real life; in flesh and blood terms--as lived.

Obvious to you and to myself, through the reliance, in this instance, upon quotes, is a discovery that from the beginning to end of all history by communication there are threads of revolutionary protest indicating a higher consciousness of what it means to be a person inconvenient to those who administrate our lives.

What I advocate is not revolution but consciousness of who wins and who loses; merely justice as defined by history . . . 121129 02:38 I stopped at this point unsure; disheartened by a seasonal report on the commercialization of what is intrinsically meaningful to me. Our values change as we grow in understanding of what issues are valuable and lacking in any meaning other than greed. Real kindness instead of hype and millions upon billions stolen from us to convince we, the consumers that they, the corporations and institutions are benign instead of malevolent.

We are at a turning point in history and have an opportunity to participate in what we want from life; something greater, kinder and more loving than what is on offer for the sweat of our brow. Institutions: governmental, religious or business lie all the time. Beware. We must agree together and not be lead by those who profit.

121128 03:56 orthodoxy
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Beauty or grotesque is poetic or photographic; yet knowing not how but why I do either; both will serve for now.

Seeing the divine within all is problematic and my vision/version no longer subject to critics who seek what they wish. What and why I do as I do is for my souvenirs; not others. It is said that this attitude, or perception, is finding “a voice.” Personal and explicit--possibly insane--so be it.

True, of and for me; all events: random chance, felicitous or synchroneity. Perilous to those who volunteer to be recorded by either: memory fixed and removable as in digital photography--or this memory that writes. At least for now. No longer fearing the dribbling of it out my nose in Alzheimer or crushed beneath, burned alive or merely voiceless never to sing the songs sung to me and all.



The tale and price of an original Beethoven manuscript sold for an obscene amount. And wondering if Jesus reappeared that He, before speech could be uttered, would be eaten alive; toe nails and all. What is whole and holy being had but nothing of the spirit.

For, against, about which can I save? Certainly alone nothing but these moments of epiphany. Envisioning myself laughing/crying the sight, or recording . . . for what and why? The language and hearing soon disappeared; of dust dancing devilish in desert succumbing to dust again.

The act of creation is, in-and-of-itself, a reprise of all that began the bang--The Big One.

The All and the Why!

And i, a mud wasp making a nest, no better or less, than any who change the world but for a moment experiential. In prayer I would dance as the stars; but as I am: I call myself Lurch.

Not a faux Frankenstein but the creator of him, made one her self; by life itself. Of course it was by the material seeking/loving world not the divine. . . .souls being more than akin to angels: gender doesn’t matter.
121124 10:08 aesthetic
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

all are: the nucleus of infinity

Over run with innocence or the obverse: consciousness -- all are both created and evolved. The desire -- no -- longing to be something, anything, worthy of life is the nexus around which all life revolves.

Difficult, impossible actually, to define the why, who and what I seek combing the cosmos; I still find it in miniature within all life common/extraordinary. Loath to tear one from the other part; and disabled to call one evil another divine. Knowing from my own trials the ultimate good is more merciful than I am to myself. . . . or by my own lights, be to another save being saved from my self shredding.

Gloria Steinem was the first of many, before and since, women I thought of bedding; not so much her mind/body but her soul. Curious to know her as entire not simple pleasure. Now I wonder what the yin and yang are about? Light and Darkness? Good and evil? Or, more over, a light greater than that which ignites my desire.

What is our ignition point; when we, dry kindle or moist mold, burst into flame? Not a war between love and hate, but both against indifference and complacency. Ignorance of self and all else.

To know the Creator is a trial worth all that I was and will be for it is my bliss; responsibly--more so now for life itself. Noble?


Since it seems that which is within all life: it’s reason for being.

And at that, and all, this day, my encounter with the man curious about poetry of which I know the spirit but not the how. Making my second cuppa coffee, a sin against my bladder; addiction? Possibly! Who cares? Not me. I stood watching the water suffuse the grounds and said, simply, “collector.” From those few who respond in derision or praise I know those nearest me read me not. In word or person save those rare times from emerald gaze I know love as real . . . a gift newly defined moment by moment never ending. Expanding not limiting.



I have no fear of gain or loss. Being a teacher is reward enough; to see the conflagration torched within another. Each of us is on our own path; the redemption/reconciliation or loss which only the Author can know; not we. Or us.

Save singly; alone in the light and dark of our lives tumult or peace.

It could well be that we are both, divine and cancer, upon this soon to be impotent ball. It takes time beyond imagining to grow a worm or rose in stone. Can we, for now, for the time remaining, call women equal in quality, to we little boys, never growing up?

Love is all. And sex mere reproduction; or a facet of the whole. Listen to your heart, not the snoring throng.

121124 08:37 all are: the nucleus of infinity
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

To live or die for our family of mankind is bliss

“Rest when tired” is a luxury never allowed to mothers; of father’s seldom. Perhaps this is why Eric Hoffer was so able to define the enemy as us. We the people defining ourselves by specific moral and ethical standards rigid; so immutable as to be intransigent; traitors and betrayers of all that is good and potential in life, love and liberty in and of ourselves as well as the world at large.

Axioms, slogans, koans and parables; all talismanic to consider in the ordinary of our wasted lives. To be or not to be, noble or ignoble, in the common of life is not the issue so much as to what are we, individually, to ourselves? What remains as the stone of time rolls moss less to the end of it’s trajectory: death?

Children love repetition while becoming angry, agitated, aggrieved at innovation. Rather I should say merely change. For me, Henry Ford’s; "Don't find fault, find a remedy." Is nearly as important as Jesus’; “Love your enemy.” Each imperative is consciously to fall face first into a box of broken razor blades writhe discovering one’s self rend from earlobe to nerve ending, and, at the moment why I am vertical instead of resting.

Some seek oblivion in sleep while I, it seems more often than not, find myself wrestling, if not with “God,” at the very least with myself--yet a higher consciousness than I alone am capable of. At that I find it no longer curious: an ability to seek and find the source of my disquiet--not disease.

The who, what and why of “God” is answered in all religions, philosophies and governance. Yet partially. And espoused by those who would profit not those whose love of consciousness is not a game but a vital reality. Generally considered prophecy using inconvenient truths as argument against entropy. All are born equal in opportunity to seek yet are the most part those happy with toys dependent upon the esteem of others gurgling blissful in playpens: local or global.

Without guidance or inspiration the difficulty of conflict resolution is to intervene between the aggrieved; one child beating another to death with the conflicted prize. Our ability to extinguish conflict is obvious yet slipping from our grasp. Thankfully so since the exercise of resolution means the extinction of all life now. Where is Solomon when we need him most?

And of “God,” or the highest consciousness possible, where is the resolution? Creation remains silent while we the created are hell bent for election, the privilege to decide; stewardship or exploitation?  Collaboration has become a political sin laughably so. The wannabe, like the was, Emperor naked in greed; an addiction to power psychotic

My disquiet, the conclusions awakening me, is personal and become irrelevant to this stream of thought. At issue is negotiation, dialog; an attempt to resolve with reason not destruction. Which is protagonist and who is antagonist; what is the nature of their motivation, intentions and objectives?

Following an intuition I sought answers in what has become the most highly read post of all: from Eric Hoffer. Followed by fourteen hours of mediation integrated with the ordinary of my extraordinary life--not mine alone but all life is extraordinary--once we consciously integrate death as it’s reasonable conclusion--every moment becomes precious. If I leave a breadcrumb trail behind me, it is for those who follow that they learn this simple lesson. Life, whether by accident, creation or evolution cannot be mutually exclusive to those who consider it so. Consider yourself in dollars and cents: one dollar. Ninety cents of your consumption is health by choice; the remaining ten cents is immutable and due to the simple arithmetic of genetics.

Life, Love and Liberty are not for sale by individual choice; choose to be a commodity or a self, never a slave. Violent input, violent output; the drug of the fearful and weak.

More on this in the latter future. Only if there is one.

121119 02:52 adversary

Predation is what we represent to the world at large. This has been true of all colonial powers throughout time from prehistory. In a sense it should be less surprising than the discovery that 99.9 percent of all people masturbate. There is a linkage here I have been attempting to mindfully discover since witnessing a papa bear masturbating in a cage, lolled back in boredom in his captivity. Oddly, at the time, alone with my very young children--unique in itself since my forever wife Susan seldom trusted me alone with them individually or together. I had not to pretend to shelter them or their curiosity.

With cause? I know many of my family who think me insane . . . perhaps better to cross the void on thin air.

When you are rejected and despised by your parents, it is difficult to find a reason to live. Suicide becomes a relief valve daily revisited. Political and religious figures assume the role of a parent without the obvious sacrificial aspect of good parents. Or, as it was before history became marzipan, a sweet lie, a confection to bury the masses in, It was the nature of kingship to be sacrificed in the right season for the King/Queen to have his/her heart torn out to fecundate the fields next time; possibly the origin of Thanksgiving that most of us are unaware of. Regardless of how much I love Buddha and Lao Tzu returning to the root of me I discovered Jesus again and again anew.

Yet this is not what I wanted to talk about essentially. It was awakening with an overwhelming gratitude for my life. Without denigration, I presume it ending soon, yet suspended in a desire to know more of all the wonderful people for whom I have endless gratitude including the Creator. Death is a small price to pay for the glory of life. Explicit: integration means change from what we were to what we can become free of greed and ego.

Odd to say but sometimes I wish I were blind and unable to see what I don’t want to see--but what is. When viewing photographs of those currently “In Shame” I see hard bodies, admirable. Whose mating seems reasonable as typical of all brothers at arms in harms way. I became aware of this when interviewing police, first responders, nurses and many same sex or different sexed relationships: love is inevitable in ways that the formal contractual marriage seldom is.One’s self seen differently, no longer a convenience or wall paper. Trust--Active.

Moral and ethical rectitude have no meaning here. The relationship is above and beyond law yet accountable to it: law. At first I saw the young woman as a predator and the wife aggrieved. Knowing from first hand choice not to participate in or with people who collect success as a trophy. With time I have begun not to write so much from inspiration but what happens afterwards; attempting to integrate the ideal with reality. And at that it is only for those of us who know ourselves somehow outside the norm; confessional, if only to ourselves and God, or to those who become aware of the nature of chaos and failure--we learn nothing from success but to repeat what seems obvious and by that become bored to tears.

No one can, or would want to, pay the price of my tuition. About which I’ve said enough, not to want a rehearsal of, the price paid; misunderstood by me for decades and only apparent and apprehended around middle age. That is not why I write--that is if you can call it writing--I tend not to take myself seriously; laughter being my nature. Joy, actually! At my expense.

Life is an experience only you can validate and redeem. Knowing how difficult it is to love and have compassion for one’s self is. I give it preemptively via silence and/or action and speech. What was it Willy Shakes said (William Shakespeare) in Macbeth? “Come home on your shield or impaled upon your sword.” True honor is not cheap. Obviously I find preemptive destruction dishonorable aka “Shock and Awe.”

Time and tide awaits no one, perhaps, except God, and then only on special occasions.

The nature of my gratitude is best described in what M has done for me. For her there is nothing I can give in reply or gratuity. Obviously, as with all true generosity, none is required.

If I speak in terms of healing, about which I once thought myself unique, at least to her. But later discerned it something she said to all her clients. Nonetheless let me be so bold as to annotate the ministry of Our Lord on earth: the miracles healing one after another seldom met with gratitude; He resorted to parables. Something akin to: Give a person a fish, they eat for a day. Give a person a parable, koan, axiom, quote and the person will live eternally. In a sense it is the words that eat our conceits and confections, that will humble us into loving ourselves.

This for me is the true nature of God:
One-on-one. . . .too good to be true but truth demonstrated if only you answer the invitation to dance. Choose your adversaries. Most are unworthy of your soul. Do no harm. Tell no one, simply walk away. How many, we’ll never know, did He, Jesus offer and walk away from? Lest you be as innocent as an infant, with or without the cunning as unto a cobra, you cannot know yourself.

The dignity of the self decapitated is only apparent to the poor who see God more clearly and rejoice in every breath.

"Man cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen." - Michel de Montaigne

Perhaps I can give nothing to M except my hungry self to celebrate her annual event: Thanksgiving, her birthday and Christmas combined. Nothing, that is, enabling her another breath, heartbeat, moment or day of life here on earth. But I will join those so privileged to have known her at all in all our humblest gratitude.

Happily, a stray, I will join to the extent possible her menagerie of great and small furry animals astonished at my good fortune not to be alone ever again. Tho she be for now ten miles distant and in time light years away. Such love transcends all definition.

Be well beloved and aware this season of becoming gratitude.

- Marc Estrin
Kindness trumps greed: it asks for sharing. Kindness trumps fear: it calls forth gratefulness and love. Kindness trumps even stupidity, for with sharing and love, one learns.”

121120 19:17 MST To close . . . l have been wrestling with my sense of injustice and discovered a need to not enter the heart of darkness--the only proclivity I take seriously about and within my Self.

So instead of advocating, in fiction or fact, open season on bankers and/or the general--nothing new here--rule of thieves I will mark my losses as tuition in the school of terrorism: Reality. Preparing another pot of pinto beans with small bits of Bologna, some corn and diced tomatoes: Two deaths never make one whole life. The longest story, love, never rots nor decays but grows. From forgiveness.

121120 04:44 Predation
© 2012 by Jack Spratt - All Rights Reserved